1.1 - Introduction
Looking for a way to connect a serial printer, graphics tablet, camera or PDA to the USB ports to
your USB equipped Macintosh computer (i.e. iMac, 'blue and white' G3, G4, PowerBook, iBook,
etc.)? The Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter is a simple, inexpensive, and reliable way to
make the connection.
The Adapter plugs into any USB port on your Mac. It provides TWO serial ports which can be
used to connect to many Macintosh serial devices.
Up to EIGHT Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapters may be installed on one CPU if desired.
The Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter Software for Mac OS requires the following:
• Macintosh
• At least one available USB port
• Mac OS 8.6 - 9.x
The Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter package includes:
• Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter (USA-28X)
• Mac compatible CD with software and user manual
Note: This documentation applies to Keyspan's USB Twin Serial
Adapter Software for Mac OS 8.6 - 9.x and covers the features and use
of this software on that platform. For Mac OS X information and
instructions, please read the Keyspan USB Serial Software for
Mac OS X User Manual or visit Keyspan's web page
Keyspan:USB Twin Serial Adapter for Mac OS-v1.9 User Manual
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter Software for Mac OS.
(rev 02may12JA)
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