K6100 Panning VCA
User Manual
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The K6100 Panning VCA from Kilpatrick Audio is a compact and great sounding VCA. It will become an essential part of any system. Use it as two
independent VCAs, or together as a stereo VCA or panner.
The K6100 Panning VCA requires only +12V and -12V. Make sure you use a good power supply that is not overloaded. The voltages should measure
as close to +12V and -12V as possible.
To get something happening right away, just connect an oscillator signal to the SIG IN 1 jack, and connect the OUT 1 jack to your mixer or output
interface. Set the PAN OFFSET control in the centre position and adjust the AMP 1 control. The volume of the signal should go up and down.
Now try feeding an LFO into the CV 1 jack and get some tremolo going on!
Jacks and Controls
The K6100 is a dual channel unit. Each channel can be used independently. The CV 1 and SIG 1 input jacks are normalled to the second channel. If a
plug is not inserted in either the CV 2 or SIG 2 jack, the CV 1 or SIG 1 signals respectively will be automatically patched to the second channel.
The function of each of the jacks is as follows:
CV 1 - Amplitude (VCA) control input for channel 1
SIG 1 - Audio signal input for channel 1
OUT 1 - Audio signal output for channel 1
CV 2 - Amplitude (VCA) control input for channel 2 - with no plug inserted this receives the signal from CV 1
SIG 2 - Audio signal input for channel 2 - with no plug inserted this receives the signal from SIG 2
OUT 2 - Audio signal output for channel 2
PAN IN - Panning control input - affects both channels
/PAN OUT - Inverted version of the PAN IN signal for convenience use
Each channel can work independently. When using independently make sure the PAN OFFSET control is set in the centre position. The panning
circuits affect both channels.