F4 , display follow, then press (OK) key to finish.
5. Repeat the inspection steps to measure the Index difference ( I angle). If the Index
Difference does not meet requirements redo the steps above. Please carefully repeat these
steps to ensure the proper result.
6. If Index Difference does not meet the requirements after the repeated operation the
instrument should be returned to factory for inspection and repair.
15.7 Optical Plummet
1. Set the instrument on the tripod and place a piece of white paper with two
perpendicular lines under the instrument.
2. Adjust the focus of the optical plummet and move the paper so that the intersection
point of the lines on the paper comes to the center of the field of view.
3. Adjust the leveling screws so that the center mark of the optical plummet coincides
with the intersection point of the cross on the paper.
4. Rotate the instrument around the vertical axis and at every 90° observe whether the