Kia Carens 2017 Owner'S Manual Download Page 544

Chück thü condition and connüctions oý

all coolinþ systüm hosüs and hüatür ho‐

süs.  Rüplacü  any  swollün  or  dütüriora‐

tüd hosüs.

Thü  coolant  lüvül  should  bü  ýillüd  bü‐

twüün  F  (MAX)  and  L  (MIN)  marks  on

thü  sidü  oý  thü  coolant  rüsürvoir  whün

thü ünþinü is cool.

Iý  thü  coolant  lüvül  is  low,  add  ünouþh

distillüd  (düionizüd)  watür.  Brinþ  thü

lüvül  to  F  (MAX),  but  do  not  ovürýill.  Iý

ýrüquünt  coolant  rüýill  is  rüquirüd,  havü

thü systüm inspüctüd by a proýüssional

workshop.  Kia  rücommünds  to  visit  an

authorizüd Kia düalür/sürvicü partnür.

Recommended engine coolant

• Whün addinþ coolant, usü only düion‐

izüd watür or soýt watür ýor your vü‐

hiclü and nüvür mix hard watür in thü

coolant  ýillüd  at  thü  ýactory.  An  im‐

propür  coolant  mixturü  can  rüsult  in

sürious  malýunction  or  ünþinü  dam‐


• Thü ünþinü in your vühiclü has alumi‐

num  ünþinü  parts  and  must  bü  pro‐

tüctüd  by  an  üthylünü-þlycol  with

phosphatü  basüd  coolant  to  prüvünt

corrosion and ýrüüzinþ.

• Dæ  NæT  USE  alcohol  or  müthanol

coolant  or  mix  thüm  with  thü  spüci‐

ýiüd coolant.

• Do  not  usü  a  solution  that  contains

morü  than  60%  antiýrüüzü  or  lüss

than 35% antiýrüüzü, which would rü‐

ducü  thü  üýýüctivünüss  oý  thü  solu‐


For  mixturü  pürcüntaþü,  rüýür  to  thü

ýollowinþ tablü.

Ambiünt Tüm‐


Mixturü çürcüntaþü




-15 °C (5 °F)



Ambiünt Tüm‐


Mixturü çürcüntaþü




-25 °C

(-13 °F)



-35 °C

(-31 °F)



-45 °C

(-49 °F)







Summary of Contents for Carens 2017

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...l who car bas d on our Family lik Car promis All in ormation contain d in this wn r s Manual was accurat at th tim o publication How v r Kia r s rv s th ri ht to mak chan s at any tim so that our poli...

Page 4: ...may not b applicabl to your particular v hicl Th in ormation and sp ci ications provid d in this manual w r accurat at th tim o printin Kia r s rv s th ri ht to discontinu or chan sp ci ications or d...

Page 5: ...vehicle at a glance 2 Safety features of your vehicle 3 Features of your vehicle 4 Audio system 5 Driving your vehicle 6 What to do in an emergency 7 Maintenance 8 Specifications Consumer information...

Page 6: ...iv...

Page 7: ...How to us this manual 1 02 Fu l r quir m nts 1 03 Gasolin n in 1 03 Di s l n in 1 05 V hicl br ak in proc ss 1 06 Introduction 1...

Page 8: ...ic ar a or subj ct it has an alphab tical listin o all in ormation in your manual Chapt rs This manual has nin chap t rs plus an ind x Each chapt r b ins with a bri list o cont nts so you can t ll at...

Page 9: ...uthorized Kia dealer service partner for details WARNING Do not top off after the nozzle automatically shuts off when re fueling Always check that the fuel cap is installed securely to prevent fuel sp...

Page 10: ...may not cover damage to the fuel system and any performance prob lems that are caused by the use of fuels containing methanol or fuels containing MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether over 15 0 vol Oxygen...

Page 11: avoid jamming the injec tion pump and damaging the engine CAUTION n Diesel Fuel if equipped with DPF It is recommended to use the regula ted automotive diesel fuel for diesel vehicle equipped with...

Page 12: ...t rac th n in Whil drivin k p your n in sp d rpm or r volutions p r minut b tw n 2 000 rpm and 4 000 rpm Do not maintain a sin l sp d or lon p riods o tim ith r ast or slow Varyin n in sp d is n d d t...

Page 13: ...Ext rior ov rvi w 2 02 Int rior ov rvi w 2 04 Instrum nt pan l ov rvi w 2 05 En in compartm nt 2 06 Your vehicle at a glance 2...

Page 14: ...104 Front o lamp Maint nanc p 8 91 4 Wh l and tir Maint nanc p 8 54 Wh l and tir Sp ci ications p 9 09 5 utsid r arvi w mirror p 4 44 6 anorama sunroo p 4 35 7 Front windshi ld wip r blad s F atur s...

Page 15: ...tion lamp Maint nanc p 8 99 4 Hi h mount d stop lamp p 8 101 5 R ar window wip r blad F atur s o your v hicl p 4 112 R ar window wip r blad Maint nanc p 8 49 6 Tail at p 4 22 7 Ant nna p 5 02 8 R arvi...

Page 16: ...control p 4 47 9 BSD n button p 6 71 10 LDWS n button p 6 67 11 St rin wh l h at r n button p 4 41 12 Idl Stop and Go ISG FF button p 6 16 13 ESC FF button p 6 49 14 Activ EC button p 6 39 15 St rin w...

Page 17: ...4 107 8 I nition switch p 6 06 En in Start Stop button p 6 10 9 Audio p 5 02 10 C ntral door lock switch p 4 18 11 Hazard warnin lash r p 7 02 12 Manual climat control syst m p 4 123 Automatic climat...

Page 18: ...rvoir p 8 40 3 ositiv batt ry t rminal p 8 50 4 N ativ batt ry t rminal p 8 50 5 Fus box p 8 64 6 Air cl an r p 8 44 7 Radiator cap p 8 38 8 En in coolant r s rvoir p 8 37 9 En in oil dipstick p 8 33...

Page 19: ...40 3 ositiv batt ry t rminal p 8 50 4 N ativ batt ry t rminal p 8 50 5 Fus box p 8 64 6 Air cl an r p 8 44 7 Radiator cap p 8 38 8 En in coolant r s rvoir p 8 37 9 En in oil dipstick p 8 33 10 Windsh...

Page 20: ...iv batt ry t rminal p 8 50 4 N ativ batt ry t rminal p 8 50 5 Fus box p 8 64 6 Air cl an r p 8 44 7 Radiator cap p 8 38 8 En in coolant r s rvoir p 8 37 9 En in oil dipstick p 8 33 10 Windshi ld wash...

Page 21: ...lts 3 33 Child r straint syst m 3 35 Usin a child r straint syst m 3 37 Air ba suppl m ntal r straint syst m 3 50 How do s th air ba syst m op rat 3 51 Air ba warnin and indicator 3 54 SRS compon nts...

Page 22: Driv r s s at 5 S at cushion xt nsion 6 H adr st 2nd row s at 7 Forward and backward 8 S atback an l and oldin 9 Walk in s at l v r 10 H adr st 11 C nt r s at oldin Armr st 3rd row s at 12 S...

Page 23: an accident or a sudden stop Serious or fatal internal injuries could result because the seat belt can t operate normally WARNING n Driver s seat Continued Continued Never attempt to adjust seat w...

Page 24: ...ting to move the seat forward or backward without using the lock release lever Sudden or unexpected movement of the driver s seat could cause you to lose control of the vehicle resulting in an acciden...

Page 25: ...p pear naturally from usage are not covered by warranty Continued Continued Belts with metallic accessories zippers or keys inside the back pocket may damage the seat fab ric Make sure not to wet the...

Page 26: ...s to th low st position And slid th s at r arward 2 ull on th s atback oldin l v r r clin l v r th n old th s at toward th ront o th v hicl Wh n you r turn th s atback to its upri ht position always b...

Page 27: ...e power seat is operable with the ignition OFF Therefore children should never be left unattended in the car CAUTION The power seat is driven by an electric motor Stop operating once the adjustment is...

Page 28: ...nt portion o th control switch up to rais or down to low r th ront part o th s at cushion ull th r ar portion o th control switch up to rais or down to low r th s at cushion 2 R l as th switch onc th...

Page 29: ...t the headrest should be adjusted so the middle of the headrest is at the same height of the center of gravity of an occupant s head Generally the center of gravity of most people s head is similar wi...

Page 30: ...adr st so that it prop rly supports th h ad and n ck Adjusting the height up and down To rais th h adr st pull it up to th d sir d position 1 To low r th h ad r st push and hold th r l as button 2 on...

Page 31: ...2 Rais th h adr st as ar as it can o 3 r ss th h adr st r l as button 3 whil pullin th h adr st up 4 WARNING NEVER allow anyone to ride in a seat with the headrest removed To r install th h adr st 1 u...

Page 32: ...nd adjusting it properly Seatback pocket Th s atback pock t is provid d on th back o th ront pass n r s and driv r s s atbacks WARNING n Seatback pockets Do not put heavy or sharp objects in the seatb...

Page 33: ...ard and back ward without usin th l v r I th s at mov s it is not lock d prop rly Seatback angle 2nd row seat Th actual s at shap in th v hicl may di r rom th illustration To r clin th s atback 1 ull...

Page 34: ...may suddenly move and cause the pas senger on the seat to be injured Folding the rear seat Th r ar s atbacks can b old d to a cilitat carryin lon it ms or to in cr as th lu a capacity o th v hicl WARN...

Page 35: ...t b tw n th r ar s at back and cushion and ins rt th r ar s at b lt w bbin in th uid to pr v nt th s at b lt rom b in dama d 2 S t th ront s atback to th up ri ht position and i n c ssary slid th ront...

Page 36: ...r turn th s atback to its upri ht position always b sur it has lock d into position by pushin on th top o th s atback 5 To us th r ar s at li t and pull th s atback backward by pullin on th oldin l v...

Page 37: ...out the vehicle in a colli sion and causing injury to vehicle occupants WARNING n Uprighting seat When you return the seatback to its upright position hold the seatback and return it slowly If the sea...

Page 38: ...e manual transaxle is in R Reverse or 1st and the parking brake is securely ap plied whenever loading or unloading cargo Failure to take these steps may allow the vehicle to move if the shift lever is...

Page 39: ...e For this reason the use of a cushion that holds the body away from the seatback is not recommended Do not operate the vehicle with the headrests removed Severe in jury to an occupant may occur in th...

Page 40: ...d installation To r mov th h adr st rais it as ar as it can o th n pr ss th r l as but ton 1 whil pullin th h adr st up 2 To r install th h adr st put th h ad r st pol s 3 into th hol s whil pr ssin t...

Page 41: ...t twisted Be careful not to damage the belt webbing or hardware If the belt webbing or hardware is damaged replace it WARNING Seat belts are designed to bear upon the bony structure of the body and sh...

Page 42: is un ast n d a t r th i nition switch is N th s at b lt warnin li ht illuminat s until th b lt is ast n d I you continu not to ast n th s at b lt and you driv ov r 9 km h th illu minat d warnin l...

Page 43: ...s n r s lap should r b lt is not as t n d th corr spondin s at b lt warnin li ht will illuminat until th b lt is ast n d And th n th r ar corr spondin s at b lt warnin li ht will illuminat or ap prox...

Page 44: nt WARNING Verify the shoulder belt anchor is locked into position at the appro priate height Never position the shoulder belt across your neck or face Failure to replace seat belts after an accide...

Page 45: ...d be over and the other under as shown in the illustration Never wear the seat belt under the arm near the door To r l as th s at b lt Th s at b lt is r l as d by pr ssin th r l as button A in th lock...

Page 46: th buckl with th CENTER mark must b us d To r l as th s at b lt Wh n you want to r l as th s at b lt pr ss th button 1 in th lockin buckl WARNING The center lap belt latching mecha nism is differe...

Page 47: ...d indicatin th latch is lock d Mak sur th b lt is not twist d CAUTION When using the rear center seat belt the buckle with the CENTER mark must be used Th r will b an audibl click wh n th tab locks in...

Page 48: ...t b lt w b A and allow th w bbin to r tract automatically 3 Ins rt th ton u plat into th hol and th n attach th mini ton u on th hold r Pre tensioner seat belt if equipped our v hicl is quipp d with d...

Page 49: ...m s ns s xc ssiv t nsion on th driv r or pass n r s s at b lt wh n th pr t nsion r syst m acti vat s th load limit r insid th r trac tor pr t nsion r will r l as som o th pr ssur on th a ct d s at b...

Page 50: ...strum nt pan l will illuminat or approximat ly 6 s conds a t r th i nition switch has b n turn d to th N position and th n it should turn o CAUTION If the pre tensioner seat belt is not working proper...

Page 51: ...ll occupants of the vehicle must wear their seat belts at all times Seat belts and child restraints re duce the risk of serious or fatal inju ries for all occupants in the event of a collision or sudd...

Page 52: ...availabl lap should r b lt and th s at should b plac d in th r armost position Childr n a 12 and und r should b r strain d s cur ly in th r ar s at NEVER plac a child a 12 and und r in th ront s at N...

Page 53: properly The more the seatback is reclined the greater the chance that an occupant s hips will slide under the lap belt causing seri ous internal injuries or the occu pant s neck could strike the...

Page 54: ...d not b us d b caus th y may dama and w ak n th abric When to replace seat belts Entir in us s at b lt ass mbly or as s mbli s should b r plac d i th v hi cl has b n involv d in an accid nt This shoul...

Page 55: ...ild r straint syst m WARNING To ensure the safety of your child we strongly recommend a child re straint system to be installed in the rear seats When installing a child restraint on the front pas sen...

Page 56: ...s to use the same seat belt Children often squirm and reposi tion themselves improperly Never let a child ride with the shoulder belt under their arm or behind their back Always properly posi tion and...

Page 57: th r ar s ats WARNING Never place a rearward facing child restraint system in the front pas senger seat unless the passenger frontal air bag is deactivated An in flating passenger frontal air bag c...

Page 58: ...orarily re adjust or remove any headrest interfering with the proper installation of child re straint system Make sure to put any removed headrests back into position for adult occupants Installing a...

Page 59: ...k up any slack A t r installation o th child r straint syst m try to mov it in all dir c tions to b sur th child r straint syst m is s cur ly install d I you n d to ti ht n th b lt pull th w bbin towa...

Page 60: ...KG U U U U U N A U 9 months 4 y ars II 15 T 25 KG U U U U U N A U II III 22 T 36 KG U U U U U N A U U Suitabl or univ rsal cat ory r straints approv d or us in this mass roup U Suitabl or univ rsal bu...

Page 61: ...traints systems S atin osition Front as s n r ut board S cond Row Third row utboard L t C nt r utboard Ri ht L t Hand C nt r Ri ht Hand i siz Child R straints Syst ms X i U X i U X X X i U Suitabl or...

Page 62: ...traint or b tt r it m nt o th child r straint syst m 2 Conn ct and ti ht n th top t th r to th corr spondin child r straint syst m to s cur th child r straint syst m WARNING A child can be seriously i...

Page 63: ...ed for adult seat belts or har nesses or for attaching other items or equipment to the vehicle The top tether may not work properly if attached somewhere other than the correct tether an chor Securing...

Page 64: ...or ECE R 129 n d to b ix d additionally with a top t th r strap conn ct d to th corr spondin top t th r anchora point in th back r st Th installation and th us o a child r straint syst m has to b don...

Page 65: ...rear seat belt web bing to get scratched or pinched by the ISOFIX seat latch and ISOFIX an chor during installation 2 Conn ct th top t th r strap to th corr spondin top t th r anchor a and ti ht n it...

Page 66: patible child restraint system only to the appropriate locations shown in the illustration Always follow the installation and use instructions provided by the manufacturer of the child restraint...

Page 67: ...A X I 9 to 18 k D IS R2 X IL X IL X N A X C IS R3 X IL X IL X N A X B IS F2 X IUF X IUF X N A X B1 IS F2X X IUF X IUF X N A X A IS F3 X IUF X IUF X N A X IUF Suitabl or IS FIX orward child r straints...

Page 68: ...hora support l E4 04443908 1 art numb r 55761SBA00 Wh n you buy at th authoriz d Kia d al r 2 art numb r 184066 arl 363000 FamilyFix Th 2nd row s at should b locat d th ir r armost position wh n insta...

Page 69: ...CRS manufacturer information Maxi cosi http www maxi cosi com Britax R m r http www britax com 3 49 3 Sa ty atur s o your v hicl...

Page 70: ...ways wear the safety belts provided in order to minimize the risk and se verity of injury in the event of a collision or in most rollover situa tions SRS and pretensioners contain ex plosive chemicals...

Page 71: ...rminin actors ar not limit d to thos m ntion d abov Th ront air ba s will compl t ly in lat and d lat in an instant It is virtually impossibl or you to s th air ba s in lat durin an ac cid nt It is m...

Page 72: ...tial discom ort in br athin du to th contact o your ch st with both th s at b lt and th air ba as w ll as rom br athin th smok and powd r p n your doors and or windows as soon as possibl a t r impact...

Page 73: ...s ront air ba N FF switch you can activat or d activat th ront pass n r s air ba wh n n c s sary For mor d tails pl as r r to as s n r s ront air ba N FF switch on pa 3 60 i quipp d WARNING NEVER use...

Page 74: ...ks wh n th i nition switch is in N position Passenger s front air bag ON indicator if equipped Th actual indicator in th v hicl may di r rom th illustration Th pass n r s ront air ba N indicator illum...

Page 75: ...pon nts 1 Driv r s ront air ba modul 2 ass n r s ront air ba modul 3 Sid air ba modul s 4 Curtain air ba modul s 5 R tractor pr t nsion r ass mbli s 6 Air ba warnin li ht 7 SRS control modul SRSCM 8 F...

Page 76: ...n Th air ba modul s ar locat d both in th c nt r o th st rin wh l and in th ront pass n r s pan l abov th lov box Wh n th SRSCM d t cts a su ici ntly s v r impact to th ront o th v hicl it will automa...

Page 77: ...bag inflates Continued Continued When installing a container of liq uid air freshener inside the vehicle do not place it near the instrument cluster nor on the instrument pan el surface It may become...

