Page 1: ...G ...
Page 2: ...vigation NAVIARMandNAVCPLD Mode Approach APPRIARMandAPPRICPLD Mode BackCourse BC Mode 32 Go AroundMode 32 OptionalAltitudeSelect 32 AltitudeHold ALT Mode 33 ManualElectricTrim 33 ControlWheelsteering 33 TakeoffandClimbtoSelectedAltitude 35 Outboundon FrontCoursefor Procedure TurntolLSApproach 36 37 FrontCourse ILSApproach with Missed RNAVCapture 40 41 KFC200FlightControlSystem KFC200SystemIntegrat...
Page 3: ... pistontwin Inthis Pilot s Guide you ll find answersto most of your questions regarding the performanceL q pabilities and basic operational requirements of these advanced designKing systems IMPORTANT This Pilot Guide providesa eneral description of the various operationalcharacteristicsofthe KAP KFC 200 Flight Control Systems However operationof these systems should not be attempted without first ...
Page 4: ... L I I AUTO CCW IA tracking while eliminatingthe and KFC 200 systems Thepanel mountedKI525APNIcombines separate indicators the display functions of both the standard 4 ...
Page 5: ...i ation Indicator is formation into one compact display By pro the paneldisplayforthe K8S 55A Compass viding a simple comprehensive visual pre System It replaces the standard directional sentationof the aircraft s heading and posi y r o and course deviation indicator CDI in tion in relationto a desiredcourse the pilot s t e aircraft s panel combiningslaved head navigation workload is considerabiy ...
Page 6: ...AV ENROUTE modethe scale is1 nm per dot This is true of all King and most other RNAV systems Heading Select Bug A movable orange marker on the outer perimeterof the display used primarilyto select the desired heading you wish to fly This desired heading is coupledto the KAP200Autopilotor KFC200 Flight Director to provide the Heading Select function Heading Select Knob Used to rotate the heading se...
Page 7: ...the slaved gyro mode When the button is in the outer position not engaged the system is in the freegyro mode KA 51B Operation is iden tical except switchispulledandmovedto the appropriate position actualsize Clockwise counterclockwise 7 Adjustments Clockwise Adjustment KA 51A When the system is in the free gyro mode depressing the clockwise manual heading drive button will rotate the compass card ...
Page 8: ... desired VOR or VORTACfrequencyandthe red navi ationflag NAV shoulddisappearfromview a usablesignal is beingreceived 7 Rotate the course select knob to position the course pointer to the desired VOR course 8 The VOR deviation bar represents the selected course and the relationshipof this bartothesymbolicaircraftinthecenterof the instrumentvisually presents the actual rela tionship of the selected ...
Page 9: ...g received 6 If in RNAV mode the DME has malfunctioned If the Glideslope pointers remain out of view during a front course ILS approach either the aircraft Glideslope receiveror the roundstationGlideslopetransmitter ismal able during a back course approach The VOR and LOCcoursedisplaywillcontinueto functionnormallyevenif a usableGlideslope signalis not being received A continuous largedeflectionof...
Page 10: ...o intercept the 110 course to Napoleon ANX VOR Selected course pointer is set on 110 with the course knob The KI525A Pic torialNavigationIndicatorcon veniently and accurately dis playsthe intercept angle L 2 The VOR deviation bar begins to center as we approach the 110 course to Napoleon The KI 525A PNI makes it possible to inteEep the new course smoothly witholdovershooting or bracketing One meth...
Page 11: that correction TOlFROM indicator immedi Over the Napoleon VORTAC for wind drift in this case a ately s to TO Also note station At this time set the 080 heading on a 088 the course arrow should be selectedCourse pointeron the COUrSe IS Completely aU moved from 088 to ago V 12courseof 088 tomaticaslongasyoukeepthe which is the V 12 inbound AS you gin your left turn to track V 12 notice that the...
Page 12: ...V 12 from Columbia to Foristell FTZ is 098 you now set the selected course pointer on 098 and fly to keep the deviation bar cen tered 7 Near the Heman intersection you switchto ForistellVORTAC and move the course arrow to 100 which isthe V 12 inbound course to FTZ The TOIFRQM indicator changes to TO 4 12 ...
