Operation and Maintenance Manual
Operating fluids and maintenance
5.3 Maintenance
5.3.1 Maintenance schedule
Using the maintenance schedule
The intervals during which a component can remain in operation between two
maintenances are in classified as follows:
is the operating period in hours.
Limit interval
is the maximum operating period in years.
Maintenance work is performed as soon as an interval (operating hours or time
period) is reached. The first interval that occurs applies.
Nominal values for the power generating unit
Power generating units that satisfy the requirements of ISO 8528-1:2005 are used
to generate current for continuous, peak load and stand-by applications. The
classifications according to ISO 8528-1:2005 should help improve the
understanding between manufacturer and customer.
Emergency standby power system (ESP)
The maximum available output that a power generating unit is able to supply if the
mains current fails or under test conditions up to 200 hours of operation a year
during variable power sequencing under the given operating conditions, whereby
the maintenance intervals and work are carried out in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications. The permissible average power output with 24-hour
operation should not be more than 85 percent of the nominal ESP value.
Prime power (PRP)
The maximum output that a power generating unit is able to supply continuously
over an unlimited number of hours a year under the agreed operating conditions
with a variable electric load, whereby the maintenance intervals and work are
carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. The permissible
average power output with 24-hour operation should not be more than 75 percent
of the nominal ESP value.
Continuous operating power (COP)
The maximum output that the power generating unit is able to supply continuously
over an unlimited number of hours a year under the agreed operating conditions
with a constant electric load, whereby the maintenance intervals and work are
carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
Time between overhauls (TBO)
The average period until Diesel engines have to be overhauled.
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