Page 78: ...use the SRS air bag warning light to illuminate Driver s and passenger s front air bag our v hicl is quipp d with a Suppl m ntal R straint Air Ba Syst m and lap should r b lts at both th driv r and pa...

Page 79: ...g modules on the steering wheel instrument panel and the front passenger s panel above the glove box because any such object could cause harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe enough to cause the ai...

Page 80: ...properly or out of posi tion can result in serious or fatal injury in a crash All occupants should sit upright with the seat back in an upright position cen tered on the seat cushion with their seat b...

Page 81: ...h N position Th pass n r s ront air ba FF indi cator will o out and th pass n r s ront air ba N indicator will illu minat or approximat ly 60 s conds WARNING On some models the front air bag ON OFF sw...

Page 82: s front air bag ON OFF switch Deactivate the passenger s front air bag only when the ignition switch is switched off or the mal function may occur in the SRS Control Module And there may be a dange...

Page 83: ...rom th illustration our v hicl is quipp d with a sid air ba in ach ront s at Th purpos o th air ba is to provid th v hicl s driv r and or th ront pass n r with additional prot ction than that o r d by...

Page 84: ...inued To prevent unexpected deploy ment of the side air bag that may result in personal injury avoid im pact to the side impact sensor when the ignition key is on If the seat or seat cover is dam aged...

Page 85: ...perly fas tened Importantly children should sit in a proper child restraint system in the rear seat Continued Continued When children are seated in the rear outboard seats they must be seated in the p...

Page 86: ...not attach any objects around the area the air bag inflates such as the door side door glass front and rear pillar roof side rail Do not hang hard or breakable ob jects on the coat hook Do not hang h...

Page 87: ...ollisions in multipl impact acci d nts as w ll as low sp d impacts Air ba collision s nsors 1 SRS control modul 2 Front impact s nsor 3 Sid pr ssur s nsor i quipp d 4 Sid impact s nsor i quipp d WARNI...

Page 88: ...e front bumper body or B pillar and C pil lars where side collision sensors are installed In this case have the system serviced by a professional workshop Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dea...

Page 89: ...nt impact Sid air ba s sid and or curtain air ba s ar d si n d to in lat only in sid im pact collisions but th y may in lat in oth r collisions i th sid impact s n sors d t ct a su ici nt impact I th...

Page 90: ction o th collision and thus in sid impacts rontal air ba d ploym nt would not provid additional occupant prot ction How v r i quipp d with sid and curtain air ba s th air ba s may in lat d p ndin...

Page 91: ...sid and or curtain air ba s may in lat wh n th v hicl is roll d ov r ollowin or a t r sid impact collision Air ba s may not in lat i th v hicl collid s with obj cts such as utility pol s or tr s wh r...

Page 92: ...ering the SRS inoperative If components of the air bag sys tem must be discarded or if the vehicle must be scrapped certain safety precautions must be ob served An authorized Kia dealer knows these pr...

Page 93: ...ot plac it ms und r th ront s ats lacin it ms und r th ront s ats could int r r with th op ra tion o th suppl m ntal r straint syst m s nsin compon nts and wir in harn ss s N v r hold an in ant or chi...

Page 94: s ov rnm nt warnin s ocus on th risk o childr n W also want you to b awar o th risks adults ar xpos d to which hav b n d scrib d in Additional sa ty pr cau tions on pa 3 72 Sa ty atur s o your v h...

Page 95: ...sin th tail at 4 22 Em r ncy tail at sa ty r l as 4 23 Windows 4 24 ow r windows 4 25 Hood 4 30 p nin th hood 4 30 Closin th hood 4 30 Fu l ill r lid 4 32 p nin th u l ill r lid 4 32 Closin th u l ill...

Page 96: ...99 Li htin 4 100 Batt ry sav r unction 4 100 H adlamp d lay unction 4 100 H adli ht H adlamp w lcom unction 4 100 Static b ndin li ht 4 100 Daytim runnin li ht 4 101 Li htin control 4 101 Hi h b am o...

Page 97: ...3 Cool box 4 144 Sun lass hold r 4 144 Lu a tray 4 145 Floor und r tray 4 145 Int rior atur s 4 146 Ci ar tt li ht r 4 146 Ashtray 4 146 Cup hold r 4 147 Bottl hold r 4 148 S at warm r 4 149 Air v nti...

Page 98: ...key in the ignition switch or press the start button The igni tion key smart key would enable children to operate power windows or other controls or even make the vehicle move which could result in s...

Page 99: ...a t r it starts K p ach k y s parat in ord r to avoid a startin mal unc tion CAUTION Do not put metal accessories near the ignition switch The engine may not start because the metal accessories may in...

Page 100: ...lly whil pr ssin th r l as button CAUTION Do not fold the key without pressing the release button This may dam age the key Typ B To r mov th m chanical k y pr ss and hold th r l as button 1 and r mov...

Page 101: ...mirror oldin switch Typ B is in th AUT position i quipp d unl ss a door is op n d within 30 s conds Tailgate unlock 3 1 r ss th tail at unlock button or mor than 1 s cond 2 Th hazard warnin li ht wil...

Page 102: ...ION Keep the transmitter away from water or any liquid If the keyless entry system is inoperative due to exposure to water or liquids it will not be covered by your manufactur er vehicle warranty CAUT...

Page 103: ...r or smart k y may d v lop probl ms wh n dropp d xpos d to mois tur or static l ctricity I you susp ct that your transmit t r or smart k y mi ht hav sus tain d som dama or you l your transmitt r or s...

Page 104: ...ror will automatically old i th outsid r arvi w mirror oldin switch is in th AUT posi tion i quipp d 5 Mak sur that doors ar lock d by pullin th outsid door handl NOTICE Th button will only op rat wh...

Page 105: ...ons NOTICE I or som r ason you happ n to los your smart k y you will not b abl to start th n in Tow th v hicl i n c ssary Kia r c omm nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r A maximum o 2...

Page 106: ...entry system is inoperative due to expo sure to water or liquids it will not be covered by your manufacturer s ve hicle warranty CAUTION Keep the smart key away from elec tromagnetic materials that b...

Page 107: ...s Armed stage Using the smart key ark th v hicl and stop th n in Arm th syst m as d scrib d b low 1 Turn o th n in 2 Mak sur that all doors th n in hood and tail at ar clos d and latch d 3 Lock th doo...

Page 108: ...arm Do not arm th syst m until all pas s n rs hav l t th v hicl I th syst m is arm d whil a pass n r s r mains in th v hicl th alarm may b activat d wh n th r mainin pas s n r s l av th v hicl I any...

Page 109: ...anical k y and start th n in Th n th syst m will b disarm d I you los your k ys Kia r com m nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r CAUTION Do not change alter or adjust the theft alarm s...

Page 110: ...h k y into th k y hol o th outsid door handl Turn th k y toward th r ar o th v hicl to un lock and toward th ront o th v hi cl to lock I you lock unlock th driv r s door with a k y whil th pow r door...

Page 111: ...ncy I th pow r door lock switch do s not op rat l ctrically th only way to lock th door s is with th m chanical k y rom th outsid k y hol ou can lock th doors without th out sid k y hol as ollows 1 p...

Page 112: ...n lock and th door will op n i quip p d Front door cannot b lock d i th i nition k y is in th i nition switch or i th smart k y is in th v hicl and th ront door is op n d WARNING Do not pull the inner...

Page 113: ...more of the following Operate the other door locks and handles Lower the driver s window and use the key to unlock the door from outside Move to the cargo area and open the tailgate WARNING n Doors T...

Page 114: ...doors with the trans mitter or the smart key with any body left in the vehicle The passen ger in the vehicle cannot unlock the doors with the door lock button For example if the door is locked with th...

Page 115: ...thou h th inn r door handl is pull d in sid th v hicl 3 Clos th r ar door To op n th r ar door pull th outsid door handl 2 Ev n thou h th doors may b un lock d th r ar door will not op n by pullin th...

Page 116: ...All doors must b lock d NOTICE In cold and w t climat s door lock and door m chanisms may not work prop rly du to r zin conditions WARNING The tailgate swings upward Make sure no objects or people are...

Page 117: ...d always be properly restrained Emergency tailgate safety release our v hicl is quipp d with th m r ncy tail at sa ty r l as l v r lo cat d on th bottom o th tail at Wh n som on is inadv rt ntly lock...

Page 118: ...v r s door pow r window switch 2 Front pass n r s door pow r window switch 3 R ar door l t pow r window switch 4 R ar door ri ht pow r window switch 5 Window op nin and closin i quipp d F atur s o you...

Page 119: ...i nition k y is r mov d or turn d to th ACC or L CK position How v r i th ront doors ar op n d th pow r win dows cannot b op rat d v n within th 30 s conds p riod I th window cannot b clos d b caus it...

Page 120: ...m ntarily to th s cond d t nt position 6 compl t ly low rs or rais s th window v n wh n th switch is r l as d To stop th window at th d sir d position whil th win dow is in op ration pull up or pr ss...

Page 121: ...ll not op rat NOTICE Th automatic r v rs atur is on ly activ wh n th auto up atur is us d by ully pullin up th switch Th automatic r v rs atur will not op rat i th window is rais d usin th hal way pos...

Page 122: ...his will also ensure the longevity of the fuse Continued Continued Never try to operate the main switch on the driver s door and the individual door window switch in opposing directions at the same ti...

Page 123: ...r windows Keep the driv er s door power window lock switch in the LOCK position press ed Serious injury can result from unintentional window operation by the child Do not extend face or arms out side...

Page 124: ...rse for manual Continued Continued transaxle and setting the parking brake 2 Go to th ront o th v hicl rais th hood sli htly pull up th s con dary latch 1 insid o th hood c nt r and li t th hood 2 3 u...

Page 125: ...severe per sonal injury Continued Continued Do not leave gloves rags or any other combustible material in the engine compartment Doing so may cause a heat induced fire WARNING Always double check to b...

Page 126: ...a warm plac and allow th ic to m lt 1 Stop th n in 2 To op n th u l ill r lid pull up th u l ill r lid op n r 3 ull th u l ill r lid 1 out to ully op n 4 To r mov th cap turn th u l tank cap 2 count r...

Page 127: ...should eliminate potentially dangerous static electricity dis charge by touching another metal part of the vehicle a safe distance away from the fuel filler neck nozzle or other gas source Continued C...

Page 128: ...ring refuel ing leave the vicinity of the vehi cle and immediately contact the manager of the gas station and then contact the local fire depart ment Follow any safety instruc tions they provide CAUTI...

Page 129: ...ntinue to move the sunroof control lever after the sunroof is fully opened closed or tilted Dam age to the motor or system compo nents could occur WARNING In order to prevent accidental op eration of...

Page 130: ...v r backward th sunshad will slid all th way op n th n th sunroo lass will slid all th way op n To stop th sun roo mov m nt at any point pull or push th sunroo control l v r mom n tarily When the sun...

Page 131: ...ld always ch ck that all pass n rs and obj cts ar away rom th sunroo b or closin it bj cts l ss than 4mm 0 16 inch in di am t r cau ht b tw n th sunroo lass and th ront lass chann l may not b d t ct d...

Page 132: ...unroo compl t ly i op n d 3 R l as th sunroo control l v r 4 ush th sunroo control l v r or ward in th dir ction o clos about 10 s conds until th sun shad op n and sunroo lass tilts Th n r l as th l v...

Page 133: ...E S syst m dia nostics Wh n th dia nostics is compl t d th st rin wh l will r turn to its normal condition A click nois may b h ard rom th E S r lay a t r th i nition switch is turn d to th N or L CK...

Page 134: ...ion d so that it is com ortabl or you to driv whil p rmittin you to s th instrum nt pan l warnin li hts and au s WARNING Never adjust the angle and height of steering wheel while driving You may lose...

Page 135: ...ate the steering wheel This causes damage to the heated steering wheel system When cleaning the heated steering wheel do not use an organic sol vent such as paint thinner ben zene alcohol and gasoline...

Page 136: ...will chan to th pr vious scr n Normal mode Th normal mod o rs m dium st rin ort Comfort mode Th st rin wh l b com s li ht r Th com ort mod is usually us d wh n drivin in downtown or parkin th v hicl A...

Page 137: ...ll th day ni ht l v r 3 toward you to r duc lar rom th h adli hts o v hicl s b hind you durin ni ht drivin R m mb r that you los som r ar vi w clarity in th ni ht position 1 Day 2 Ni ht Electric chrom...

Page 138: ...irrors The outside rearview mirror is convex Objects seen in the mirror are closer than they appear Use your interior rearview mirror or direct observation to determine the actual distance of followin...

Page 139: ...t r adjustm nt put th l v r into n utral c nt r position to pr v nt in adv rt nt adjustm nt CAUTION The mirrors stop moving when they reach the maximum adjusting angles but the motor continues to ope...

Page 140: ...k y Th mirror will old or un old wh n th door is lock d or unlock d by th button on th outsid door handl Th mirror will un old wh n you approach th v hicl all doors clos d and lock d with a smart k y...

Page 141: ...indicator li hts Th actual clust r in th v hicl may di r rom th illustration For mor in ormation r r to Gau s on pa 4 49 Instrument Cluster Control WARNING Never adjust the instrument cluster while dr...

Page 142: ...I you hold th illumination control button or th bri htn ss will b chan d continuously I th bri htn ss r ach s to th max imum or minimum l v l an alarm will sound LCD Display Control Th LCD display mod...

Page 143: ...2 M VE button or chan in it ms or RESET button or r s t tin th s l ct d it m For th LCD mod s r r to LCD display on pa 4 56 Gauges 4 49 4 F atur s o your v hicl...

Page 144: ...Speedometer Th sp dom t r indicat s th sp d o th v hicl and is calibrat d in mil s p r hour mph and or kilom t rs p r hour km h Tachometer F atur s o your v hicl 4 50...

Page 145: ...coolant wh n th i nition switch or En in Start Stop button is N CAUTION If the gauge pointer moves beyond the normal range area toward the 130 or H position it indicates over heating that may damage t...

Page 146: ...WARNING n Fuel Gauge Running out of fuel can expose vehi cle occupants to danger You must stop and obtain additional fuel as soon as possible after the warning light comes on or when the gauge indicat...

Page 147: ...56 Transaxle Shift Indicator Automatic Transaxle Shift Indicator if equipped This indicator displays which automatic transaxl shi t l v r is s l ct d ark R v rs R N utral N Driv D Sports Mod 1 2 3 4...

Page 148: ...d ar is d sir d curr nt ly th shi t l v r is in th 4th 5th or 6th ar Wh n th syst m is not workin prop rly th indicator is not display d Dual Clutch Transmission Shift Indicator if equipped This indic...

Page 149: ...h 2nd or 1st ar Indicat s that shi tin down to th 3rd ar is d sir d curr nt ly th shi t l v r is in th 4th 5th 6th or 7th ar Wh n th syst m is not workin prop rly th indicator is not display d 4 55 4...

Page 150: ...d displays th stat o th navi ation LDWS i quipp d This mod displays th stat o th Lan D partur Warnin Syst m LDWS For mor d tails r r to Lan D partur Warnin Syst m LDWS on pa 6 67 Us r S ttin s n this...

Page 151: ...rvic r quir d I you do not hav your v hicl s rvic d accordin to th alr ady inputt d s rv ic int rval S rvic r quir d m ssa is display d or s v ral s conds ach tim you s t th i nition switch or En in S...

Page 152: ...s a t r n a in parkin brak This warnin m ssa app ars i you try to adjust th Us r S ttin s whil drivin Automatic Dual clutch transmission For your sa ty chan th Us r S ttin s a t r parkin th v hicl ap...

Page 153: Turn Si nal I this it m is ch ck d th lan chan si nals will blink 3 5 or 7 tim s wh n th turn si nal l v r is mov d sli htly H ad Lamp D lay i quipp d I this it m is ch ck d th h adlamp d lay and h...

Page 154: ...ey system This warnin m ssa illuminat s i th st rin wh l do s not lock wh n th En in Start Stop Button chan s to th FF position Check steering wheel lock system for smart key system This warnin m ssa...

Page 155: ...i ht blinks Check fuse Brake Switch for smart key system and automatic transaxle dual clutch transmission This warnin m ssa illuminat s i th brak switch us is disconn c t d It m ans that you should r...

Page 156: ...Door open It m ans that any door is op n Hood open It m ans that th hood is op n Tailgate open It m ans that th tail at is op n F atur s o your v hicl 4 62...

Page 157: warnin m ssa illuminat s on th s rvic r mind r mod i th wash r luid l v l in th r s rvoir is n arly mpty It m ans that you should r ill th wash r luid Turn on FUSE SWITCH This warnin m ssa illumina...

Page 158: ...r is a microcomput r controll d driv r in ormation syst m that displays in ormation r lat d to drivin NOTICE Som drivin in ormation stor d in th trip comput r or xampl Av ra V hicl Sp d r s ts i th ba...

Page 159: ...s th total drivin dis tanc sinc th last tripm t r r s t Distanc ran 0 0 9999 9 km or mi To r s t th tripm t r pr ss th RE SET button on th st rin wh l or mor than 1 s cond wh n th tripm t r is display...

Page 160: ...onds sinc th i nition switch or En in Start Stop button was turn d to N Ev n i th v hicl is not in motion th av ra v hicl sp d k ps oin whil th n in is runnin Elapsed Time 3 Th laps d tim is th total...

Page 161: ...conomy r s t Fu l conomy ran 0 0 99 9 L 100 km Th av ra u l conomy can b r s t both manually and automatically Choos th av ra u l r s t mod you pr r with in Us r s ttin s o th LCD Display as b low FF...

Page 162: ...h warnin li ht illuminat s with th parkin brak r l as d it indicat s th brak luid l v l in r s rvoir is low I th brak luid l v l in th r s rvoir is low 1 Driv car ully to th n ar st sa location and st...

Page 163: ...e force Distribution EBD system warning light Th s two warnin li hts il luminat at th sam tim whil drivin Wh n th ABS and r ular brak syst m may not work normally In this cas hav th v hicl insp c t d...

Page 164: ...rop rly This do s not indicat mal unction o th E B Electronic Power Steering EPS warning light This warnin li ht illumi nat s nc you s t th i nition switch or En in Start Stop button to th N position...

