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HP-5N Series
BIOS Setup
Setup Prompt Timeout
Selects the number of seconds to wait for the setup
activation key. 65535(0xFFFF) denotes indefinite waiting.
Bootup NumLock State
This allows you to determine the default state of the
numeric keypad. By default, the system boots up with
NumLock on wherein the function of the numeric keypad
is the number keys. When set to Off, the function of the
numeric keypad is the arrow keys.
Quiet Boot
Enables or disables the quiet boot function.
Fast Boot
Enables or disables boot with initialization of a minimal
set of devices required to launch active boot option. Has
no effect for BBS boot options.
GateA20 Active
Upon Request- GA20 can be disabled using BIOS
Always- Do not allow disabling GA20; this option is
useful when any RT code is executed above 1MB.
Option ROM Messages
Set display mode for option ROM.
Interrupt 19 Capture
Enabled: Allows option ROMs to trap Int 19.
CSM Support
Enabled/ disabled CSM support. If auto is selected,
based on OS, CSM will be enabled/ disabled