K47001 Autoignition Apparatus
Operation and Instruction Manual
To program a jump step, select jump for the step type and enter the step number that you want the program
to jump back to along with the total number of times the jump is to be made. A cycle count of one indicates
that no jump will be made since one cycle is completed upon reaching the jump step.
NOTE: the display has the ability to do nested looping by allowing multiple jump steps to be programmed
throughout a program. The Status screen will provide the current cycle count; however, this is the
cycle count of the current jump loop that the program is in. If nested jump loops are programmed,
this can cause operator confusion if they do not know which jump loop the program is currently in
based on the current step number.
Setting the End Step
All programs require that the last step is entered as an “End” step type regardless of the length (2 to 64 steps)
of the program. The end step type provides a cycle count entry which makes it easy for the operator to
repeat an entire program without having to enter a jump step. The end step cycle count can be set from 1 to
9999 cycles. An entry of 10,000 can also be made which signifies infinite looping. If the user enters 10,000
for the cycle count, the program will repeat indefinitely until stopped by the user.
If the display is configured for automatic program final set point entry, the set point field will be present. When
the program ends, the set point entered on the end step will be used as the loop set point. The loop control
will then remain at that set point until the user halts the program. The loop control will then return to the
previous static set point (prior to the start of the program) once the program is stopped.
The display configuration also provides the option for having the loop control return to the static mode of
operation when the program is completed. When configured to use the last control set point, the loop controls
will automatically return to the previous static set point (prior to the start of the program) when the program
ends. If there are questions or concerns about the configuration and operation of your the display controller,
contact your OEM for further information. Only your OEM can address equipment related issues.
When configured for
automatic program final set point entry,
the display will remain in the end step
until the user manually stops the program. If any loop control outputs are configured as events, they
will remain in the off state and cannot be turned back on until the program is stopped.