Page 165: ...ged and fuel con sumption can worsen CAUTION n Diesel Engine If the Malfunction Indicator Lamp MIL blinks some error related to the injection quantity adjustment occurs which could result in loss of e...

Page 166: ...insp ct d by a pro ssional workshop as soon as possibl Kia r comm nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r CAUTION n Engine Oil Pressure Warning Light If the engine does not stop imme diat...

Page 167: ...g light if equipped This warnin li ht illumi nat s nc you s t th i nition switch or En in Start Stop button to th N position It illuminat s or approximat ly 3 s conds and th n o s o Wh n on or mor o y...

Page 168: ...fessional workshop as soon as possible Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer serv ice partner Exhaust system DPF warning light diesel engine This warnin li ht illumi nat s Wh n th r is a ma...

Page 169: ...ratur on th ut sid T mp ratur Gau is b low ap proximat ly 4 C 39 2 F with th i nition switch or En in Start Stop button in th N position NOTICE I th icy road warnin li ht app ars whil drivin you shou...

Page 170: ...o ISG Idl Stop and Go syst m on pa 6 16 NOTICE Wh n th n in automatically starts by th ISG syst m som warnin li hts ABS ESC ESC FF E S or arkin brak warnin li ht may turn on or a w s conds This happ n...

Page 171: ...uthoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r Turn signal indicator light This indicator li ht blinks Wh n you turn th turn si nal li ht on I any o th ollowin occurs th r may a mal unction with th turn si nal s...

Page 172: ...n En in pr h atin Continu d Continu d I th n in do s not start within 10 s conds a t r th pr h atin is compl t d s t th i nition switch or En in Start Stop button to th L CK or FF position or 10 s co...

Page 173: ...e before and while backing up Operation of the rear parking assist system Operating condition This syst m will activat wh n th indicator on th r ar parkin assist FF button is not illuminat d I you d s...

Page 174: ...n cl ar d 2 Th s nsor is cov r d with or i n matt r such as snow or wat r or th s nsor cov r is block d It will op rat normally wh n th mat ri al is r mov d or th s nsor is no lon r block d 3 Drivin o...

Page 175: pol s or obj cts locat d b tw n s nsors may not b d t ct d by th s nsors Always visually ch ck b hind th v hicl wh n backin up B sur to in orm any driv rs o th v hicl that may b un amiliar with th...

Page 176: ...ew vehicle warranty does not cover any accidents or damage to the vehicle or injuries to its occu pants due to a rear parking assist system malfunction Always drive safely and cautiously F atur s o yo...

Page 177: ...thout a parkin assist syst m WARNING The parking assist system should only be considered as a supplemen tary function The driver must check the front and rear view The opera tional function of the par...

Page 178: ...ward is approximat ly 100 cm 39 4 in wh n you ar drivin l ss than 10 km h 6 2 mph Wh n mor than two obj cts ar s ns d at th sam tim th clos st on will b r co niz d irst NOTICE It may not op rat i it s...

Page 179: ...ntly 120 cm 61 cm R ar Buzz r b ps int rmitt ntly 60 cm 31 cm Front Buzz r b ps r qu ntly R ar Buzz r b ps r qu ntly 30 cm Front Buzz r sounds continuously R ar Buzz r sounds continuously NOTICE Th a...

Page 180: ...mat rial is r mov d or th s nsor is no lon r block d 3 S nsor is stain d with or i n mat t r such as snow or wat r S nsin ran will r turn to normal wh n r mov d 4 Th parkin assist button is o There is...

Page 181: ...ot b d t ct d Always visually ch ck in ront and b hind th v hicl wh n drivin B sur to in orm any driv rs in th v hicl that may b un amiliar with th syst m r ardin th syst ms capabiliti s and limitatio...

Page 182: ...Your new vehicle warranty does not cover any accidents or damage to the vehicle or injuries to its occu pants related to a parking assist system Always drive safely and cautiously F atur s o your v hi...

Page 183: ...t th xact spot you hav wish d For xampl th spac b tw n your v hicl and wall may not b th distanc you hav d sir d D activat th syst m and park your v hicl manually wh n th situation r quir s parkin man...

Page 184: ...yst m will h lp park th v hicl in th middl or back o a park d v hicl Us th syst m wh n all th b low conditions ar m t Wh n th parkin spac is a strai ht lin Wh n parall l parkin is r quir d Wh n th r i...

Page 185: ...Do not use the Smart Parking Assist System in the following conditions for unexpected results may occur and cause a serious accident Continued Continued 1 Parking on inclines The driver must apply th...

Page 186: Diagonal line parking is not available Even if the vehicle is able to enter the space do not operate the Smart Parking Assist System The sys tem will attempt parallel park ing Continued Continued 5...

Page 187: ...t Parking Assist System How the system works 1 Activat th Smart arkin Assist Syst m 2 S l ct parkin assist mod 3 S arch or parkin spac slowly mov orward 4 S arch compl t automatic s arch by s nsor 5 S...

Page 188: ...h Smart arkin Assist Syst m button with th shi t l v r in N N utral or D Driv and th brak p dal d pr ss d Th ri ht sid parall l mod is s l c t d automatically wh n th Smart arkin Assist Syst m is acti...

Page 189: ...arkin spac is availabl b or drivin by Th syst m may not op rat nor mally in th ollowin conditions 1 Wh n th s nsors ar roz n Continu d Continu d 2 Wh n th s nsors ar dirty 3 Wh n it snows or rains h a...

Page 190: ...l whil it is controll d automatically Th syst m will b canc ll d i v hicl sp d is ov r 7 km h 4 3 mph WARNING Do not put your hands between the steering wheel while it is being auto matically control...

Page 191: ...l and compl t parkin your v hicl NOTICE Th brak p dal must b d pr ss d by th driv r whil parkin your v hicl Th syst m may b canc ll d in th b low conditions I norin th ar shi t m ssa and driv th v hic...

Page 192: ...Assist Syst m op rat s Wh n you shi t th shi t l v r to D Driv b or nt rin th parkin spac Wh n you hold th st rin wh l irmly System malfunction I th r is a probl m with th syst m wh n th syst m is tur...

Page 193: ...r or audio display whil backin up WARNING This system is a supplementary function only It is the responsibili ty of the driver to always check the inside outside rearview mirror and the area behind th...

Page 194: ...t driver s door the battery saver function does not operate and the headlamp delay function does not turn off au tomatically Therefore it causes the battery to be discharged In this case make sure to...

Page 195: ...RL syst m will turn FF wh n 1 Th h adli ht low b am switch is N 2 Th n in is FF 3 Th ront o li ht is N 4 En a in th parkin brak Lighting control Th li ht switch has a H adli ht and a arkin li ht posit...

Page 196: N NOTICE Th i nition switch must b in th N position to turn on th h ad li hts Auto light if equipped Wh n th li ht switch is in th AUT li ht position th tailli hts and h ad li hts will b turn d N o...

Page 197: ...ion 2 ush th l v r away rom you Th hi h b am indicator will li ht wh n th h adli ht hi h b ams ar switch d on To pr v nt th batt ry rom b in dischar d do not l av th li hts on or a prolon d tim whil t...

Page 198: ...lbs may b burn d out and will r quir r plac m nt One touch lane change function To activat an on touch lan chan unction mov th turn si nal l v r sli htly and th n r l as it Th lan chan si nals will bl...

Page 199: ...1 to th r ar o li ht position To turn th r ar o li hts o do on o th ollowin Turn o th h adli ht switch Turn th li ht switch to th r ar o li ht position a ain Wh n th li ht switch in th park li ht i yo...

Page 200: ...3 Driv r Maximum p rmissibl load in 3 i quipp d Automatic type It automatically adjusts th h adli ht b am l v l accordin to th numb r o pass n rs and loadin w i ht in th lu a ar a And it o rs prop r h...

Page 201: ...t nt wip AUT Auto control wip L 1 Low wip r sp d HI 2 Hi h wip r sp d B Int rmitt nt control wip tim ad justm nt C Wash with bri wip s ront D R ar wip r wash r control HI Hi h wip r sp d L Low wip r s...

Page 202: ...ouch the upper end of the windshield glass facing the rain sensor Do not wipe the upper end of the windshield glass with a damp or wet cloth Do not put pressure on the wind shield glass CAUTION When w...

Page 203: ...ll op rat as ollows HI or Mod 2 5 minut s L or Mod 1 5 minut s INT or Mod 5 minut s FF or Stop CAUTION If wipers do not return to normal po sition you should remove the wax water repellent oil and oth...

Page 204: it will r turn to its normal position Wh n th op ration o th pass n r s sid wip r blad is limit d by accumula t d snow on th cowl top cov r op rat in an l o th driv r s sid wip r blad will b r du...

Page 205: ...d obscure your vi sion CAUTION To prevent possible damage to the wipers or windshield do not oper ate the wipers when the wind shield is dry To prevent damage to the wiper blades do not use gasoline k...

Page 206: ...sher switch Th r ar window wip r and wash r switch is locat d at th nd o th wip r and wash r switch l v r Turn th switch to th d sir d position to op r at th r ar wip r and wash r HI Hi h wip r sp d L...

Page 207: ...p lamp r ss th l ns 1 to turn th map lamp on or o 2 Th lamps ar o v n i a door is op n d 3 Th map lamp com s on wh n a door is op n d I you clos th door th lamps o out a t r ap proximat ly 30 s conds...

Page 208: ...2 Room lamp r ss th button to turn th li ht on or o I th map lamp turns on by th map lamp switch th room lamp will turn on Vanity mirror lamp if equipped ush th switch to turn th li ht on or o Th lam...

Page 209: ...e off position when the vanity mirror lamp is not in use If the sunvisor is closed without the lamp off it may discharge the battery or damage the sunvisor Luggage room lamp Th lu a room lamp com s on...

Page 210: will com on or 30 s conds i any o th b low is p r orm d Without smart k y syst m Wh n th door unlock button is pr ss d on th transmitt r With th smart k y syst m Wh n th door unlock button is pr ss...

Page 211: ...nin To activat th r ar window d rost r pr ss th r ar window d rost r button locat d in th c nt r acia switch pan l Th indicator on th r ar window d rost r button illumi nat s wh n th d rost r is N To...

Page 212: ...Front wiper deicer if equipped Th ront wip r d ic r will op rat at th sam tim you turn on th r ar window d rost r F atur s o your v hicl 4 118...

Page 213: ...hould b tak n that th s ar not block d by l av s snow ic or oth r obstruc tions To pr v nt int rior o on th wind shi ld s t th air intak control to th r sh air position and an sp d to th d sir d posit...

Page 214: ...v hicl has b n park d in di r ct sunli ht durin hot w ath r op n th windows or a short tim to l t th hot air insid th v hicl s cap Us air conditionin to r duc humidi ty and moistur insid th v hicl on...

Page 215: nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic part n r Checking the amount of air conditioner refrigerant and compressor lubricant Wh n th amount o r ri rant is low th p r ormanc o th air conditioni...

Page 216: ...ype and amount of oil and refrigerant is used Otherwise it may cause damage to the vehicle and personal injury our v hicl is ill d with R 134a or R 1234y accordin to th r ula tion in your country at t...

Page 217: ...w d rost r button 4 Mod s l ction button 5 Air intak control button 6 T mp ratur control knob 7 Front windshi ld d rost r button CAUTION Operating the blower when the igni tion switch is in the ON pos...

Page 218: ...n ss o h atin and coolin 1 H atin 2 Coolin 3 S t th t mp ratur control to th d sir d position 4 S t th air intak control to th outsid r sh air position 5 S t th an sp d control to th d sir d sp d 6 I...

Page 219: ...outl t Floor L v l A C D E Most o th air low is dir ct d to th loor with a small amount o th air b in dir ct d to th windshi ld and sid window d rost rs D rost L v l A D Most o th air low is dir ct d...

Page 220: ...t d air rom th pass n r compartm nt will b drawn throu h th h at in syst m and h at d or cool d accordin to th unction s l ct d utsid r sh air position With th outsid r sh air position s l ct d air nt...

Page 221: ...climate control system can produce drowsiness or sleepi ness which may result in a loss of vehicle control Set the air intake control to the outside fresh air position as much as possible while drivin...

Page 222: conditioning if equipped r ss th A C button to turn th air conditionin syst m on indicator li ht will illuminat r ss th button a ain to turn th air conditionin syst m o F atur s o your v hicl 4 128...

Page 223: ...d control button Low r sp d 5 Climat control display 6 Air conditionin button 7 Air intak control button 8 ass n r s t mp ratur control knob 9 Dual t mp ratur control s l ction button 10 FF button 11...

Page 224: ...control knob to s t th d sir d t mp ratur NOTICE To turn th automatic op ration o s l ct any button o th ol lowin Mod s l ction button Air conditionin button Exc pt Europ Continu d Continu d Front win...

Page 225: ...tially accordin to th or d r o buttons or knob s s l ct d 1 Start th n in 2 S t th mod to th d sir d posi tion To improv th ctiv n ss o h atin and coolin H atin Coolin 3 S t th t mp ratur control to t...

Page 226: ...tton onc th corr spondin switch will turn on and i you push th button a ain th switch will turn o Fac L v l B D F i quipp d Air low is dir ct d toward th upp r body and ac Additionally ach outl t can...

Page 227: s v nts usin th v nt control l v r as shown Temperature control Th t mp ratur will incr as to th maximum HI by turnin th knob to th ri ht xtr m ly Th t mp ratur will d cr as to th minimum Lo by tur...

Page 228: ...ratur control knob to adjust th driv r sid t mp ratur p rat th pass n r sid t mp ra tur control knob to adjust th pas s n r sid t mp ratur T mp ratur conv rsion ou can switch th t mp ratur mod b tw n...

Page 229: ...windshi ld and sid windows and th air within th pas s n r compartm nt may b com stal In addition prolon d us o th air conditionin with th r circulat d air position s l ct d will r sult in xc s siv ly...

Page 230: th FF button turns o th an Air conditioning if equipped r ss th A C button to turn th air conditionin syst m on indicator li ht will illuminat r ss th button a ain to turn th air conditionin syst m...

Page 231: ...Climate information screen selection for type B r ss th climat in ormation scr n s l ction button to display climat in ormation on th scr n 4 137 4 F atur s o your v hicl...

Page 232: cl ar all snow and ic rom th windshi ld r ar window outsid r ar vi w mirrors and all sid windows Cl ar all snow and ic rom th hood and air inl t in th cowl rill to im prov h at r and d rost r ici n...

Page 233: r sh air position will b s l ct d automati cally I th air conditionin is not s l ct d automatically adjust th corr spondin button manually I th position is s l ct d low r an sp d is adjust d to a h...

Page 234: ...ld I your v hicl is quipp d with th auto d o in syst m it is automatically activat d wh n th conditions ar m t To canc l or r s t th Auto D o in syst m pr ss th ront windshi ld d rost r button or 3 s...

Page 235: ...A C o can not b s l ct d CAUTION Do not remove the sensor cover lo cated on the upper end of the driver side windshield glass Damage to the system parts could occur and may not be covered by your vehi...

Page 236: ...PPED Wh n th i nition switch is in th N position th cl an air unction turns on automatically Also th cl an air unction turns o automatically wh n th i nition switch turns to th FF position F atur s o...

Page 237: ...ghters pro pane cylinders or other flammable explosive materials in the vehicle These items may catch fire and or explode if the vehicle is exposed to hot temperatures for extended peri ods Center con...

Page 238: ...ol box is not us d turn th knob to th clos position NOTICE I som it ms in th cool box block th v nt th coolin ctiv n ss o th cool box is r duc d WARNING Do not put perishable food in the cool box beca...

Page 239: ...n sunglass holder Do not put the glasses forcibly into a sunglass holder to prevent breakage or deformation of the glasses It may cause personal in jury if you try to open it forcibly when the glasses...

Page 240: an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r WARNING Holding the lighter in after it is heated will cause it to overheat If the lighter does not pop out within 30 seconds remove it to prevent overheatin...

Page 241: ...d spills you may burn yourself Such a burn to the driver could lead to loss of control of the vehi cle To reduce the risk of personal in jury in the event of sudden stop or collision do not place unco...

Page 242: ...ans may b plac d in th cup hold rs Typ B To us th cup hold r op n th cov r Rear To us th cup hold r oldin th c n t r s at or pull down th armr st Bottle holder Bottl s may b plac d in th hold r F atur...

Page 243: th FF position wh n v r th n in start stop button is turn d on NOTICE With th s at warm r switch in N position th h atin syst m in th s at turns o or on automatically d p ndin on th s at t mp ratu...

Page 244: ...rticular the driver must exer cise extreme care for the following types of passengers Continued Continued 1 Infants children elderly or disa bled persons or hospital outpa tients 2 Persons with sensit...

Page 245: ...nued Do not place heavy or sharp ob jects on the seat Those things may damage the air ventilation seat Be careful not to spill liquid such as water or beverages on the seat If you spill some liquid wi...

Page 246: ...the sunvisor To l arn how to us th vanity mir ror lamp r r to Vanity mirror lamp on pa 4 114 Seatback table if equipped Th tabl s ar locat d on th back o th ront s ats Th pass n r on th s cond row s...

Page 247: ...ntinued Only use 12V electric accessories which are less than 10A in electric capacity Adjust the air conditioner or heat er to the lowest operating level when using the power outlet Close the cover w...

Page 248: ...a trad mark o Appl Inc Coat hook CAUTION Do not hang heavy clothes since those may damage the hook Be careful when opening and clos ing the doors Clothes etc may get caught between the door gap WARNI...

Page 249: ...le Do not use ANY floor mat that cannot be firmly attached to the vehicle s floor mat anchors Do not stack floor mats on top of one another e g all weather rub ber mat on top of a carpeted floor mat O...

Page 250: ...d eye injury DO NOT over stretch the luggage net ALWAYS keep your face and body out of the luggage net s recoil path DO NOT use the luggage net when the strap has visible signs of wear or damage Cargo...

Page 251: ...o s curity scr n is not ully pull d out Fully pull it out and th n l t o To remove the cargo security screen 1 ush th uid pin inward 2 Whil pushin th uid pin pull out th car o s curity scr n 3 p n th...

