Sincerely thank you for purchasing this products.
Before using, please read through the manual,
to ensure that you use the product correctly.
Warranty Period
1 Year
Earphones × 1 Pair
Alterna�ve Ear Tips(XS, S, M) × 3 Pair
(M size one are in Earphones)
Charging Box × 1 Set
Charing Cable × 1 Set
User Manual and Guarantee × 1 Set
Connect and Pair via Bluetooth
When connec�ng a new Bluetooth devices, you need to pair it with the product. Once the
Bluetooth device and the product are paired. You do not need to pair them again.
The product will connect the devices automa�caaly when you open the charging case cover.
To ensure connec�ng successfully, please make sure switch on Bluetooth on your device.
Insert the product into the ear correctly.
Posi�on of
“L” “R” Mark
Pairing between L and R Earphones
When power turn off, Long press the bu�om and power will turn on with
confirma�on tone “Power on” . Then earphones will connect to each other with
tone “Connec�ng, Le� Channel, Right Channel.” When they finish, the confirma�on
tone “Pairing” announce.
Do not remove finger from the sensor un�ll the confirma�on tone “Power on” anounce.
The confirma�on tone “Le� Channel” “Right Channel” will announce from le� earphone
and right earphone seperately.
The confirma�on tone “Pairing” will announce from le� earphone.
The product automa�cally turns off a�er 10 minutes of not being connected to a device.
Long touch the sensor area will turn on/off the power with confirma�on tone “Power
on / Power off” . Earphones power will turn off automa�cally when charging.
Please turn off the power when you do not use.
Indicator Lamps
of earphones :
In Charging Status: The lamps light in red.
In Standby Status: The “L” earphones indicator lamp flashes in green
quickly, while “R” earphone indicator lamp flashes in green slowly.
Part Name
Indicator Lamp
XS · S · M
Charging Case
(Qi Standard Charge)
Indicator Lamps
Display the
opera�ng status.
Micro USB Charge Jack
Mul�func�on Bu�on
Posi�on of the bu�on are the
same between L and R side
Charge the Case and Earphones
If the earphone ba�ery power is running low, the product will play
a confirma�on tone through the earphone "Low Ba�ery
Please Charge."
for many �me. Please place the earphones into the case.
*A�er place the earphones into the case, it will
recharge automa�cally in a few seconds. Please
make sure that the cover is closed.
*It will take 2 hours to charge up the earphones.
(during the charging, Please place the charging
case flat.)
Charging Case Charge (Cable Charge & Wireless Charge)
When the charging case ba�ery power is
under 25%, please use included charging
cable or wireless charger to recharge.
The Check of Ba�ery Power
Place the earphones into the case, and close
the covers. When you reopen the cover again.
The lamps will show the current ba�ery power.
Indicator lamps
Place the case on
the wireless charger
can be charged.
Wireless Charger are
not included. Please
purchase it in other ways
if you need.
Connect to USB Adapter & Port
Connect to
Charging Case
Automa�cally Pair (Since the Second Time)
The First Time Pair with Bluetooth Devices
Before pairing, please turn on Bluetooth func�on
on your devices. And search for the product.
When you Bluetooth device finds the product,
“KX-158TW” will be displayed on the devices.
Select “KX-158TW” to pair the product and your Bluetooth
device. Confirma�on tone “Pairing successfully connected”
will play.
A�er pairing successfully, Earphones indicator lamps flashes
in blue slowly.
Turn on Bluetooth func�on on your devices. Open
the cover and earphones power turns on automa�cally.
Then they will connect with each other and reconnect
to your Bluetooth device. Remove the earphones from
the charging case and enjoy using.
*If the product fail to reconnect, please delete the pair
record on your device, and follow step 2-3 again.
If you get in trouble on the first �me pair. And KX-158tw are not found on your device.
Please turn off and on Bluetooth func�on on your device again and search.
If KX-158tw are found on your device, please delete the record and pair again.
The earphones will play confirma�on tone “Disconnected” when earphones
disconnect with Bluetooth device.
Please read the user
manual for the
Bluetooth device.
User Manual / Guarantee