Page 13: ...nce again if you fly to keep STL VORTAC direct Lambert the heading bug to 061 and the deviation bar centered Field Approachjng the FTZ turnleftto followV 14 totheSTL correctimfor wind drift will au station the headingbug is on VORTAC tomatically be accomplished 100 as a referencefor the V 12 course or as heading com mandfor the autopilot if used SelecttheSt LouisVOflTACon the NAV receiver and set ...
Page 14: ...ROM Set your heading bug to the re inboundleg of the holdingpattern ciprocal or outbound heading of 244 for easy reference and begin your right turn holdingpattern 3 Outbound you are usingthe headingbu as a reference for 244 The 244 radial is 08 the right wing and parallelto your outbound course 4 Halfway through your turn to the inbound 064 course the KI525Ashowsthesymbolic aircraft approaching t...
Page 15: ...technique you used in inter ceptin an enroute course Simply keep the topof t8e deviation baronthe lubber lineand coordinate your turn untilthe bar is centered with the course arrow Each dot on the LOC deviation scale represents 1 2 deviation when tuned to an ILS frequency 3 The KI 525A shows you that you have in tercepted the Localizer course The Glide slope pointers have started to center al thou...
Page 16: ...ngle when the headingmarkerisunderthe lubber line Note that left right deviations of the course bar give fly to indicators just as on the front course 3 Now you ve reset the heading marker to 013 and made a 180 turn to this heading This 013 heading will intercept the back course The KI 525A clearly pictures the courseyou are to intercept and the angle of interception 4 You have smoothly intercepte...
Page 17: ...her 14 or 28 volts DC Re motemounted T I 3 5 3 I The KA 51BSlavingControland Compensator Unit is panel mounted It provides selection of slaved gyro modesfor the system and manual slaving when the system is in free gyro mode The meter indi catesproper slaving operation 14 and 28 volt lighting options available The KMT 112 MagneticSlaving Transmitter senses the direc tion of the earths magnetic fiel...
Page 18: ... servo trim indicator in placeof the KC290 s FlightDirector button When there is no mode selected and the abtd pilot is engaged the basic Autopilot mode is wings leveland pitch attitudehold All the modesdescribed for the KFC200 with the exceptionof GO AROUND are includedin the KAP200 system Thus with the exceptionsof the Flight Director andGO AROUNDmode the affordableKINGKAP200 system retains the ...
Page 19: ...initiated Integral marker beacon lights and trim failure warning are also included NAV ARM ALT AP HOG APPR CPLD GS I I I The KC 292 Mode Controller is used to turn on the Autopilot system and to select all operating modes A solenoid held switch engages the Autopilot and five pushbutton switches are used to select the desired modes A vertical trim rocker switch servo trim indicator and preflight te...
Page 20: ... at slightly higher cost The basic 2 axis system provides all stan rd operating modes and functions plus importantpilot oriented features usually found only in larger more expensiveequipment The brain behind this whole system is the solid stateKC 295 Flight Computer It providescom putedpitchandrollcommandswhicharedisplayedas visualguidancecommandson theV barof the KI 256 FlightCommand Indicator El...
Page 21: ...capturehasbeeninitiated It also has integral marker beacon lights and trim failurewarning Pitch and roll commands displays constantly slaved gyro magnetic heading information along with VORILOCI RNAV course deviation and Glideslope de Controller when the optional yaw rudder axis is included in the KFC 200 system The yaw axis is wired so that it automaticallyen gages when the Autopilot is engaged D...
Page 22: ...Flight Computer l im Pitch Roll Mode Controller pressure KS2701AIKM 2 Control Wheel Steering Roll Go Around ServolMount on Throttle KS2711AIKM 275 Trim Interrupt this is a Z axis system I v KRG331 RateGyro Mwnt 3rd axis system KC291 b Yaw Controller T I KC 296 v Yaw Yaw ServolMount Computer KS 2711AIKM 275 22 ...