Page 252: m ans th portabl lamp n ds to b char d Ins rt th lamp hold r and th n char it a ain Th char mod will b acti vat d i th i nition switch or n in start stop button is on posi tion or n in is runnin CA...

Page 253: ollowin proc dur 1 Ins rt a slim tool into th slot and ntly try op n th batt ry cov r 2 R plac th batt ri s with n w r char abl batt ri s AAA siz Wh n r placin th batt ri s mak sur th position o ba...

Page 254: b r position d i wind nois is d t ct d CAUTION When carrying cargo on the roof rack take the necessary precau tions to make sure the cargo does not damage the roof of the vehi cle Continued Continu...

Page 255: ...oof rack Severe wind up drafts caused by passing vehicles or natural causes can cause sud den upward pressure on items loa ded on the roof rack This is espe cially true when carrying large flat items...

Page 256: ......

Page 257: ...nd 5 40 Audio With touch scr n 5 48 F atur o your audio 5 49 Audio h ad unit or RDS mod l 5 49 CD lay r AM111A4GG AM111A4GN AM111A4GE AM111A4GL 5 51 F atur o your audio 5 52 Audio h ad unit 5 52 St ri...

Page 258: ...t clearance or a car wash re move the antenna by rotating it counterclockwise If not the an tenna may be damaged When reinstalling your antenna it is important that it is fully tight ened and adjusted...

Page 259: ...It will unction as th TRACK U D WN button D tail d in ormation or audio control buttons ar d scrib d in Audio h ad unit without touch scr n on pa 5 13 and Audio h ad unit with touch scr n on pa 5 49...

Page 260: ...s ar transmitt d at low r qu nci s Th s lon low r qu ncy radio wav s can ollow th curvatur o th arth rath r than trav llin strai ht out into th atmosph r In addition th y curv around obstructions so t...

Page 261: ...r lut t rin This can b caus d by a dir ct and r l ct d si nal rom th sam station or by si nals rom two sta tions with clos r qu nci s I this occurs s l ct anoth r station until th condition has pass d...

Page 262: ...t d into th CD play r Do not ins rt mor than on CD at a tim K p CDs in th ir cas s a t r us to prot ct th m rom scratch s or dirt D p ndin on th typ o CD R CD RW CDs c rtain CDs may not op rat normall...

Page 263: ...le ignition turned on Prolonged use with the ignition turned off could result in battery discharge CAUTION Operating the device while driving could lead to accidents due to a lack of attention to exte...

Page 264: USB d vic USB lashdriv s ar v ry s nsitiv to l ctric shock I th n in is start d up or turn d o whil th xt rnal USB d vic is conn ct d th xt rnal USB d vic may not work Th Syst m may not play inau...

Page 265: ...such as a USB hub purchas d s parat ly th v hicl s audio syst m may not r c o niz th USB d vic In that cas conn ct th USB d vic di r ctly to th multim dia t rminal o th v hicl I th USB d vic is divid...

Page 266: r ac Th d vic must hav audio Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y capability such as or st r o h adphon Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y Th d vic can play but it will not b control l d by th audio syst m To...

Page 267: ...n adjust in th audio syst m s volum and turn o th qualiz r o th audio syst m wh n usin th qualiz r o an i od Wh n not usin i od with car au dio d tach th i od cabl rom i od th rwis i od may r main in...

Page 268: ...AUDIO WITHOUT TOUCH SCREEN CD Player for RDS model AM100A4EE AM110A4EE Audio syst m 5 12...

Page 269: conn ction scr n is dis play d 5 WER V L knob ow r knob Turns pow r n by pr ssin th knob Volum knob S ts volum by turnin th knob l t ri ht 6 Radio mod Automatically s arch s or broadcast r qu n ci...

Page 270: ...Sound Clock hon Syst m s t tin mod s r ss and hold th k y ov r 0 8 s conds Mov to th Tim s t tin scr n 11 Displays m nus or th curr nt mod i od list Mov to par nt cat o ry 12 TUNE knob Radio mod Chan...

Page 271: ...CD Player AM100A4GG AM110A4GG AM100A4GN AM110A4GN AM100A4GE AM110A4GE AM100A4GL AM110A4GL 5 15 5 Audio syst m...

Page 272: ...turnin th knob l t ri ht 6 Radio mod Automatically s arch s or broadcast r qu n ci s CD USB i od My Music mod Shortly pr ss th k y und r 0 8 s conds Mov s to n xt or pr vious son il r ss and hold th k...

Page 273: ...on s il s by turnin th knob l t ri ht Wh n th d sir d son is dis play d pr ss th knob to play th son Mov s ocus in all s l ction m nus and s l cts m nus 13 CD M 3 USB mod Fold r S arch 14 Chan s to FM...

Page 274: ...Middl Tr bl S l cts th sound ton Fad r Balanc Mov s th sound ad r and balanc D ault R stor s d ault s ttin s R turn Whil adjustin valu s r pr ssin th knob will r stor th par nt m nu Sp d D p nd nt Vo...

Page 275: to th n xt s ttin S t in ord r o ar Month Day Tim Format This unction is us d to s t th 12 24 hour tim ormat o th audio syst m S l ct Tim Format S t 12hr 24hr throu h knob Clock Display wh n ow r...

Page 276: ...minut s I pairin is not com pl t d within th 3 minut s th mobil phon pairin proc ss will automatically b canc l d 3 airin compl tion is display d In som mobil phon s pairin will automatically b ollow...

Page 277: ...t d Automatically at t mpts to conn ct th most r c ntly conn ct d phon Cas s wh n th most r c ntly conn ct d phon cannot b con n ct d Att mpts to conn ct in th ord r in which pair d phon s ar list d T...

Page 278: ...whil on a call th volum can b chan d by usin th k y Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y Sys t m This atur is us d wh n you do not wish to us th Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y syst m S l ct Blu tooth Syst m S...

Page 279: ...t m M mory In ormation i quipp d Displays curr ntly us d m mory and total syst m m mory S l ct M mory In ormation K Th curr ntly us d m mory is dis play d on th l t sid whil th total syst m m mory is...

Page 280: ...p up scr n T xt Scroll T xt Scroll S t Maintains scroll Scrolls only on 1 tim M dia Display Wh n playin an M 3 il s l ct th d sir d display in o rom Fold r Fil or Album Artist Son Sound settings r ss...

Page 281: ...rou h knob r ss knob Adjust th numb r curr ntly in o cus to s t th hour and pr ss th knob to s t th minut Cal ndar S ttin s This m nu is us d to s t th dat MM DD S l ct Cal ndar S ttin s S t throu h k...

Page 282: ...minut s I pairin is not com pl t d within th 3 minut s th mobil phon pairin proc ss will automatically b canc l d 3 airin compl tion is display d In som mobil phon s pairin will automatically b ollow...

Page 283: ...t d Automatically at t mpts to conn ct th most r c ntly conn ct d phon Cas s wh n th most r c ntly conn ct d phon cannot b con n ct d Att mpts to conn ct in th ord r in which pair d phon s ar list d T...

Page 284: ...on a call th volum can b chan d by usin th k y Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y Sys t m This atur is us d wh n you do not wish to us th Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y syst m S l ct Blu tooth Syst m S t t...

Page 285: again for use System settings r ss th k y S l ct Syst m Lan ua This m nu is us d to s t th display and voic r co nition lan ua S l ct Lan ua S t throu h knob Th syst m will r boot a t r th lan ua i...

Page 286: ...h sup rior r c ption to pr s ts I no r qu nci s ar r c iv d th n th most r c ntly r c iv d r qu ncy will b broadcast Sav s only to th r s t m mory o FMA or AMA mod AF Alternative Frequency r ss th k y...

Page 287: ...s ach Selecting through manual search Turn th knob l t ri ht to adjust th r qu ncy AM100A4GE AM110A4GE FM Chan s by 50KHz AM Chan s by 9khz AM100A4GG AM110A4GG FM Chan s by 100KHz AM Chan s by 9khz AM...

Page 288: ...andom Shortly pr ssin th k y lays all il s in random ord r M 3 CD USB ALL RDM on scr n All Random pr ssin twic lays all il s in random ord r r ss th k y a ain to turn o r p at Changing Song File Short...

Page 289: ...r nt son r ss th k y to turn o in o display MENU MP3 CD USB r ss th CD M 3 mod k y to s t th R p at Fold r Random Fold r R p at All Random In ormation and Copy atur s R p at r ss th k y S t R T throu...

Page 290: ...y in random ord r r ss A RDM a ain to turn o In ormation r ss th k y S t In o throu h th knob or k y Displays in ormation o th curr nt son r ss th k y to turn o in o display S arch r ss th k y S t S a...

Page 291: wish to d l t rom th list 2 A t r s l ctin pr ss th k y and s l ct th d l t m nu NOTICE n USING My Music Ev n i m mory is availabl a maximum o 6 000 son s can b stor d Continu d Continu d Th sam s...

Page 292: ...b us d only wh n th Audio Str amin o hon is turn d n S ttin Blu tooth Wir l ss T ch nolo y Audio Str amin r ss th k y S l ct hon throu h th tun knob S l ct Audio Str amin throu h th knob S t Starting...

Page 293: ...history list will b dis play d on th scr n 3 r ss th k y a ain to con n ct a call to th s l ct d numb r R dialin th most r c ntly call d numb r 1 r ss and hold ov r 0 8 s conds th k y on th st rin r m...

Page 294: ...n numb r is sav d to on contact th n a scr n showin th mobil phon numb r Hom and o ic numb r is dis play d S l ct th d sir d numb r to mak th call I Contacts do not xist a scr n askin wh th r to downl...

Page 295: ...display d corr ctly I riority is s t upon v hicl i ni tion IGN ACC N th Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y phon will b automatically conn ct d Ev n i you ar outsid th Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y phon wil...

Page 296: ...nt may r sult in nois int r r nc Voice command if equipped NOTICE n USING V ICE C MMAND Th voic r co nition atur o this product supports r co nition o th commands list d in Voic command list on pa 5 4...

Page 297: ...rt Mod Say th voic command NOTICE For prop r voic r co nition say th voic command a t r th uidanc m ssa and th B p sound Skipping the guidance message Whil th uidanc m ssa is b in stat d shortly pr s...

Page 298: ...Illustration on using voice commands Audio syst m 5 42...

Page 299: ...splay th Dial numb r scr n A t r sayin this command you can say th numb r what you want to call R dial Conn cts th most r c ntly call d num b r Command Function Radio Wh n list nin to th radio display...

Page 300: ...r n A t r manually op rat th d vic to s l ct and play music My Music lays th music sav d in My Music Command Function S arch My Music Mov s to My Music il s l ction scr n A t r manually op rat th d vi...

Page 301: ...Command Function ro ram Typ Mov s to th RDS ro ram typ s l c tion scr n A t r manually op rat th d vic to s l ct a d sir d pro ram typ Command Function Random Randomly plays th tracks within th CD Ra...

Page 302: ...s Random Randomly plays th son s within th curr nt cat ory Random Canc ls random play to play son s in s qu ntial ord r Command Function R p at R p ats th curr nt son R p at Canc ls r p at play to pl...

Page 303: additional con irmation proc ss D l t All D l t s all il s sav d in My Music ou will bypass an additional con irmation proc ss Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y Audio Commands Com mands that can b us d...

Page 304: ...AUDIO WITH TOUCH SCREEN CD Player for RDS model AM111A4EE Audio syst m 5 48...

Page 305: conn ction scr n is dis play d 5 WER V L knob ow r r ss to turn pow r on o Volum Turn l t ri ht to control volum 6 Wh n pr ss d shortly und r 0 8 s conds Radio mod plays pr vious n xt r qu ncy M d...

Page 306: ...ia CD USB i od My Music mod s pr vi ws ach son il or 10 s conds ach 11 Conv rts to S tup mod 12 TUNE knob Radio mod turn to chan broadcast r qu nci s M dia CD USB i od My Music mod s turn to s arch tr...

Page 307: ...CD Player AM111A4GG AM111A4GN AM111A4GE AM111A4GL 5 51 5 Audio syst m...

Page 308: ...w r knob r ss to turn pow r on o Volum knob Turn l t ri ht to control volum 6 Wh n pr ss d shortly und r 0 8 s conds Radio mod plays pr vious n xt r qu ncy M dia CD USB i od My Music mod s chan s th t...

Page 309: ...ds or ast orwards th track or son il 4 M DE Each tim this k y is pr ss d th mod is chan d in ord r o FM1 FM2 FMA AM AMA USB or i od AUX My Music BT Audio I th m dia is not conn ct d or a disc is not i...

Page 310: ...Mod Display Displays curr ntly op ratin mod 2 Fr qu ncy Displays th curr nt r qu ncy 3 r s t Displays curr nt pr s t numb r 1 6 4 r s t Display Displays sav d pr s ts 5 Autostor Automatically sav s r...

Page 311: ormation or th r qu n cy sav d to ach button NOTICE Whil list nin to a r qu ncy you want to sav as a pr s t pr ss and hold on o th 1 6 pr s t but tons ov r 0 8 s conds to sav th curr nt r qu ncy to...

Page 312: ...sin th k y will canc l th scan op ration Program type r ss th k y to s arch or th d sir d ro ram typ Turn th knob l t ri ht to s arch or th d sir d pro ram typ nc you ind th d sir d pro ram typ pr ss...

Page 313: ...AM I Mod op up is turn d on within Display th n pr ssin th k y will display th Radio op up Mod scr n Turn th knob to mov th ocus r ss th knob to s l ct Searching radio frequencies Usin S k r ss th k...

Page 314: ...n is op ratin pr ssin th k y will canc l th scan op r ation Media mode AM111A4GG AM111A4GN AM111A4GE AM111A4GL AM111A4EE Switching to Media Mode r ssin th k y will chan th op ratin mod in ord r o CD U...

Page 315: ...s th play paus stat 5 lay Tim Displays th curr nt play tim 6 In o Shows d tail d in ormation about th curr nt track 7 Random Shu l Turns th Random Shu l atur on o 8 R p at Turns th R p at atur on o 9...

Page 316: ...d sir d track nc you ind th d sir d track pr ss th knob to start playin R windin Fast orwardin Tracks Whil playin pr ss and hold th k y ov r 0 8 s conds to r wind or ast orward th curr nt track Scan r...

Page 317: ...rom R p at Random Shu l Scan displays th curr ntly op rat in unction 3 Fil Ind x Displays th curr nt il numb r 4 Fil In o Displays in ormation about th cur r nt il 5 lay aus Chan s th play paus stat 6...

Page 318: ...h b innin r ssin th k y b or th il has b n playin or 1 s conds will start th pr vious il S l ctin rom th List Turn th knob l t ri ht to s arch or th d sir d il nc you ind th d sir d il pr ss th knob t...

Page 319: ...s d tail d il in ormation Continu d Continu d Th titl artist and album in o ar display d only wh n such in orma tion ar r cord d within th M 3 il ID3 ta Random Shu l r ss th button to play il s in ran...

Page 320: ...l ctricity wh n conn ctin disconn ctin USB d vic s Encod d M 3 lay rs will not b r co niz d wh n conn ct d as an xt rnal d vic Wh n conn ctin an xt rnal USB d vic th d vic may not prop r ly r co niz t...

Page 321: i M 3 lay rs c llular phon s di ital cam ras or oth r l ctronic d vic s USB d vic s not r co niz d as portabl disk driv s ar conn ct d with th d vic Char in throu h th USB may not work or som mob...

Page 322: ...lay paus stat 6 lay Tim Displays th curr nt play tim 7 In o Shows d tail d in ormation about th curr nt il 8 Random Shu l Turns th Random Shu l atur on o 9 R p at Turns th R p at atur on o 10 Copy Cop...

Page 323: ...r vious il S l ctin rom th List Turn th knob l t ri ht to s arch or th d sir d il nc you ind th d sir d il pr ss th knob to start playin R windin Fast orwardin il s Whil playin pr ss and hold th k y o...

Page 324: ...rd r Each tim th button is pr ss d th atur chan s in ord r o Random Shu l Fold r Random Shu l All Random Shu l Fold r lays all il s within th curr nt old r in Ran dom Shu l ord r Random Shu l All lays...

Page 325: pr v nt communication in t r r nc Wh n th EQ atur s o an xt r nal d vic such as th i od and th audio syst m ar both activ EQ cts could ov rlap and caus sound d t rioration and distortion Wh n v r p...

Page 326: ...ndin on its v rsion I th M dia is r mov d b or th M dia is r co niz d th n th sys t m may not prop rly r stor th pr viously op rat d mod i ad char in is not support d Basic mod scr n or RDS mod l 1 Mo...

Page 327: ...or 2 s c onds will start th curr nt son rom th b innin r ssin th k y b or th son has b n playin or 1 s c ond will start th pr vious son Sli ht tim di r nc s may xist d p ndin your i od product R windi...

Page 328: ...scr n 2 Hom Mov s to th i od root cat ory scr n 3 Mov s to th pr vious cat ory NOTICE I th s arch mod is acc ss d whil playin a son th most r c ntly s arch d cat ory is dis play d S arch st ps upon in...

Page 329: ...r d cat ory nc you ind th d sir d cat ory pr ss th knob to s l ct and play AUX mode Usin AUX Mod r ss th k y S l ct AUX An xt rnal d vic can b conn ct d to play music Conn ctin an xt rnal d vic Ext rn...

Page 330: AUX jack upon us My Music mode Basic mod scr n or RDS mod l 1 Mod Displays curr ntly op ratin mod 2 p ration Stat From R p at Random Shu l Scan displays th curr ntly op rat in unction 3 Fil Ind x...

Page 331: ...r th il has b n playin or 2 s conds will start th curr nt il rom th b innin r ssin th k y b or th il has b n playin or 1 s cond will start th pr vious il S l ctin rom th List Turn th knob l t ri ht t...

Page 332: ...orma tion is r cord d within th M 3 il ID3 ta Random r ss th button to play il s in random ord r r ss th button a ain to turn th Random atur o R p at r ss th button to r p at th curr nt son r ss th b...

