– the warranty of highest quality at attractive price
2 z 16
Filtering unit
The purpose of the present Use and Maintenance Manual is to supply User with directions within the range of
application, assembly, start-up and operational use of the
Filtering unit.
Prior to assembly at the place of operation and use, it is important to get thoroughly acquain-
ted with the contents of the present instruction.
With regard to continuity of work carried on improvement of our products, we reserve for
ourselves the revision possibility of the draft and technological changes improving their
functional features and safety.
Construction of
meets the requirements of the current state of technology as well as the safety and
health assurances included in:
the safety and health assurances included in:
2006/42/EC Directive
of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 17 May, 2006 on machinery,
amending the 95/16/EC Directive (recast) / Official Journal EC L157 of the 09.06.2006, page 24);
2014/35/EC Directive
of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 26 February, 2014 on the harmo-
nisation of the laws of the Member States, relating to the making available on the market of electrical equipment
designed for use within certain voltage limits / Official Journal EC L96 of the 29.03.2014;
2014/34/EC Directive
of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 26 February, 2014 on the harmo-
nisation of the laws of the Member States, relating to the equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres / Official Journal EC L96 of the 29.03.2014 /
1999/92/EC Directive of the Council
of the 19 December, 1999 on minimum requirements regarding safety
of health protection of workers employed at workplaces where explosive atmosphere is likely to occur / Official
Journal No.138, Pos. 931/
Is in accordance with the subsequent harmonised standards:
EN ISO-12100:2012
Safety of machinery
– General principles of design – Assessment and reduction of hazard
EN 60204-1:2018-12
Safety of machinery
– Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements
EN ISO 13857:2010
Safety of machinery
– Safe distances to prevent hazard zones from being reached by up-
per and lower limbs
EN 60079-0:2013-03/A11:2014-03
Electrical appliances in areas of gas explosion hazard
– Part 0: General
EN 1127-1:2011
Explosive atmospheres
– Explosion prevention and protection. Basic terminology and me-
EN ISO 80079-36:2016-07
Explosive atmospheres
– Part 36: Non-electrical appliances in areas of explosion risk
Methodology and requirements
is appropriate for cleaning the dust laden air from dry dust particles, arising during production
processes with occurrence of powdery materials and dust particles of ST1 explosiveness class. The appliance is
equipped with 2 cartridge filters, with antistatic polyester membrane
– functioning on the basis of surface filtration.
Admissible maximum temperature of the filtered air is 40ºC.
The device can be applied for such processes as:
grinding of non-sparking materials,
sand blasting, shot peening,
mechanical cutting of metals, gas-, plasma-, laser-, arc cutting of metals,
polishing, planishing,
processing of plastics,
powder varnishing.
Basic advantages of the device are optimum filtration efficiency, long operational use (longevity) of the cartridge
filters, low power consumption and simple and fast maintenance. The appliance is admitted for use, according to
the Ex marking, for cleaning the air in areas of explosion hazard, according to the ATEX 137 1999/92/EC Directive.
According to ATEX, the operational conditions are specified (as for this device) as follows:
Ex II 3 D Ex tD A22 T200ºC. The subsequent markings are interpreted as
group II
– the device is designed for work in enterprises, in on-ground premises, in sites of occur-
rence of explosion atmospheres, except for application in areas of methane hazard
, or risk
connected with carbon dust
category 3
– the device is designed for application in areas where explosive atmospheres are likely
to occur, whereby the explosive atmospheres are of low risk
D hazard
– flammable dusts
– the electrical appliance is designed for function in areas of explosion hazard
– a marking for Ex protection category of the appliance – tight housing
– control procedure A for the area 22
T200ºC – the surface temperature of any part
of the device
will not exceed 200ºC during normal