List of Errors
Command errors
An error in the range [-199, -100] indicates that an IEEE 488.2 syntax error has been detected by the
instrument’s parser. The occurrence of any error in this class causes the Command Error bit (bit 5) in
the event status register to be set.
Error code
Error message description
Command error
Generic syntax error.
Invalid character
A syntactic element contains an invalid character.
Syntax error
An unrecognized command or data type was encountered.
Invalid separator
The parser was expecting a separator and encountered an illegal character.
Data type error
The parser recognized a data element different than one allowed.
GET not allowed
A Group Execute Trigger was received in a program message.
Parameter not allowed
More parameters were received than expected for the header.
Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were received than required for the header.
Command header error
An error was detected in the header.
Numeric data error
Generated when parsing a data element which appears to be numeric, including
the nondecimal numeric types.
Suffix error
Generated when parsing a suffix.
Invalid suffix
The suffix does not follow the syntax, or the suffix is inappropriate for the TOS5300
Suffix too long
The suffix contained more than twelve characters.
Suffix not allowed
A suffix was encountered after a numeric element that does not allow suffixes.
Character data error
Generated when parsing a character data element.
Invalid character data
Either the character data element contains an invalid character, or the element is
not valid.
Character data too Long
The character data element contains more than twelve characters.
Character data not allowed
A legal character data element was encountered where prohibited by the TOS5300
String data error
Generated when parsing a string data element.
Block data error
Generated when parsing a block data element.
Expression error
Generated when parsing an expression data element.
Macro error
Generated when defining a macro or executing a macro.