Page 333: ...i d mor than 1 000 tim s To ch ck m mory in ormation o to Syst m M mory In ormation Bluetooth Wireless Technology audio mode for Bluetooth Wireless Technology equipped model NOTICE n USING THE Blu too...

Page 334: play NOTICE Th play paus atur may op rat di r ntly d p ndin on th mobil phon Chan in Fil s r ss th k y to mov to th pr vious or n xt il S ttin Conn ction I a Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y d vic has...

Page 335: conveniently make calls receive calls and manage the phone book Before using the Bluetooth Wire less Technology carefully read the contents of this user s manual Excessive use or operations while d...

Page 336: ...l phon pow r n and try a ain 3 Compl t ly r mov th mobil phon batt ry r boot and th n a ain 4 R boot th audio syst m and try a ain 5 D l t all pair d d vic s pair and try a ain Th Hands r call volum a...

Page 337: ...nt rin th Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y phon scr n I a conn ct d Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y d vic b com s dis conn ct d or various r asons such as b in out o ran turnin th d vic FF or a Blu tooth...

Page 338: ...d vic with th car au dio syst m 5 nc pairin is compl t th ol lowin scr n is display d NOTICE Continu d Continu d I Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y d vic s ar pair d but non ar curr ntly conn ct d pr ss...

Page 339: ...ting a device r ss th k y S l ct hon S l ct air d hon List 1 Conn ct d hon D vic that is curr ntly conn ct d 2 air d hon D vic that is pair d but not conn ct d From th pair d phon list s l ct th d vic...

Page 340: ...n S l ct air d hon List From th pair d phon list s l ct th d vic you want to d l t and pr ss th button NOTICE Wh n d l tin th curr ntly con n ct d d vic th d vic will auto matically b disconn ct d to...

Page 341: is display d which asks wh th r to download phon book data This atur may not b suppor t d in som mobil phon s For mor in ormation on download support r r to your mobil phon us r s manual Calling by...

Page 342: ...d with th mobil phon th call mod will automatically conv rt to rivat mod Durin a Hands r Call 1 Call r Displays th oth r party s nam i th incomin call r is sav d within your phon book 2 Incomin Numb r...

Page 343: d r ss th Download button to download th call history 1 Contact List Displays download d phon book ntri s Conn cts call upon s l ction 2 Download Download phon book ntri s NOTICE Up to 1 000 phon...

Page 344: ...ic s hav b n pair d 1 r ss th k y or th k y on th st rin r mot con troll r Th ollowin scr n is dis play d 2 r ss th button to nt r th air hon scr n 1 Car Nam Nam o d vic as shown wh n s archin rom you...

Page 345: ...d vic is not pair d within th iv n tim I th pairin proc ss ails you must start th proc ss rom th b innin G n rally most Blu tooth Wir l ss T chnolo y d vic s will auto matically conn ct onc pairin is...

Page 346: ...t to chan to th hi h st priority th n pr ss th button rom th M nu Th s l ct d d vic will b chan d to th hi h st priority NOTICE Wh n a d vic is curr ntly conn c t d v n i you chan th priority to a di...

Page 347: ...n wh r numb rs can b di al d to mak calls 2 Call History Displays th call histo ry list scr n 3 Contacts Displays th hon book list scr n 4 S tup Displays hon r lat d s t tin s NOTICE I you pr ss th Ca...

Page 348: ...acts 2 Incomin Numb r Displays th in comin numb r 3 Acc pt Acc pt th incomin call 4 R j ct R j ct th incomin call NOTICE Wh n th incomin call pop up is display d most Audio and SETU mod atur s will no...

Page 349: ...tact List Displays download d contacts ntri s Conn cts call upon s l ction 2 Download Download contacts n tri s NOTICE Up to 1 000 contacts ntri s can b copi d into car contacts Upon downloadin contac...

Page 350: ...nroo ar op n Wh n th wind o th coolin h atin d vic is stron Wh n nt rin and passin throu h tunn ls Wh n drivin on ru d and un v n roads Durin s v r rain h avy rains windstorms hon r lat d voic command...

Page 351: ...voic com mand R startin Voic R co nition Whil syst m waits or a command Shortly pr ss th k y on th st r in r mot controll r und r 0 8 s c onds Th command wait stat is imm diat ly nd d and th b p ton w...

Page 352: ...tin voic command Shortly pr ssin th k y und r 0 8 s conds Skippin Voic R co nition Shortly pr ssin th k y und r 0 8 s conds Shortly pr ssin th k y und r 0 8 s conds End voic command Shortly pr ssin th...

Page 353: ...splay th Dial numb r scr n A t r sayin this command you can say th numb r what you want to call R dial Conn cts th most r c ntly call d num b r Command Function Radio Wh n list nin to th radio display...

Page 354: ...r n A t r manually op rat th d vic to s l ct and play music My Music lays th music sav d in My Music Command Function S arch My Music Mov s to My Music il s l ction scr n A t r manually op rat th d vi...

Page 355: ...Command Function ro ram Typ Mov s to th RDS ro ram typ s l c tion scr n A t r manually op rat th d vic to s l ct a d sir d pro ram typ Command Function Random Randomly plays th tracks within th CD Ra...

Page 356: ...s Random Randomly plays th son s within th curr nt cat ory Random Canc ls random play to play son s in s qu ntial ord r Command Function R p at R p ats th curr nt son R p at Canc ls r p at play to pl...

Page 357: ...4EE Starting mode r ss th k y to display th S t up scr n ou can s l ct and control options r la t d to Display Sound Clock Day hon and Syst m Display settings Adjustin th Bri htn ss r ss th k y S l ct...

Page 358: ...urn d o th t xt is scroll d just onc M 3 In ormation Display r ss th k y S l ct Display S l ct Son In o This atur is us d to chan th in ormation display d within USB and M 3 CD mod s 1 Fold r Fil Disp...

Page 359: ...Dialo Touch Scr n B p r ss th k y S l ct Sound S l ct Touch Scr n B p This atur is us d to turn th touch scr n b p on o Clock Day setting Clock S ttin r ss th k y S l ct Clock Day S l ct Clock S ttin...

Page 360: ...n th audio syst m is turn d o Automatic RDS Tim r ss th k y S l ct Clock Day S l ct Automatic RDS Tim This atur is us d to s t tim auto matically by synchronizin with RDS Bluetooth Wireless Technology...

Page 361: to s that your mobil phon supports th download a tur To l arn mor about wh th r your mobil phon supports phon book downloads r r to your mobil phon us r s manual Th hon book or only th con n ct d...

Page 362: ...n downloadin a phon book irst ch ck to s that your mobil phon supports th phon book download atur Audio Str amin r ss th k y S l ct hon S l ct Audio Str amin Wh n Audio Str amin is turn d on you can...

Page 363: ...capacity curr ntly in us 2 Capacity Displays total capacity Voic R co nition Mod S ttin i quipp d r ss th k y S l ct Syst m S l ct Voic R co nition Syst m This atur is us d to s l ct th d sir d promp...

Page 364: ...s Us th buttons to adjust th scr n bri htn ss or s t th Bri htn ss on Automatic Day or Ni ht mod r ss th button to r s t 1 Automatic Adjusts th bri htn ss automatically 2 Dayli ht Always maintains th...

Page 365: d to chan th in ormation display d within USB and M 3 CD mod s 1 Fold r Fil Displays il nam and old r nam 2 Album Artist Son Displays album nam artist nam son Sound settings Sound S ttin s r ss th...

Page 366: ...s th buttons to s t th Hour Minut s and AM M s ttin NOTICE r ss and hold th k y ov r 0 8 s conds to s t th Clock Cal n dar scr n Cal ndar S ttin r ss th k y S l ct Clock Cal ndar S l ct Cal ndar S tti...

Page 367: ...l ct d phon 3 D l t D l t s th curr ntly s l c t d phon 4 Chan riority S ts curr ntly s l ct d phon to hi h st conn ction priority NOTICE n BEF RE D WNL ADING C N TACTS nly contacts within conn ct d p...

Page 368: ...l ss T chnolo y phon is conn ct d NOTICE Th Auto Download atur will download mobil contacts ntri s v ry tim th phon is conn c t d Th download tim may di r d p ndin on th numb r o sav d contacts ntri s...

Page 369: ...ack on o to hon and pr ss s System setting M mory In ormation r ss th k y S l ct Syst m S l ct M mory In ormation This atur displays in ormation r la t d to syst m m mory 1 Usin Displays capacity curr...

Page 370: ...n th i nition k y is turn d N and th transmission l v r is s t to R Th r ar vi w cam ra will automati cally stop op ratin wh n s t to a di r nt l v r CAUTION The rear view camera has been equipped wi...

Page 371: Maximum Min Minimum Low Low Mid Middl n n ow rBass ow rBass Nam D scription S ttin S ttin K K MENU MENU ow rTr bl ow rTr bl SDVC Sp d D p nd nt Volum Control S tup S tup CURRENT CURRENT Curr nt Tot...

Page 372: ...Nam D scription L R LEFT RIGHT Middl Middl My Music My Music Track Track USB USB Nam D scription hon hon En in rin Mod En in rin Mod SEEK SEEK Icon Icon Audio syst m 5 116...

Page 373: ...v EC syst m 6 39 Activ EC op ration 6 39 Wh n Activ EC is activat d 6 39 Limitation o Activ EC op ration 6 39 Brak syst m 6 40 ow r brak s 6 40 arkin brak Hand typ 6 41 El ctronic parkin brak E B 6 43...

Page 374: ...lycol coolant 6 85 Ch ck batt ry and cabl s 6 85 Chan to wint r w i ht oil i n c ssary 6 85 Ch ck spark plu s and i nition syst m 6 85 To k p locks rom r zin 6 85 Us approv d window wash r anti r z in...

Page 375: ...Letting the engine idle in your ga rage even with the garage door open is a hazardous practice Nev er run the engine in your garage any longer than it takes to start the engine and back the vehicle ou...

Page 376: ...permis sible by law should never be used during operation of the vehicle Before starting Clos and lock all doors osition th s at so that all controls ar asily r ach d Adjust th insid and outsid r ar v...

Page 377: ...n be careful not to depress the acceler ator pedal for a long period of time It may overheat the engine or exhaust system and cause fire Continued Continued When you make a sudden stop or turn the ste...

Page 378: ...trical acc ssori s ar op rativ NOTICE I di iculty is xp ri nc d turnin th i nition switch to th ACC posi tion turn th k y whil turnin th st rin wh l ri ht and l t to r l as th t nsion On Th warnin li...

Page 379: ...ty to use the brake ac celerator and clutch if equipped pedal Do not start the vehicle with the accelerator pedal depressed The vehicle can move and lead to an accident Wait until the engine rpm is no...

Page 380: ...ds If the en gine stalls or fails to start wait 5 to 10 seconds before re engaging the starter Improper use of the starter may damage it Do not turn the ignition switch to the START position with the...

Page 381: ...s cold idl or s v ral s conds b or su ici nt lubrica tion is nsur d in th turbo char r unit 2 A t r hi h sp d or xt nd d driv in r quirin a h avy n in load run th n in on idl condition about 1 minut b...

Page 382: ...will not chan to th FF posi tion but to th ACC position V hicl s quipp d with anti th t st rin column lock Th st rin wh l locks wh n th n in start stop button is in th FF po sition to prot ct you a a...

Page 383: ...lly to pr v nt batt ry dischar ON With manual transaxl r ss th n in start stop button wh n th button is in th ACC position without d pr ssin th clutch p dal With automatic transaxl Dual clutch transmi...

Page 384: ...f these precautions are not taken Never reach for the engine start stop button or any other controls through the steering wheel while the vehicle is in motion The pres ence of your hand or arm in the...

Page 385: ...n in R M is within normal ran und r 1 000 rpm A t r ch ckin shi t th transaxl shi t l v r to th d sir d position Unlock th parkin brak and tak your oot o th clutch p dal Th n li htly d pr ss th acc l...

Page 386: ...dal and brak p dal at th sam tim shi t th transaxl l v r to N Ev n i th smart k y is in th v hicl i it is ar away rom you th n in may not start Wh n th n in start stop button is in th ACC position or...

Page 387: ...l Continu d Continu d Wh n th stop lamp us is blown you cannot start th n in nor mally R plac th us with a n w on I it is not possibl you can start th n in by pr ssin th n in start stop button or 10...

Page 388: ...FF E S or arkin brak warnin li ht may turn on or a w s conds This happ ns b caus o low batt ry volta It do s not m an th sys t m has mal unction d Auto stop To stop the engine in idle stop mode With m...

Page 389: ...r conditionin is on Th an sp d o automatic climat control syst m is s t abov th 6th position wh n th air conditionin is on Wh n a c rtain amount o tim has pass d with th climat control sys t m on Wh n...

Page 390: ISG sys t m pr ss th ISG FF button Th li ht on th ISG FF button will illumi nat and a m ssa Auto Stop Sys t m FF will app ar on th LCD dis play I you pr ss th ISG FF button a ain th syst m will b a...

Page 391: ...mum o two hours and s ttin th an sp d control knob b low th 2nd position I th ISG FF button li ht continu s to b illuminat d in spit o th proc dur hav your v hicl insp ct d by a pro ssional workshop...

Page 392: ...l v r to th R R v rs position Mak sur th v hicl is compl t ly stopp d b or shi tin into R R v rs N v r op rat th n in with th tachom t r rpm in th r d zon CAUTION When downshifting from 5 Fifth gear...

Page 393: ...arking brake fully and shut the engine off Then make sure the transaxle is shifted into 1 First gear when the vehicle is parked on a level or uphill grade and shifted into R Reverse on a downhill grad...

Page 394: ...The use of half clutch while the vehicle is in motion may result in early clutch disc wear abnormal vibration or noise The clutch pedal should be de pressed fully for any operation When letting go of...

Page 395: ...kle up In a collision an unbelted occupant is significantly more likely to be seriously injured or killed than a properly belted oc cupant Avoid high speeds when cornering or turning Continued Continu...

Page 396: ...TICE Th irst w shi ts on a n w v hicl i th batt ry has b n disconn c t d may b som what abrupt This is a normal condition and th shi t in s qu nc will adjust a t r shi ts ar cycl d a w tim s by th TCM...

Page 397: ...nary with engine power Use the service brake or the parking brake Do not shift from N Neutral or P Park into D Drive or R Reverse when the engine is above idle speed Transaxle ranges Th indicator li h...

Page 398: is runnin to dis n a th parkin brak I AUT H LD unction is us d whil drivin I AUT H LD indicator is on in th clust r pr ss AUT H LD switch and AUT H LD unc tion should b turn o 3 Whil pr ssin th br...

Page 399: ...2 until th kick down m chanism i quipp d works with a clickin nois at which tim th transaxl will auto matically downshi t to th n xt low r ar NOTICE Always com to a compl t stop b or shi tin into D Dr...

Page 400: ...n This caus s th transaxl to shi t into th 2nd ar which is b tt r or smooth drivin on a slipp ry road ush th shi t l v r to th down sid to shi t back to th 1st ar Paddle shifter if equipped Th paddl s...

Page 401: ...k th n do th ollowin 1 r ss th shi t lock r l as button 2 Mov th shi t l v r 3 Hav th syst m insp ct d by a pro ssional workshop Kia r com m nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r I niti...

Page 402: sharp turns The risk of rollover is greatly in creased if you lose control of your vehicle at highway speeds Continued Continued Loss of control often occurs if two or more wheels drop off the ro...

Page 403: ...vehicle for people especially children before shifting a vehicle into D Drive or R Re verse Before leaving the driver s seat al ways make sure the shift lever is in the P Park position then set the pa...

Page 404: ...hich is similar to manual transmis sion Wh n drivin downhill you may us Sports Mod and pr ss th paddl shi t rs to downshi t to a low r ar in ord r to control your sp d with out usin th brak p dal xc s...

Page 405: ...y become worse To return the normal driv ing condition stop the vehicle and apply the foot brake for a few mi nutes before driving off Continued Continued Repetitive kick downs may lead to overheating...

Page 406: stop with th n in N Shi t into ark i you n d to l av your v hicl or any r ason Always d pr ss th brak p dal wh n you ar shi tin rom N N utral to an oth r ar WARNING Do not shift into gear unless y...

Page 407: ...rking Brake equipped vehicles with AUTO HOLD function used while driving if the ignition button has been turned OFF the electronic park ing brake will be engaged auto matically Therefore AUTO HOLD fun...

Page 408: ...k or N N utral into R R v rs 1 D pr ss and hold th brak p dal 2 Start th n in or turn th i nition switch to th N position 3 Mov th shi t l v r I th brak p dal is r p at dly d pr ss d and r l as d with...

Page 409: v hicl p r ormanc and conomy is obtain d by smoothly d pr ssin and r l asin th acc l ra tor p dal WARNING Always buckle up In a collision an unbelted occupant is significantly more likely to be ser...

Page 410: ...p rad rom a standin start d pr ss th brak p dal shi t th shi t l v r to D Driv S l ct th appropriat ar d p ndin on load w i ht and st pn ss o th rad and r l as th parkin brak D pr ss th acc l rator ra...

Page 411: ...transaxl dual clutch transmission may chan Th abov situations ar normal condi tions wh n th activ co syst m is ac tivat d to improv u l ici ncy Limitation of Active ECO operation I th ollowin conditi...

Page 412: ...sult in a tempo rary loss of braking performance Wet brakes may impair the vehi cle s ability to safely slow down the vehicle may also pull to one side when the brakes are applied Applying the brakes...

Page 413: ...eplace the front or rear brake pads as pairs WARNING n Brake wear Continued Continued This brake wear warning sound means your vehicle needs service If you ignore this audible warning you will eventua...

Page 414: ...event unintentional move ment when stopped and leaving the vehicle do not use the shift lever instead of the parking brake Set the parking brake AND make sure the shift lever is securely positioned in...

Page 415: imm diat ly I that is not possibl us xtr m caution whil op ratin th v hicl and only continu to driv th v hicl until you can r ach a sa location or r pair shop Electronic parking brake EPB if equipp...

Page 416: th shi t l v r is in R R ar D Driv Shi t l v r in ark With th n in runnin d pr ss th brak p dal and shi t out o ark to R R ar or D Driv Shi t l v r in N N utral With th n in runnin d pr ss th brak...

