UAB KOMFOVENT we reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
2.4. ECO mode
ECO – an energy saving mode intended for minimizing power consumption. Power consumption is reduced by turning
off heating/cooling devices, making maximum use of outdoor air or decreasing fan speed. During ECO mode:
• Electrical heater is blocked, all other external air heating/cooling devices are switched off.
• Rooms are cooled/heated with the outside air without a recuperator when the outside air temperature falls within the
set temperature range.
• When supply air temperature is below a set minimum value (in winter) or exceeds a maximum value (in summer), the unit
attempts to maintain the air temperature by decreasing ventilation intensity.
Setting the temperature range, switching off recuperation or heating/cooling devices may be done in the ECO mode set-
tings (see chapter “Control and Settings”).
2.5. AUTO mode
During AUTO mode, ventilation intensity is adjusted by a weekly schedule or air quality in the premises, i.e. ventilation is
activated only when necessary or desired.
2.5.1. Weekly operation schedule
If you want the unit to operate when you need it, you can create a weekly operation schedule. The unit has 3 default
weekly operation schedules tailored to different situations. Also, you can create your own schedule:
Working week
Stay at home
At night the unit operates in
eration mode, and in the morning or
evening it switches to
tion mode.
The unit is switched off during the
working day.
The unit operates only during the work-
ing days: in
operation mode
until noon and in
mode in
the afternoon.
The unit is switched off during nights
and weekends.
The unit operates all the time: in
operation mode during the night and
operation mode during the
Programs, times and days of a schedule may be changed (see chapter “Control and Settings”).
2.5.2. Air quality control function
Air quality control function activates ventilation only when necessary, i.e. when the air quality is poor. If the indoor air
quality is good, the unit will ventilate at minimum speed or stop. Air quality in the premises may be controlled by impurity
or humidity sensors connected to B8 terminal (see “Installation Manual”).
As air impurity and humidity control methods slightly differ, the air quality control function is divided into:
• Impurity control
Impurity function is controlled via the following sensors:
– carbon dioxide concentration sensor [0...2000 ppm];
– air quality sensor [0...100 %];