Call the emergency hot line and seek the help of professional health
care workers immediately if any discomfort is felt or accident
happened while using the concentrator.
Turn off the concentrator after use. Unplug the plug cord from the
power outlet if long time no use of concentrator. Do not pull out the
power cord when removing the plug.
Electrical Safety Requirement
The concentrator should be kept away from explosive atmosphere.
Oxygen is combustion-supporting gas. No smoking near the working
oxygen concentrator. The oxygen concentrator should be kept away from
matches, burning cigarettes and other objects of high temperature or fire
Textiles and other normally non-combustible materials are easily ignited
and boiled in oxygen-enriched air. Ignorance of this warning may result
in serious fire, property damage, and personal injury or death.
Turn off the equipment before accessing it for different power outlet.
Please pay attention to electricity safety. Do not turn on the
concentrator if the plug or power lines damaged. Ensure to cut off the
power when cleaning the concentrator or cleaning and replacing the
Install the regulator device when the voltage is higher than the normal
range or in fluctuation.
To extend the life span of the machine, reboot 5 minutes after each
shutdown to prevent the compressor to start under pressure.
Do not open the cabinet and intake window of concentrator under any
Oxygen concentrators are strictly prohibited for children to avoid
Avoid unattended the concentrator after connected to the power supply.
Safety tips for oxygen Inhale
No smoking while using the oxygen concentrator.
Follow the physician's guidance for it is used for medical treatment.
Oxygen poisoning, oxygen allergy patients are prohibited.
The oxygen flow rate shouldn’t be too high, or upon the request of the
physician. If the person or service person feels that the oxygen content is
insufficient, please contact the supplier or doctor immediately and