Page 417: I th driv r s s at b lt is not as t n d and any door th n in hood or tail at is op n d a warnin will sound and a m ssa will app ar I th r is a probl m with th v hicl a warnin may sound and a m ssa...

Page 418: ...hav mal unc tion d I this occurs hav th syst m ch ck d by a pro ssional workshop Kia r com m nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r Th E B mal unction indicator may illu minat wh n th E...

Page 419: ...y a professional workshop Kia recommends to visit an author ized Kia dealer service partner When the EPB Electronic Parking Brake does not release I th E B do s not r l as normally load th v hicl on a...

Page 420: ...ossibl or as hard as th sit uation warrants and allow th ABS to control th orc b in d liv r d to th brak s NOTICE A click sound may b h ard in th n in compartm nt wh n th v hi cl b ins to mov a t r th...

Page 421: ...If the ABS warning light is off then your ABS system is normal Otherwise you may have a problem with the ABS In this case have your vehicle in spected by a professional work shop Kia recommends to co...

Page 422: ...your r sponsibility to driv and corn r at r asonabl sp ds and to l av a su ici nt mar in o sa ty Wh n you apply your brak s und r conditions which may lock th wh ls you may h ar a tik tik sound rom t...

Page 423: ...r li ht ESC FF illuminat s At this stat th n in control unction do s not op rat It m ans th traction control unction do s not op rat Brak control unc tion only op rat s ESC o stat 2 To canc l ESC op r...

Page 424: ...d o by pr ssin th ESC FF button or mor than 3 s conds ESC FF li ht illumina t d I th ESC is l t on it may pr v nt th v hicl sp d rom in cr asin and r sult in als dia nosis Turnin th ESC o do s not a...

Page 425: ...di r nt riction orc s WARNING The Vehicle Stability Management system is not a substitute for safe driving practices but a supplemen tary function only It is the respon sibility of the driver to alwa...

Page 426: ...hazard warnin lash r will turn on au tomatically Th hazard warnin lash r will turn o wh n v hicl sp d is ov r 10 km h a t r th v hicl has stopp d Also it will turn o wh n th v hicl is driv n at low sp...

Page 427: do so pull o th road and stop in a sa plac I your v hicl is quipp d with an au tomatic transaxl dual clutch trans mission do not l t your v hicl cr p orward To avoid cr pin orward k p your oot irml...

Page 428: covered or winding roads or over 6 up hill or down hill roads Pay particular attention to the driving conditions whenever using the cruise control system Be careful when driving downhill using the...

Page 429: ...h d sir d sp d which must b mor than approxi mat ly 30 km h 20 mph NOTICE n Manual transaxl For manual transaxl v hicl s you should d pr ss th brak p dal at Continu d Continu d l ast onc to s t th cru...

Page 430: ...down R l as th l v r at th sp d you want to maintain Mov th l v r down to SET and r l as it imm diat ly Th cruisin sp d will d cr as by 2 km h 1 mph ach tim you mov th l v r down to SET in this mann r...

Page 431: ...sp d To resume cruising speed at more than approximately 30 km h 20 mph I any m thod oth r than th button was us d to canc l cruisin sp d and th syst m is still activat d th most r c nt s t sp d will...

Page 432: NOTICE Whil sp d limit control is in op ra tion th cruis control syst m can not b activat d Speed limit control switch CANCEL Canc ls s t sp d limit Turns sp d limit control syst m on or o RES R su...

Page 433: and chim will sound until you r turn th v hicl sp d within th sp d limit NOTICE D pr ssin th acc l rator p dal l ss than approximat ly 50 th v hicl will not sp d ov r th pr s t sp d limit but mai...

Page 434: ...will blink if there is a problem with speed limit control system If this occurs have the system checked by a professional workshop Kia recommends to visit an author ized Kia dealer service partner Dr...

Page 435: ...mirror The system detects traffic signs and displays speed limit informa tion by a camera therefore if traf fic signs are hard to detect the system may not work properly Please refer to Driver s atte...

Page 436: ...mation without visibl sp d limit si ns in th ollowin sit uations Wh n you chan your drivin di r ction with ri ht or l t or U turn in Wh n v hicl chan s roads rom hi hway to country road Wh n you nt r...

Page 437: w is cl ar d hav th syst m ch ck d by a pro ssional workshop Kia r com m nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r Wh n SLIF is not workin prop rly th warnin m ssa will com on or a w s...

Page 438: ...ention Th driv r must b cautious in th b low situations or th syst m may not assist th driv r and may not work prop rly Do not stick or attach anythin to th windshi ld in ront o th cam ra as this may...

Page 439: ...r cannot detect the lane or if the vehicle speed does not exceed 60 km h the LDWS won t warn you even though the vehicle leaves the lane If your vehicle has window tint or other types of coating and a...

Page 440: ...cator illuminat s on th clust r To canc l th LDWS pr ss th switch a ain I you s l ct this symbol th LDWS mod on th LCD display will app ar I your v hicl l av s th lan wh n th LDWS is op ratin and v hi...

Page 441: ...It m ans th s nsor do s not d t ct th lan lin Gr n color It m ans th s nsor d t cts th lan lin Warning indicator I th LDWS FAIL warnin indicator com s on y llow indicator th LDWS is not workin prop r...

Page 442: ...tain d with or i n matt r Th s nsor can not d t ct th lan b caus o o h avy rain or h avy snow Th surroundin t mp ratur o th insid r ar vi w mirror is hi h du to a dir ct ray o li ht Th lan is v ry wid...

Page 443: ...n v hicl s to th l t or ri ht sid dir ction and warnin is op rat d WARNING Always check the road condition while driving for unexpected situa tions even though the BSD Blind Spot Detection system is o...

Page 444: ...g the vehicle up The Blind Spot Detection System BSD may not detect every object alongside the vehicle I a v hicl is d t ct d within th boun dary o th syst m a warnin li ht will illuminat on th outsid...

Page 445: ...s nsors ar locat d insid th r ar bump r Always k p th r ar bump r cl an or th syst m to work prop rly Warning message Th m ssa will app ar to noti y th driv r i th r ar or i n substanc s on th sur ac...

Page 446: ...ov trail r or oth r utility In this cas th v hicl do s not n d s rvic I th syst m do s not work prop rly a warnin m ssa will app ar and th li ht on th switch will turn o Th syst m will turn o automati...

Page 447: ...n How v r th syst m s nsin ran is di r nt bas d on conditions Always pay att ntion to surroundin Warning type I an approachin v hicl is d t ct d by th s nsors th syst m will noti y th driv r with a ch...

Page 448: ...he system might be turned off due to strong electromagnetic waves Non operating condition utsid r arvi w mirror may not al rt th driv r wh n Th outsid r arvi w mirror housin is dama d or cov r d with...

Page 449: ...bump r is v ry hi h or low Wh n th s nsors ar block d by oth r v hicl s walls or parkin lot pillars Wh n th d t ct d v hicl also mov s back as your v hicl driv s back Th r is a small obj ct n arby li...

Page 450: ...k th tir pr s sur s at l ast onc a month B sur that th wh ls ar ali n d corr ctly Improp r ali nm nt can r sult rom hittin curbs or drivin too ast ov r irr ular sur ac s oor ali nm nt caus s ast r tir...

Page 451: ssional workshop Kia r comm nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r WARNING n Engine off during motion Never turn the engine off to coast down hills or anytime the vehicle is in motio...

Page 452: ...skid Be careful when down shifting on slippery surfaces Rocking the vehicle I it is n c ssary to rock th v hicl to r it rom snow sand or mud irst turn th st rin wh l ri ht and l t to cl ar th ar a ar...

Page 453: ...ts o oncomin v hicl s ou could b t mporarily blind d and it will tak s v ral s conds or your y s to r adjust to th darkn ss Driving in the rain Rain and w t roads can mak drivin dan rous sp cially i y...

Page 454: failure leading to accidents inju ries and even death Always check the tires for proper inflation be fore driving For proper tire pres sures refer to Tires and wheels on page 9 09 Driving on tires...

Page 455: op ration in ront and your v hicl Also apply th brak ntly It should b not d that installin tir chains on th tir will provid a r at r drivin orc but will not pr v nt sid skids NOTICE Tir chains ar n...

Page 456: ...the tire Make sure the snow chains are SAE class S certified Always check chain installation for proper mounting after driving ap proximately 0 5 to 1 km 0 3 to 0 6 miles to ensure safe mounting Reti...

Page 457: ...h t mp ratur s anticipat d dur in th wint r Check battery and cables Wint r puts additional burd ns on th batt ry syst m Visually insp ct th batt ry and cabl s as d scrib d in Bat t ry on pa 8 50 Hav...

Page 458: ...apply it only t mporarily whil you put th shi t l v r in automatic transaxl dual clutch transmission or in irst or r v rs ar manual transaxl and block th r ar wh ls so th v hicl cannot roll Th n r l a...

Page 459: ...ailer weight GCW gross combina tion weight GVW gross vehicle weight GAW gross axle weight and trailer tongue load are all within the limits WARNING When you tow the trailer make sure that you turn off...

Page 460: ...y and u l conomy Succ ss ul sa trail rin r quir s corr ct quipm nt and it has to b us d prop rly This s ction contains many tim t s t d important trail rin tips and sa ty rul s Many o th s ar importan...

Page 461: ...actur r s r comm ndation or attachin sa ty chains Always l av just nou h slack so you can turn with your trail r And n v r allow sa ty chains to dra on th round Trailer brakes I your trail r is quipp...

Page 462: ...b or you can r turn to your lan Backing up Hold th bottom o th st rin wh l with on hand Th n to mov th trail r to th l t just mov your hand to th l t To mov th trail r to th ri ht mov your hand to th...

Page 463: ...ards 130 H HOT pull over and stop as soon as it is safe to do so and allow the engine to idle until it cools down You may proceed once the engine has cooled sufficiently You must decide driving speed...

Page 464: ...firmly set If you have left the engine running the vehicle can move suddenly You or others could be seriously or fatal ly injured Wh n you ar r ady to l av a t r parkin on a hill 1 With th manual tra...

Page 465: ...r ak in Failur to h d this cau tion may r sult in s rious n in or transaxl dama Wh n towin a trail r Kia r com m nds that you consult an author iz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r on ad ditional r quir m n...

Page 466: ...abl to cor r ct th m simply by movin som it ms around in th trail r WARNING n Trailer Never load a trailer with more weight in the rear than in the front The front should be loaded with approximately...

Page 467: ...m M T 710 1565 730 1609 730 1609 740 1631 730 1609 750 1653 750 1653 750 1653 750 1653 750 1653 A T 740 1631 750 1653 740 1631 750 1653 DCT 750 1653 750 1653 k Ibs With brak syst m M T 1300 2866 1300...

Page 468: ...It m 5 s at r 7 s at r 5 s at r 7 s at r 5 s at r 7 s at r 5 s at r 7 s at r 5 s at r 7 s at r R comm nd d dis tanc rom r ar wh l c nt r to couplin point 911 35 9 mm inch M T Manual transaxl A T Autom...

Page 469: ...oss axle weight This is th total w i ht plac d on ach axl ront and r ar includin v hicl curb w i ht and all payload GAWR Gross axle weight rating This is th maximum allowabl w i ht that can b carri d...

Page 470: ......

Page 471: ...sur Monitorin Syst m mal unction indicator 7 11 Chan in a tir with T MS 7 12 I you hav a lat tir with spar tir 7 14 Jack and tools 7 14 R movin and storin th spar tir 7 15 Chan in tir s 7 16 Jack lab...

Page 472: ...hicl is stopp d n ar th d o a roadway r ss th lash r switch with th i ni tion switch in any position Th lash r switch is locat d in th c nt r acia switch pan l All turn si nal li hts will lash simulta...

Page 473: ...ully and pull o th road Driv o th road as ar as possibl and park on irm l v l round I you ar on a divid d hi hway do not park in th m dian ar a b tw n th two tra ic lan s 2 Wh n th v hicl is stopp d t...

Page 474: ...Jump startin on pa 7 05 WARNING If the engine does not start do not push or pull the vehicle to start it This could result in a collision or cause other damage In addition push or pull starting may ca...

Page 475: ...or ex plode causing serious injury WARNING n Battery Continued Continued Keep all flames or sparks away from the battery The battery produces hydrogen gas which may explode if exposed to flame or spar...

Page 476: ...and two jump r cabl s nly us jump r cabl s with ully insulat d clamp handl s To pr v nt p rsonal injury or dam a to both v hicl s adh r strictly to th ollowin proc dur 1 Mak sur th boost r batt ry is...

Page 477: ...y I th irst startin at t mpt is not succ ss ul wait a w minut s b or makin anoth r at t mpt in ord r to allow th dis char d batt ry to r char I th caus o your batt ry dischar in is not appar nt hav th...

Page 478: ...nning keep hair hands and clothing away from moving parts such as the fan and drive belts to prevent injury 5 I th wat r pump driv b lt is bro k n or n in coolant is l akin out stop th n in imm diat l...

Page 479: ...monitorin syst m T MS that il luminat s a low tir pr ssur t lltal wh n on or mor o your tir s is si ni icantly und r in lat d Accordin ly wh n th low tir pr ssur t lltal illu minat s you should stop...

Page 480: ...tor do sn t illuminat or 3 s c onds wh n th i nition switch is turn d to th N position or n in is runnin or i th y r main illumina t d a t r comin on or approxi mat ly 3 s conds hav th syst m ch ck d...

Page 481: ssur t ll tal will illuminat a t r it blinks or ap proximat ly on minut wh n th r is a probl m with th Tir r ssur Moni torin Syst m I th syst m is abl to corr ctly d t ct an und rin lation warnin...

Page 482: ...tir pr ssur t lltal will xtin uish within a w minut s o drivin I th indicator is not xtin uish d a t r a w minut s o drivin hav th sys t m b ch ck d by a pro ssional workshop Kia r comm nds to visit...

Page 483: ...ions and or TPMS malfunc tions Tampering with modifying or disabling the Tire Pressure Monitor ing System TPMS components may void the warranty for that portion of the vehicle WARNING n For EUROPE Do...

Page 484: the road and onto the shoulder before trying to change a tire The jack should be used on level firm ground If you cannot find a firm level place off the road call a towing service compa ny for as...

Page 485: ...t th sock t and wh l lu nut wr nch 4 Us th wh l lu nut wr nch to loos n th bolt nou h to low r th spar tir Turn th wr nch count rclockwis until th spar tir r ach s th round 5 A t r th spar tir r ach s...

Page 486: ...ttling Otherwise it may cause the spare tire to fall off the carrier and lead to an accident Changing tires 1 ark on a l v l sur ac and apply th parkin brak irmly 2 Shi t th shi t l v r into R R v rs...

Page 487: ...h ront 1 or r ar 2 jackin position clos st to th tir you ar chan in lac th jack at th d si nat d locations un d r th ram Th jackin posi tions ar plat s w ld d to th ram with two tabs and a rais d dot...

Page 488: ...ntact on the mounting sur face between the wheel and hub the wheel nuts could come loose and cause the loss of a wheel Loss of a wheel may result in loss of control of the vehicle This may cause serio...

Page 489: ...ric threads Be sure to use ex treme care in checking for thread style before installing aftermarket lug nuts or wheels If in doubt con sult a professional workshop Kia recommends to consult an author...

Page 490: ...own on th sid wall o th compact spar tir Avoid drivin ov r obstacl s Th compact spar tir diam t r is small r than th diam t r o a conv ntion al tir and r duc s th round cl ar anc approximat ly 25 mm 1...

Page 491: ...v hicl that is support d by a jack 6 Th d si nat d locations und r th ram 7 Wh n supportin th v hicl th bas plat o jack must b v rtical und r th li tin point 8 Shi t into R v rs ar on v hicl s with ma...

Page 492: ...EC Declaration of Conformity for Jack What to do in an m r ncy 7 22...

Page 493: ...wall Do not use the Tire Mobility Kit to repair punctures in the tire walls This can result in an accident due to tire failure WARNING n Temporary fix Have your tire repaired as soon as possible The...

Page 494: ...trail r is in us Th TMK is not d si n d or int nd d as a p rman nt tir r pair m thod and is to b us d or on tir only This instruction shows you st p by st p how to t mporarily s al th punctur simply a...

Page 495: ...r outl t dir ct conn ction 5 Hold r or th s alant bottl 6 Compr ssor 7 n o switch 8 r ssur au or displayin th tir in lation pr ssur 9 Scr w cap or r ducin tir in lation pr ssur 10 Hos to conn ct compr...

Page 496: ...tach th sp d r striction lab l 1 rom th s alant bottl 2 and plac it in a hi hly visibl plac in sid th v hicl such as on th st rin wh l to r mind th driv r not to driv too ast 2 Shak th s alant bottl...

Page 497: ...s below 200 kpa 29 psi This could result in an acci dent due to sudden tire failure 10 Switch o th compr ssor 11 D tach th hos s rom th s alant bottl conn ctor and rom th tir valv R turn th TMK to its...

Page 498: ...sor hos CAUTION If the inflation pressure is not main tained drive the vehicle a second time refer to Distributing the seal ant on page 7 27 Then repeat steps 1 to 4 Use of the TMK may be ineffectual...

Page 499: ...t m volta DC 12 V Workin volta DC 10 15 V Amp ra ratin max 15 A Suitabl or us at t mp ratur s 30 70 C 22 158 F Max workin pr ssur 6 bar 87 psi Siz Compr ssor 170 x 150 x 60 mm 6 7 x 5 9 x 2 4 in S ala...

Page 500: s and th ront wh ls o th round I any o th load d wh ls or susp n sion compon nts ar dama d or th v hicl is b in tow d with th ront wh ls on th round us a towin dolly und r th ront wh ls Wh n b in t...

Page 501: ...s th parkin brak CAUTION Failure to place the transaxle shift lever in N Neutral may cause inter nal damage to the transaxle Removable towing hook 1 p n th tail at and r mov th towin hook rom th tool...

Page 502: ...v hicl out o mud sand or oth r conditions rom which th v hicl cannot b driv n out und r its own pow r Avoid towin a v hicl h avi r than th v hicl doin th towin Th driv rs o both v hicl s should commu...