Page 23: ...ent Flight Director steering command and Autopilot control There is no disagreement in computation The Autopilot simply convertsthe pitch and roll steering commands from the Flight Computer displayed on the V bar in the FCI into the required elevator and aileron position commands Full integration of Flight Director and Autopilot allows the pilot to delegate the manual effort of flying the aircraft...
Page 24: ...the necessary bankto tumto and maintainthe selected heading Bank command to capture and track a selectedVOR or RNAV course Bank and pitch commands to capture and track LOC and Glideslope for pre cision approaches bank command to capture and track VOR and RNAV ReverseLocalizer BC ...
Page 25: ...y operating mode not compatible with a newly selected mode will be auto matically cancelled in favor of the pilot s latest selection This lets the pilot advance along his flight sequence without the in convenience of having to manually cancel modes For example if in NAV CPLD mode selection of Heading will automatically cancel NAV The Basic Mode of System Operation The system will be in the Basic A...
Page 26: ...nade quate and when gyro excitation information is invalid The Pictorial Navigation Indicator warnings A HDGflag indicatesthat the com pass informationis not reliable A NAV flag indicates that a valid NAV Signal is not being received When an ILS channel is selectedon the NAV receiver and a valid Glideslope signal is received the Glideslope pointerswill drop intoview Glideslopecouplingusuallyoccurs...
Page 27: ...ight Director is not operating To confirm proper operationof all servos except Yaw Damper synchronizethe Flight Director for wings level Command nose up with FD VerticalTrim control After 3 seconds you snouia omerve me eievaior irim wneei turning in the direction commanded Re synchronizethe FDfor wings levelby using the CWS button then command nose down with FD Vertical Trim control After 3 second...
Page 28: ... The Autopilot is engagedby movin the solenoid held AP switch on the Mode Eon troller to the ON position CAUTION Prior to Autopilot engagement the pilot should make sure the V bar com mands are satisfied This wll prevent any hanges in the aircraft s flight path e Autopilot ISengaged The Autopilot provides two axis pitch and roll stabilizationand automatic elevator trim as well as automatic respons...
Page 29: ...he FCI Following this bank command the aircraftwill bankand roll out on the desired preselectedheading The Command V bar on the FCI will de flect in the direction of the shortest turn to satisfy the commanded turn of the pre selected heading The aircraft may be man ually bankedto realignthe V bar and satisfy the commandor if the Autopilot is engaged the aircraft will automatically bank turn to rol...
Page 30: ...he FCI the HDG if on wit1becancelledand NAVICPLD will be lighted on the Annun ciator Panel The pilot can manuallybank the aircraft tosatisfythecommanddisplaywhichwillcall for a rollout to wings level when on course centerline to track the course Crosswind compensation is provided in the track state If the NAV mode is selectedwith the air craft levelwithin 24 of bankandwithinthree dots of course de...
Page 31: ...the aircraft is on course Automatic crosswind compensationwill provide precisetracking VORILOCdeviationisshownonthe PNI and actualcrab angle will be shown by offset of the course arrow from the lubber line Throughout APPR modeoperation LOC and Glideslope deviation or VORIRNAV de viation are displayed on the PNI IftheAutopilotisengagedduringopera tion in the APPR mode automatic steering responsewil...
Page 32: ... Autopilot ifit is engaged A wings leveland pitch upcommandisdisplayedbythe FCIand GA is liihted onthe Annunciator Panel The magnitudeof the pitch upcommand is set to match Flight Manualcriteria for each aircraft model Go Aroundmay be cancelled by use of Vertical Trim Altitude Hold mode Control Wheel Steering mode or by turning off the Flight Director Some airplanes are certified with the Autopilo...
Page 33: ...T ARM or GO AROUND modes or selec tion of FLT DIR to OFF MANUAL ELECTRICTRIM ManualElectricTrim switchon the yoke automatically disengages the AP roll and pitch but not yaw in all installations but will not affect the FD Use of the AP DlSClTRlM INTERRUPT switch on the control wheel will disengage the AP Yaw Damper and in some installa tions the Flight Director It is important that you consult the ...
