7.14.4 Use as directed
The STO function is exclusively intended to provide a functional safe torque off of the drive.
To achieve this functional safety, the wiring of the safety circuits must meet the safety
requirements of IEC 60204, ISO 12100 and ISO 13849.
If the local STO function is in use, then the input STO must be connected to the exit of a
safety control or a safety relay, which at least meets the requirements of PLd, CAT 3 accord-
ing to ISO 13849.
The 24 VDC supply unit for local STO supply must accord to PELV (EN 60204-1) require-
7.14.5 Prohibited use
The STO function must not be used if the drive is to be made inactive for the following reas-
Cleaning, maintenance and repair operations, long inoperative periods. In such cases, the
entire system should be disconnected from the supply and secured (main switch).
Emergency-Off situations. In an Emergency-Off situation, the main relay is switched off
(by the Emergency-Off button).
Wiring the system with hybrid cables from other manufacturers than Kollmorgen is not
Changing cables or connectors is not allowed.
Do not use STO Status signals for functional safety.
7.14.6 Response Time
Global STO
The delay from falling edge at global STO Enable input until energy supply to the motors is
interrupted, depends on the number of connected AKD-N to the string. Maximum reaction
time is 10 ms. The more AKD-N are connected to the string, the shorter is the reaction time.
Local STO
The delay from falling edge at local STO Enable input until energy supply to the motor is inter-
rupted is maximum 10 ms.
7.14.7 Enclosure, wiring
Avoid pollution of the connectors with conductive obstacles Observe the required ambient
conditions as described in chapter (
# 29). The AKD-N can be used in an environment that
meets IP67.
The cables must be laid durably (firmly), protected from outside damage (for example, by lay-
ing the cable in a duct), placed in different sheathed cables, or protected individually by
grounding connection.
Wiring must meet the requirements of the standard IEC 60204-1.
Maximum cable length for safety relevant I/Os and for the 24 V supply is 30 m.
AKD-N Installation | 7 Technical description and data
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | February 2018