Page 503: ...y so that th towin strap is not loos n d durin towin Emergency towing precautions Turn th i nition switch to ACC so th st rin wh l isn t lock d lac th transaxl shi t l v r in N N utral R l as th parki...

Page 504: ...o 15 km h 10 mph and drive less than 1 5 km 1 mile when towing Before towing check the auto matic transaxle dual clutch transmission fluid leak under your vehicle If the automatic trans axle dual clut...

Page 505: ...cid ntally pr ss d 2 Aim th nozzl toward th bas o th ir 3 Stand approximat ly 2 5 m 8 t away rom th ir and squ z th handl to dischar th xtin uish r I you r l as th handl th dischar will stop 4 Sw p th...

Page 506: ......

Page 507: ...u l hos s and conn ctions 8 30 Vapor hos and u l ill r cap 8 31 Vacuum crankcas v ntilation hos s 8 31 Air cl an r ilt r 8 31 Spark plu s or asolin n in 8 31 Valv cl aranc or asolin n in Exc pt or Nu...

Page 508: ...9 Tir traction 8 59 Tir maint nanc 8 59 Tir sid wall lab lin 8 59 Low asp ct ratio tir 8 62 Fus s 8 64 Inn r pan l us r plac m nt 8 65 Fus switch 8 66 En in compartm nt pan l us r plac m nt 8 67 Main...

Page 509: ...s rvoir 3 ositiv batt ry t rminal 4 N ativ batt ry t rminal 5 Fus box 6 Air cl an r 7 Radiator cap 8 En in coolant r s rvoir 9 En in oil dipstick 10 Windshi ld wash r luid r s rvoir Th actual n in roo...

Page 510: ...ositiv batt ry t rminal 4 N ativ batt ry t rminal 5 Fus box 6 Air cl an r 7 Radiator cap 8 En in coolant r s rvoir 9 En in oil dipstick 10 Windshi ld wash r luid r s rvoir Th actual n in room in th v...

Page 511: ...batt ry t rminal 4 N ativ batt ry t rminal 5 Fus box 6 Air cl an r 7 Radiator cap 8 En in coolant r s rvoir 9 En in oil dipstick 10 Windshi ld wash r luid r s rvoir 11 Fu l ilt r Th actual n in room i...

Page 512: and ad justm nts r quir d as a r sult o im prop r maint nanc or a lack o r quir d maint nanc ar not cov r d wh n your v hicl is cov r d by war ranty Owner maintenance precautions Improp r or incomp...

Page 513: ...inj ctor con n ctor whil th n in is runnin opl usin pac mak rs must not o n ar th n in whil th n in is startin or runnin WARNING n Diesel engine Never work on injection system with engine running or...

Page 514: ...ld disconnect the battery terminal You may get an elec tric shock from the electric cur rent When you remove the interior trim cover with a flat bed driver be careful not to damage the cover Be carefu...

Page 515: ...lding hot coolant and steam may blow out under pressure This could cause burns or other serious injury While operating your vehicle Not any chan s in th sound o th xhaust or any sm ll o xhaust um s in...

Page 516: ...hi lds and clamps Ch ck th lap should r b lts or w ar and unction Ch ck or worn tir s and loos wh l lu nuts At least once a year Cl an body and door drain hol s Lubricat door hin s and ch cks and hood...

Page 517: spr ad roads Drivin in ar as usin salt or oth r corrosiv mat rials or in v ry cold w ath r Drivin in h avy dust condition Drivin in h avy tra ic ar a Drivin on uphill downhill or moun tain road r p...

Page 518: ...ult in s rious mal unction or n in dama 2 Driv b lts En in Insp ct driv b lt t nsion r idl r and alt rnator pull y and i n c ssary cor r ct or r plac 3 Transaxl luid Manual transaxl luid and dual clut...

Page 519: ...s who do not us ood quality asolin s includin u l additiv s r ularly and hav probl ms startin or th n in do s not run smoothly on bottl o additiv s add d to th u l tank at v ry 15 000km 10 000 mil s o...

Page 520: ...ion and adjust i n c s sary In this cas hav th syst m ch ck d by a pro ssional workshop Kia r com m nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r 9 Spark plu For your conv ni nc it can b r plac...

Page 521: ...hs Driv b lts En in 2 Gasolin At irst 90 000 km 60 000 mil s or 72 months A t r that v ry 30 000 km 20 000 mil s or 24 months Di s l At irst 90 000 km 60 000 mil s or 48 months A t r that v ry 30 000...

Page 522: ...lin I I I I Vapor hos and u l ill r cap I I I I Air cl an r ilt r I R I R I R I R Vapor hos and u l ill r cap I I I I Air cl an r ilt r I R I R I R I R Exhaust syst m I I I I I I I I Coolin syst m At...

Page 523: ...0 90 120 150 180 210 240 MAINTENANCE ITEM arkin brak Hand typ I I I I I I I I St rin ar rack linka and boots I I I I I I I I Susp nsion ball joints I I I I I I I I Tir pr ssur tr ad w ar I I I I I I I...

Page 524: ...G H I J K Di s l 2 R Ev ry 15 000 km 10 000 mil s or 12 months A B C F G H I J K Air cl an r ilt r R R plac mor r qu ntly d p ndin on th condition C E Manual transaxl luid i quipp d R Ev ry 120 000 km...

Page 525: ...B H I K 1 I th r comm nd d oil and oil ilt r ar not availabl r plac n in oil and n in oil ilt r v ry 7 500 km or 6 months or GDI n in 2 I th r comm nd d oil is not availabl r plac n in oil and n in o...

Page 526: ...r a G Drivin on uphill downhill or mountain roads r p at dly H Towin a trail r or usin a camp r on roo rack I Drivin or patrol car taxi comm rcial car or v hicl towin J Drivin ov r 170 km h 106 mph K...

Page 527: ...n th coolant ill d at th actory An improp r cool ant mixtur can r sult in s rious mal unction or n in dama 2 Driv b lts En in Insp ct driv b lt t nsion r idl r and alt rnator pull y and i n c ssary co...

Page 528: ...t r imm diat ly r ardl ss o maint nanc sch dul and consult a pro ssional workshop or mor d tails Kia r comm nds to consult an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r 6 Fu l additiv s Gasolin Kia r comm n...

Page 529: ...nd d or this maint nanc sch dul d p nds on u l quality I th r ar som important matt rs lik u l low r striction sur in loss o pow r hard startin probl m tc r plac th u l ilt r imm diat ly r ardl ss o m...

Page 530: s or 6 months En in oil and n in oil il t r Gasolin 4 11 Exc pt Middl East and China R R R R R R R R En in oil and n in oil il t r Di s l 4 For Russia R R R R R R R R En in oil and n in oil il t r...

Page 531: ...Spark plu s Gasolin Iridium 10 R plac v ry 150 000 km 100 000 mil s or 120 months Nick l 10 R R Automatic transaxl luid i quipp d No ch ck No s rvic r quir d Manual transaxl luid i quipp d 3 I I Dual...

Page 532: ...Exc pt Middl East China India I I R I I R I I For Middl East Chi na India R R R R R R R R Exhaust syst m I I I I Coolin syst m At irst Insp ct 60 000 km 40 000 mil s or 48 months A t r that Insp ct v...

Page 533: ...0 30 40 50 60 70 80 Km 1 000 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 MAINTENANCE ITEM arkin brak Hand typ I I I I St rin ar rack linka and boots I I I I I I I I Susp nsion ball joints I I I I I I I I Tir pr ssur tr...

Page 534: Ev ry 5 000 km 3 000 mil s or 3 months Di s l For Russia R v ry 7 500 km 5 000 mil s or 6 months A B C F G H I J K Exc pt Russia R Ev ry 5 000 km 3 000 mil s or 6 months Air cl an r ilt r R R plac...

Page 535: corr ct cl an or r plac R R plac SEVERE DRIVING C NDITI NS A R p at dly drivin short distanc o l ss than 8 km 5 mil s in normal t mp ratur or l ss than 16 km 10 mil s in r zin t mp ratur B Ext nsiv...

Page 536: ...gasoline Kia asolin v hicl is quipp d a li tim u l ilt r that int rat d with th u l tank R ular maint nanc or r plac m nt is not n d d but d p nds on u l quality I th r ar som im portant sa ty matt rs...

Page 537: ...p Kia r com m nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r Spark plugs for gasoline engine Mak sur to install n w spark plu s o th corr ct h at ran WARNING Do not disconnect and inspect spark...

Page 538: ...Us only hydraulic brak luid con ormin to D T 3 or D T 4 sp ci ication Brake pads calipers and rotors Ch ck th pads or xc ssiv w ar discs or run out and w ar and calip rs or luid l aka For mor in ormat...

Page 539: ...L CAUTION Do not overfill the engine oil It may damage the engine Do not spill engine oil when adding or changing engine oil If you drop the engine oil on the engine room wipe it off immediately When...

Page 540: with the skin for prolonged periods of time Used engine oil contains chemicals that have caused cancer in laboratory animals Always protect your skin by washing your hands thoroughly with soap...

Page 541: ...n and ch ck th l v l Th l v l should b b tw n F Full and L Low CAUTION Do not spill engine oil when adding or changing engine oil If you drop the engine oil on the engine room wipe it off immediately...

Page 542: ...tact with the skin for prolonged periods of time Used engine oil contains chemicals that have caused cancer in laboratory animals Always protect your skin by washing your hands thoroughly with soap an...

Page 543: ...oving the radiator cap Wrap a thick towel around it and turn it counterclockwise slowly to the first stop Step back while the pressure is released from the cool ing system When you are sure all the pr...

Page 544: ...d wat r or so t wat r or your v hicl and n v r mix hard wat r in th coolant ill d at th actory An im prop r coolant mixtur can r sult in s rious mal unction or n in dam a Th n in in your v hicl has al...

Page 545: ...uthoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r CAUTION Put a thick cloth or fabric around the radiator cap before refilling the cool ant in order to prevent the coolant from overflowing into engine parts such as...

Page 546: ...clutch fluid In the event the brake clutch system requires frequent additions of fluid have the system inspected by a pro fessional workshop Kia recommends to visit an authorized Kia dealer service pa...

Page 547: ...Radiator coolant can severely ob scure visibility when sprayed on the windshield and may cause loss of vehicle control or damage to paint and body trim Windshield Washer fluid agents contain some amo...

Page 548: ...applyin it rom th r l as d position Also th parkin brak alon should s cur ly hold th v hicl on a airly st p rad I th strok is mor or l ss than sp ci i d hav th syst m s rvic d by a pro s sional worksh...

Page 549: ...wh n th i nition switch is in th N position I this warnin li ht illumi nat s tak your car to a pro ssional workshop and hav drain th wat r and ch ck th syst m Kia r c omm nds to visit an author iz d...

Page 550: ...ilt r accordin to th Maint nanc Sch dul I th v hicl is op rat d in xtr m ly dusty or sandy ar as r plac th l m nt mor o t n than th usual r c omm nd d int rvals R r to Main t nanc und r s v r usa con...

Page 551: ...r compon nts R plac th ilt r accordin to th maint nanc Sch dul Filter replacement 1 With th lov box op n r mov th stopp rs on both sid s 2 p n th lov box and r mov th support strap 1 3 R mov th cov r...

Page 552: ...n both th window and th blad s with a ood cl an r or mild d t r nt and rins thorou hly with cl an wat r CAUTION To prevent damage to the wiper blades do not use gasoline kero sene paint thinner or oth...

Page 553: ...inst the windshield since it may chip or crack the windshield 2 Compr ss th clip and slid th blad ass mbly downward 3 Li t it o th arm 4 Install th blad ass mbly in th r v rs ord r o r moval Typ A Wh...

Page 554: ...rm to fall against the windshield since it may chip or crack the windshield 2 Turn th wip r blad clip Th n li t up th blad clip 3 ush th clip 1 and push up th wip r arm 2 4 ush down th wip r arm 3 and...

Page 555: ...t r part into th slot in th wip r arm until it clicks into plac 3 Mak sur th blad ass mbly is in stall d irmly by tryin to pull it sli htly To pr v nt dama to th wip r arms or oth r compon nts hav th...

Page 556: ...raliz d wat r N v r add sul uric acid or oth r l ctrolyt Wh n r ill b car ul not to splash th batt ry and adja c nt compon nts And do not ov r ill th batt ry c lls It can caus corro sion on oth r par...

Page 557: ...orkshop Kia recom mends to visit an author ized Kia dealer service partner When lifting a plastic cased bat tery excessive pressure on the case may cause battery acid to leak resulting in personal inj...

Page 558: ...of any cell exceeds 49 C 120 F Wear eye protection when check ing the battery during charging Disconnect the battery charger in the following order 1 Turn off the battery charger main switch 2 Unhook...

Page 559: ...har d or th batt ry has b n disconn ct d Auto up down window s Auto up down window on pa 4 26 Sunroo s Sunroo on pa 4 63 Trip comput r s Trip comput r on pa 4 64 Climat control syst m s Climat control...

Page 560: ...b l attach d to th v hicl WARNING n Tire underinflation Severe underinflation 70 kPa 10 psi or more can lead to severe heat build up causing blowouts tread separation and other tire fail ures that can...

Page 561: ...e luggage rack if your vehicle is equipped with one Worn old tires can cause acci dents If your tread is badly worn or if your tires have been dam aged replace them Checking tire inflation pressure Ch...

Page 562: Kia recom mends that you check the spare every time you check the pressure of the other tires on your vehicle Tire rotation To qualiz tr ad w ar it is r comm n d d that th tir s b rotat d v ry 12 0...

Page 563: th lon st tir li and b st ov rall p r ormanc In most cas s you will not n d to hav your wh ls ali n d a ain How v r i you notic unusual tir w ar or your v hicl pullin on way or th oth r th ali nm...

Page 564: ...ear ance snow tire clearance and speedometer reliability It is best to replace all four tires at the same time If that is not possi ble or necessary then replace the two front or two rear tires as a p...

Page 565: ...w ar indicators app ar To r duc th possibility o losin control slow down wh n v r th r is rain snow or ic on th road Tire maintenance In addition to prop r in lation corr ct wh l ali nm nt h lps to d...

Page 566: ...6 0 Rim width in inch s J Rim contour d si nation 15 Rim diam t r in inch s Tir sp d ratin s Th chart b low lists many o th di r nt sp d ratin s curr ntly b in us d or pass n r cars Th sp d ratin is p...

Page 567: in kilo rams and pounds that can b carri d by th tir Wh n r placin th tir s on th v hicl always us a tir that has th sam load ratin as th actory install d tir 7 Uniform tire quality grading Quality...

Page 568: ...can cause heat build up and possible sudden tire failure This can cause loss of vehicle control and serious injury or death Low aspect ratio tire if equipped Low asp ct ratio tir s whos asp ct ratio i...

Page 569: ...t see the tire damage with your own eyes have the tire checked or re placed because the tire damage may cause air leakage from the tire If the tire is damaged by driving on a rough road off road potho...

Page 570: appropriat circuit us I a us has blown th l m nt insid th us will b m lt d I th l ctrical syst m do s not work irst ch ck th driv r s sid us pan l Always r plac a blown us with on o th sam ratin B...

Page 571: ...sure the new fuse or relay fits tightly into the clips The incomplete fastening fuse or relay may cause the vehi cle wiring and electric systems damage and a possible fire Do not remove fuses relays...

Page 572: ...h adli hts o li hts turn si nal li hts position li hts or int rior li hts do not work and th r is nothin wron with th bulbs consult a pro ssional workshop Kia r comm nds to consult an authoriz d Kia d...

Page 573: compartm nt us pan l 4 ush in a n w us o th sam ratin and mak sur it its ti htly in th clips I it its loos ly consult a pro ssional workshop Kia r c omm nds to consult an authoriz d Kia d al r s r...

Page 574: ollows 1 Turn o th n in 2 Disconn ct th n ativ batt ry cabl 3 R mov th us pan l on th ri ht sid in th n in compartm nt 4 R mov th nuts shown in th pic tur abov 5 R plac th us with a n w on o th sa...

Page 575: ...and capacity NOTICE Not all us pan l d scriptions in this manual may b applicabl to your v hicl It is accurat at th tim o printin Wh n you insp ct th us pan l in your v hicl r r to th us pan l lab l...

Page 576: ...Inner fuse panel Maint nanc 8 70...

Page 577: ...ay 5 15A S ARE 1 6 20A WER UTLET 1 Ci ar tt Li ht r R ar ow r utl t 7 20A S ARE 3 8 7 5A M DULE 3 Frt S at Warm r Sw Hlld Sw Navi ation Amp R ar S at Warm r Ecu Auto Hlld Ecu H at r Control Unit 9 20A...

Page 578: ...r Switch R ar arkin Assist S nsor Buzz r Tir r ssur Monitorin Syst m 18 15A HTD STRG St rin Wh l H at r 19 10A ECU Immobiliz r Modul Smart K y Control Modul ECU Sp d S nsor 20 15A WI ER Front Wash r...

Page 579: ...m r Sw ICM B X Fold Rly AT LEVER K y Sol ICM B X Turn Si nal Sound 31 7 5A M DULE 4 Body Control Modul 32 7 5A M DULE 7 Body Control Modul Smart K y Control Modul 33 15A TCU M T F35 B U LAM A T Transa...

Page 580: ...Engine compartment fuse panel for gasoline engine Maint nanc 8 74...

Page 581: ...Engine compartment fuse panel for diesel engine 8 75 8 Maint nanc...

Page 582: ...ESC Control Modul ABS Control Modul 40A ABS_2 ESC Control Modul ABS Control Modul Multipurpos Ch ck Conn ctor 40A IGN_2 W Smart K y I nition Switch START RELA Start r Fus No 26 With Smart K y IG2 RELA...

Page 583: ...17 19 23 24 31 33 36 37 30A E B_1 El ctronic arkin Brak Modul 30A E B_2 El ctronic arkin Brak Modul 50A C FAN C FAN L RELA C FAN HI RELA C FAN M T R 15A DEICER DEICER RELA 15A ST LAM Stop Si nal El ct...


