KMS MA-5 manual
Version 5.1
3.5 Correction tables
By clicking this function, correction tables are displayed that allow you to correlate ignition/injection to
certain sensor values.
Function key F11 switches between injection correction charts and ignition correction charts.
Coolant temperature correction
These tables are used to enter figures that indicate the relative richness or weakness (over the entire
injection diagram in % and/or ms) at readings that are within the range of the coolant temperature
sensor. You can use the diagram in, or the diagram in ms or even both at the same time.
This enables cold start enrichment to be achieved and it can also be used as a safeguard against
overheating, by providing enrichment at unduly high coolant temperatures. Cold start enrichment is
essential at low engine temperatures, because the fuel condenses against the cold cylinder walls and
is forced out of the exhaust without having been burned. As a result, the mix becomes too weak, so
that the engine will hesitate. To compensate for the loss of fuel at low engine temperatures, more fuel
will have to be injected.
There is also an option to completely cut off the injection so no fuel will be injected. If you insert
exactly -100% in the water temp. correction fields, fuel will cut off completely.
In the ignition correction table you can enter percentages for more/less pre-ignition. This allows
improvement of cold starting abilities for example.
Air temperature correction
Here figures can be entered that indicate the relative richness or weakness (over the entire injection
diagram in %) at readings that are within the range of the air temperature sensor.
As air density is dependent on temperature, the quantities of fuel to be injected will at low
temperatures be larger than at high temperatures. This table can also be used to offer protection when
the inlet temperature is excessively high, by providing extra enrichment.
In the ignition correction table you can enter percentages for more/less pre-ignition. For example, this
helps protect turbo engines from knocking when intake temperatures become too high.