Page 34: ...he nose up to the GO AROUND angle Takeoff is on runway 35 as shown on the PNI _ I ground and climbing The heading bug on the PNI isturned to a desired heading and HDG mode has beenpushedon The Flight Director has respondedwith the Command Wbar calling for a left turn to the 270 heading and takeoff pitch attitude The aircraft has not yet responded to the heading command but will as soon as the Auto...
Page 35: ...inues Desir ed altitude may now be selected and armed on the optional KAS 297 altitude selector Altitude alerting will be provided as you ap proach your selected altitude 4 Desired altitude has been reached ALT HOLDmodehas been engaged and the air craft has returned to level flight The 270 heading has been acquired 35 ...
Page 36: selected to go outboundon the front course The capture point IS now being computed based on closure rate 2 When the computed capture point is reached the APPR CPLD mode is auto matically activated and a left turn outbound on the localizer is commanded by the FCI and is satisfied by the Autopilot Note that the left right deviations of the bar give fly to indications just as on the front course i...
Page 37: ...u haveresetthe headingselect bug to 103 and made a 180 turn to this heading This 103 heading will intercept the front course You must now reselect Approach mode by depressingthe APPR button on the Mode Controller The PNI clearly picturesthe course you are to intercept and the angle of interception APPR ARM mode has been selected so that automatic capture of the Lo calizer will occur 37 ...
Page 38: ... LOC course 38 I 2 The Autopilot or pilot is following the CommandV bar on the FCI which command the necessary headingto maintainon center line of the Localizer At the Outer Markerthe Glideslope pointers are approximately at midpoint Altitude Hold is automatically disengaged and Glideslope capture occurs when the airplance passes thru beam center The V bar will command a descent on the Glideslope ...
Page 39: ... be reengagedto complete the missed approach Some airplanes are cer tifiedwith autopilot remainingengagedwhen GA selected 4 The heading bug has been previously set to the missed approach heading 900 Activating the HDG mode will cause the Command V bar in the FCI to command a turn to that heading Pitch up attitude may be adjusted from the Go Around angle by using CWS or the Vertical Trim control on...
Page 40: ...c in HDG mode on a capturerateismbeingcwryxct onclosurerate Theairplane mustbeheaded tmrd the selected mum In order for NAVlCPLDto occur ...
Page 41: ...ling the NAVlARM and HbG modes The Corn mandV bar will callfora rightbank which is beingsatisfled by the AutopHot I 4 The aircraft has completed its tum to the 112 course Abvindcorrectionproduces an aircraft heading of 1059 displaying a 7 crabangleto maintainthelt2 course 4 ...
Page 42: ...holddownuntilrecovery can be made Then turn off AVIONICS MASTER switch and manually retrim the airplane using the manual trim control wheel After the airplane is trimmed out pullthe PITCHTRIM breakerandturnthe AVIONICS MASTER switch back on A 4 Engine Failure in Multi engine Aircraft a Simultaneously control aircraft and hold down Autopilot DisconnectITrim Inter rupt button b Release button c Foll...
Page 43: ...lCapstan MountlCapstan MountlCapstan MountlCapstan MountlCapstan MountlCapstan TOTAL FOR 2 AXISSYSTEM TOTAL FOR 2 AXISSYSTEM 28 3 Ibs 12 9 kg 14Vl15 5 AMP 28V19 5 AMP 28Vl8 7 AMP 28 1 Ibs 12 9 kg 14Vl14 7AMP AdditionalComponentsfor 3 axissystem Additional Componentsfor 3 axissystem KS 271 Rudder ServowlKM 275 KC 291 Yaw Controller KC 296 Yaw Computer KRG 331 Yaw Rate Sensor TOTAL FOR 3 AXISSYSTEM ...
Page 44: ...questionthat might arise Only thesequalifiedKing Sales andServiceCentersare authorized to performa warranted installationof your Kingsystem or to provide service under the King Warranty Upon completion of your aircraft s flight control installation you will beprovidedwith a plasticwarranty cardwhich liststhe model serial number and warranty expiration date for each unit of King equipment installed...