Page 585: ...bol Fus Nam R lay Nam 15A B A H RN B ALARM H RN RL 15A ECU3 ECU 15A H RN Horn 10A INJECT R INJECT R ECU FUEL UM RELA 10A ECU2 ECU 20A IGN C IL I nition Coil 1 2 3 4 Cond ns r 10A SENS R2 E R Fus R lay...

Page 586: ...p LH RH I S 3 Frt Fo Lamp LH RH 40A ABS_1 ESC Control Modul ABS Control Modul 40A ABS_2 ESC Control Modul ABS Control Modul Multipurpos Ch ck Conn ctor 40A IGN_2 W Smart K y I nition Switch START RELA...

Page 587: ...E B_1 El ctronic arkin Brak Modul 30A E B_2 El ctronic arkin Brak Modul 50A C FAN C FAN L RELA C FAN HI RELA C FAN M T R 15A DEICER DEICER RELA 15A ST LAM Stop Si nal El ctronic R lay SSEM ST LAM 20A...

Page 588: ...4 FRT WI ER LH RH ECU4 40A DCT 1 Dual Clutch TCU Volta Batt ry 1 40A DCT 2 Dual Clutch TCU Volta Batt ry 2 10A BRAKE_SWITCH ST SIGNAL 20A H L _WASHER FRT WI ER LH RH ECU4 25A UTLET 2 UTLET RELA 2 7 5...

Page 589: ...IS MICR UTLET2 RL IS MICR Fus ratin Symbol Fus Nam R lay Nam 15A S ARE S ARE 15A H RN H RN RELA 20A S ARE S ARE 10A SENS R2 E R Fus R lay Box C LING FAN L W RELA Lambda S n sor D4FB Stop Lamp Switch 2...

Page 590: ...Fus ratin Symbol Fus Nam R lay Nam 10A S ARE S ARE 15A DCT3 ECU 10A S ARE S ARE 10A S ARE S ARE 20A S ARE S ARE Maint nanc 8 84...

Page 591: ...Engine compartment fuse panel diesel engine only 8 85 8 Maint nanc...

Page 592: ...Symbol Fus ratin RELA Nam R lay Typ FUEL HEATER RL FUEL HEATER RL TC_HTR_1 RL TC_HTR_1 RL TC_HTR_2 RL TC_HTR_2 RL TC_HTR_3 RL TC_HTR_3 RL 80 GL W 50 TC_HTR_1 50 TC_HTR_2 50 TC_HTR_3 Maint nanc 8 86...

Page 593: ...In many cases it is difficult to replace vehicle light bulbs because other parts of the vehicle must be re moved before you can get to the bulb This is especially true if you have to remove the headli...

Page 594: ...R mov th bulb rom th h ad li ht ass mbly 7 Install a n w h adli ht bulb and snap th h adli ht bulb r tainin wir into position by ali nin th wir with th roov on th bulb 8 Conn ct th h adli ht bulb sock...

Page 595: ...ia dealer service partner NOTICE HID lamps hav sup rior p r orm anc vs halo n bulbs HID lamps ar stimat d by th manu actur r to last twic as lon or lon r than halo n bulbs d p ndin on th ir r qu ncy o...

Page 596: ...lled in a headlight If a bulb is damaged or cracked replace it immediately and careful ly dispose of it Wear eye protection when chang ing a bulb Allow the bulb to cool down before handling it Turn si...

Page 597: ...t r clockwis until th tabs on th sock t ali n with th slots on th housin 5 Install th n w bulb sock t into th housin by ali nin th tabs on th sock t with th slots in th hous in ush th sock t into th h...

Page 598: ...urn th driv r 1 clockwis or count rclockwis To aim th low b am up or down turn th driv r 2 clockwis or count rclockwis Front fog light aiming Th ront o lamp can b aim d as th sam mann r o th h ad lamp...

Page 599: ...Aiming point 8 93 8 Maint nanc...

Page 600: ...Unit mm in V hicl condi tion H1 H2 H3 W1 W2 W3 Fo Fo Without driv r 818 32 2 767 30 2 407 16 0 1 452 57 2 1 160 45 7 1 520 59 8 With driv r 814 32 0 763 30 0 403 15 9 Maint nanc 8 94...

Page 601: ...low beam LHD A V rtical lin o th l t h ad lamp low bulb c nt r D Cut lin B V rtical lin o th ri ht h ad lamp low bulb c nt r E Car Axis C Horizontal lin o h ad lamp low bulb c nt r F Ground 8 95 8 Ma...

Page 602: ...should b proj ct d in th cut o lin shown in th pictur 3 Wh n aimin th low b am v rtical aimin should b adjust d a t r adjustin th horizontal aimin 4 I h ad lamp l v lin d vic is quipp d adjust th h ad...

Page 603: ...Front fog light A V rtical lin o th l t o lamp bulb c nt r E Car Axis B V rtical lin o th ri ht o lamp bulb c nt r F Upp r limit C Horizontal lin o o lamp low bulb c nt r G Ground 8 97 8 Maint nanc...

Page 604: ...Th cut o lin should b proj ct d in th allowabl ran shad d r ion Side repeater light bulb replacement I th li ht bulb do s not op rat hav your v hicl ch ck d by a pro ssional workshop Kia r comm nds to...

Page 605: ...l li ht 1 Turn o th n in 2 p n th tail at 3 Loos n th li ht ass mbly r tainin scr ws with a cross tip scr wdriv r 4 R mov th r ar combination li ht ass mbly rom th body o th v hicl 5 R mov th sock t r...

Page 606: a pro ssional workshop Kia r comm nds to visit an authoriz d Kia d al r s rvic partn r Inside light 1 Turn o th n in 2 p n th tail at 3 R mov th s rvic cov r usin a lat blad scr wdriv r Tail li ht...

Page 607: ...h ass mbly 2 ull th bulb out o th sock t 3 Ins rt a n w bulb into th sock t 4 Install th sock t into th ass mbly by ali nin th tabs on th sock t with th slots on th ass mbly and turnin th sock t clock...

Page 608: th as s mbly by turnin th sock t coun t rclockwis 3 R mov th bulb by pullin it strai ht out 4 Install th sock t into th ass mbly by ali nin th tabs on th sock t with th slots on th ass mbly and tur...

Page 609: ...pullin it strai ht out WARNING Prior to working on the interior lights ensure that the light is off to Continued Continued avoid burning your fingers or receiv ing an electric shock 3 Install a n w b...

Page 610: CAUTION Do not use strong soap chemical detergents or hot water and do not wash the vehicle in direct sun light or when the body of the vehi cle is warm Be careful when washing the side windows of...

Page 611: ...eel wool abrasive cleaners or strong detergents containing highly alkaline or caus tic agents on chrome plated or anodized aluminum parts This may result in damage to the pro tective coating and cause...

Page 612: ...brush s on aluminum wh ls Th y may scratch or dama th inish Cl an th wh l wh n it has cool d Us only a mild soap or n utral d t r nt and rins thorou hly with wa t r Also b sur to cl an th wh ls a t r...

Page 613: ...h com pon nts und r th nd rs and oth r ar as that ar hidd n rom vi w Do a thorou h job just damp nin th ac cumulat d mud rath r than washin it away will acc l rat corrosion rath r than pr v nt it Wat...

Page 614: ...l pr v nt abrasion or dama o th l ath r and maintain its quality Wip th natural l ath r s at cov r o t n with dry or so t cloth Su ici nt us o a l ath r prot ctiv may pr v nt abrasion o th cov r and h...

Page 615: m nd d or upholst ry or carp ts R mov r sh spots imm diat ly with a abric spot cl an r I r sh spots do not r c iv imm diat att ntion th abric can b stain d and its color can b a ct d Also its ir r...

Page 616: ilt r d air to th crankcas throu h th air intak hos Insid th crankcas th r sh air mix s with blow by as s which th n pass throu h th CV valv into th induc tion syst m 2 Evaporative emission control...

Page 617: your v hicl driv it only with all th windows ully op n Hav your v hicl ch ck d and r pair d imm di at ly WARNING n Exhaust Engine exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide CO Though colorless and odorl...

Page 618: ...n out o u l caus th n in to mis ir dama in th catalytic conv rt r Failur to obs rv th s pr cautions could r sult in dama to th catalytic conv rt r and to your v hicl Addition ally such actions could v...

Page 619: ...equipped with the DPF sys tem If you use diesel fuel including high sulfur more than 50 ppm sulfur and unspecified additives it can cause the DPF system to be dam aged and white smoke can be emit ted...

Page 620: ......

Page 621: ...icants and capaciti s 9 11 R comm nd d SAE viscosity numb r 9 13 V hicl Id nti ication Numb r VIN 9 15 V hicl c rti ication lab l 9 16 Tir sp ci ication and pr ssur lab l 9 17 En in numb r 9 18 Air co...

Page 622: ...idth 1 805 71 1 v rall h i ht 1 610 63 4 Front tr ad 205 55 R16 1 573 61 9 225 45 R17 1 569 61 8 225 45 R18 1 563 61 5 R ar tr ad 205 55 R16 1 586 62 4 225 45 R17 1 582 62 3 225 45 R18 1 576 62 0 Wh l...

Page 623: ...c m nt 1 591 97 09 1 999 121 99 1 685 102 83 cc cu in Bor x Strok 77 x 85 4 3 03 x 3 36 81 x 97 3 19 x 3 82 77 2 x 90 3 04 x 3 54 mm in Firin ord r 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 No o cylind rs 4 in lin 4 in...

Page 624: ...4 409 M I 2 030 4 475 2 110 4 652 GDI 2 040 4 497 7 S at r 2 140 4 718 M I 2 170 4 784 Hi h 2 250 4 960 GDI 2 180 4 806 Low 2 240 4 938 A T 5 S at r M I 2 060 4 542 GDI 2 060 4 542 7 S at r M I 2 200...

Page 625: ...100 4 630 GDI 7 S at r 2 150 4 740 M I 2 180 4 806 2 240 4 938 GDI A T 5 S at r 2 020 4 453 M I 2 050 4 519 GDI 7 S at r 2 150 4 740 M I 2 210 4 872 GDI k lbs DCT 5 S at r 2 100 4 630 7 S at r 2 240 4...

Page 626: ...m 5 S at r 7 S at r VDA MIN 536 l 18 9 cu t 492 l 17 4 cu t MAX 1 694 l 59 8 cu t 1 650 l 58 3 cu t Min B hind r ar s at to upp r d o th s at back Max B hind ront s at to roo Sp ci ications Consum r...

Page 627: ...t r lamps 5 W 5W Static b ndin lamps 55 H7L Daytim runnin lamps LED LED R ar R ar o lamps 21 21W Bulb typ R ar Stop Tail lamps outsid 21 5 21 5W R ar tail lamps Insid 5 21 5W LED typ R ar Stop Tail la...

Page 628: ...ulb typ Int rior Map lamps 10 or LED 10W or LED Room lamps Typ A 10 10W Typ B LED LED Vanity mirror lamps 5 FEST N Lu a lamp 5 or LED FEST N or LED ortabl lamp LED LED i quipp d Sp ci ications Consum...

Page 629: ...V 240 2 3 33 230 2 3 33 230 2 3 33 230 2 5 36 250 225 45 R18 7 5J 18 95 690 V 240 2 3 33 230 2 3 33 230 2 3 33 230 2 5 36 250 Compact spar tir i quipp d 3 T125 8 0D16 4 0T 16 97 730 M 80 4 2 60 420 4...

Page 630: a cts drivin p r ormanc Wh n drivin in hi h altitud rad s it is natural or th atmosph ric pr ssur to d cr as Th r or pl as ch ck th tir pr ssur and add mor air wh n n c ssary Additionally r quir d...

Page 631: ...c pt Europ GDI ILSAC GF 4 A I S rvic SM or abov ACEA A5 2 0L GDI 4 0 l 4 2 US qt 2 0L M I 4 0 l 4 2 US qt ILSAC GF 4 A I S rvic SM or abov Di s l n in 5 3 l 5 6 US qt ACEA C2 or C3 Manual transaxl lui...

Page 632: ...viscosity numb r on pa 9 13 2 En in oils lab l d En r y Cons rvin il ar now availabl Alon with oth r additional b n its th y contribut to u l conomy by r ducin th amount o u l n c ssary to ov rcom n i...

Page 633: damaged En in oil viscosity thickn ss has an ct on u l conomy and cold w ath r op ratin n in start and n in oil lowabil ity Low r viscosity n in oils can provid b tt r u l conomy and cold w ath r p...

Page 634: ...Sp ci ications Consum r in ormation 9 14...

Page 635: ...nd in all l al matt rs p rtain in to its own rship tc Th numb r is punch d on th loor un d r th pass n r s at To ch ck th numb r op n th cov r Th VIN is also on a plat attach d to th top o th dashboar...

Page 636: ...EHICLE CERTIFICATION LABEL Th v hicl c rti ication lab l attach d on th driv r s or ront pass n r s sid c nt r pillar iv s th v hicl id n ti ication numb r VIN Sp ci ications Consum r in ormation 9 16...

Page 637: ...h tir s suppli d on your n w v hicl ar chos n to provid th b st p r ormanc or normal drivin Th tir lab l locat d on th driv r s sid c nt r pillar iv s th tir pr s sur s r comm nd d or your v hicl 9 17...

Page 638: ...ENGINE NUMBER Th n in numb r is stamp d on th n in block as shown in th drawin Sp ci ications Consum r in ormation 9 18...

Page 639: ...RESSOR LABEL A compr ssor lab l in orms you th typ o compr ssor your v hicl is quipp d with such as mod l suppli r part numb r production numb r r ri rant 1 and r ri rant oil 2 9 19 9 Sp ci ications C...

Page 640: ...REFRIGERANT LABEL Th r ri rant lab l is locat d on th und rsid o th hood Sp ci ications Consum r in ormation 9 20...

Page 641: ...v hicl comply with r quir m nts and oth r r l vant provisions o Dir ctiv 1995 5 EC Furth r in ormation includin th man u actur r s d claration o con ormity is availabl on Kia w b sit as ollows http ww...

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Page 643: ...10 02 10 02 10 03 V trarakstur 10 05 Akstur snj a h lku 10 05 Upps tnin k jum 10 06 Appendix 10...

Page 644: ...n App ndix 10 02...

Page 645: ...15 S SAE 0 5 1 225 45R18 10 03 10 App ndix...

Page 646: ...n n 30 App ndix 10 04...

Page 647: ...r hu a a k jur ru s ttar hj lbar a st aukinn dri kra tur n a hindrar kki a kut ki r nni til hli anna TILKYNNING Notkun snj k ja r l l sumum r kjum Kynni ykkur ildandi lands l ur n k jur ru s ttar upp...

Page 648: ...flokki Eftir um a bil 0 5 1 km akstur skal vinlega sko a ke jurnar af tur til a tryggja a r hafi veri settar upp r ttan og ruggan h tt Her i ke jurnar e a setji r aftur ef r hafa losna Ef kut ki itt e...

Page 649: ...ega og snei i hj st um holum kr ppum beygjum og rum h ttum veginum sem g tu valdi hristingi kut kisins For ist krappar beygjur e a l sta hemlun VAR S u snj ke jur af rangri st r e a rangt upp settar g...

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Page 651: conditionin syst m 4 123 Manual climat control syst m 4 123 Air v ntilation s at 4 150 Anti lock brak syst m ABS 6 47 App aranc car 8 104 Ext rior car 8 104 Int rior car 8 108 Arm d sta 4 13 Ashtra...

Page 652: ...54 Combin d clust r s Instrum nt clust r 4 47 Compact spar tir r plac m nt 8 58 Coolant 8 37 Coolin luid s En in coolant 8 37 Crankcas mission control syst m 8 110 Cruis control switch 6 57 Cruis cont...

Page 653: ...ion control syst m 8 111 En in compartm nt 2 06 8 03 En in coolant 8 37 En in coolant t mp ratur au 4 51 En in numb r 9 18 En in oil 8 33 En in sp ci ication 9 03 En in Start Stop button 6 10 En in St...

Page 654: ...m nt 8 87 H adli ht position 4 102 H adr st ront 3 09 3 18 H at d st rin wh l 4 41 H at r Automatic climat control syst m 4 130 Hill start Assist Control HAC 6 53 Hood 4 30 Horn 4 41 4 42 How to us t...

Page 655: ...r 4 148 Car o s curity scr n 4 156 Ci ar tt li ht r 4 146 Cloth s han r 4 154 Cup hold r 4 147 Floor mat anchor s 4 155 ow r outl t 4 153 S at warm r 4 149 Sid curtain 4 159 Sunvisor 4 151 Int rior li...

Page 656: ...1 R ar o li ht 4 105 Turn si nals 4 104 Lubricants and capaciti s 9 11 Lu a volum 9 06 M Main us 8 67 Maint nanc sch dul 8 11 Maint nanc s rvic s 8 06 Maint nanc Explanation o sch dul d maint nanc it...

Page 657: ...n 4 28 r t nsion r s at b lt 3 28 r cautions s at b lt 3 31 R RCTA R ar Cross Tra ic Al rt 6 74 R ar parkin assist syst m 4 79 R ar s at adjustm nt 3 12 R ar window d rost r 4 117 R arvi w cam ra 4 99...

Page 658: ...3 12 S rvic mod 4 57 Sid air ba 3 63 Sid curtain 4 159 Slidin th sunroo 4 36 Smart k y unction 4 10 Smart k y Door lock unlock in an m r ncy situation 4 12 Smart k y unction 4 10 Smart parkin assist...

Page 659: ...and pr ssur lab l 9 17 Tir s and wh ls 8 54 9 09 Ch ckin tir in lation pr ssur 8 55 Compact spar tir r plac m nt 8 58 Low asp ct ratio tir 8 62 R comm nd d cold tir in lation pr ssur s 8 54 Tir car 8...

Page 660: ...hicl Stability Mana m nt VSM 6 52 W Warnin li hts 4 68 Wash r luid 8 41 W lcom syst m 4 116 Wh l ali nm nt and tir balanc 8 57 Wh l r plac m nt 8 59 Windows 4 24 ow r window lock button 4 28 Windshi l...

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