KIESELMANN GmbH | Operating instruction
Delivery, transport and storage | 3
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3 D e l i v e r y , t r a n s p o r t a n d s t o r a g e
3.1 Delivery
• Immediately after receipt check the delivery for completeness and transport damages.
• Remove the packaging from the product.
• Retain packaging material, or expose of according to local regulations.
3.2 Transport
Risk of injury and damage to the product
During the transport the generally acknowledged rules of technology, the national accident preven-
tion regulationsand company internal work and safety regulations must be observed.
3.3 Storage
Damage to the product due to improper storage!
Observe storage instructions
avoid a prolonged storage
Recommendation for longer storage
We recommend regularly checking the product and the prevailing storage conditions during long
storage times.
• To avoid damage to seals and bearings,
– products up to DN 125 / OD 5 inch should be stored horizontally for maximum 6 months.
– products larger than DN 125 / 5 inch, should be stored in the upright position with the actu-
ator on top.
• Don't store any objects on the products.
• Protect the products for wetness, dust and dirt.
• The product should be stored in a dry and well ventilated room at a constant temperature (op-
timal indoor temperature: 25 C ±5 ; indoor humidity data 70% ±5%).
• Protect seals, bearings and plastic parts for UV light and ozone.