Keysight E8357D/67D & E8663D PSG User’s Guide 151
Optimizing Performance
Creating and Applying User Flatness Correction
Creating and Applying User Flatness Correction
User flatness correction allows the digital adjustment of RF output amplitude
for up to 1601 frequency points in any frequency or sweep mode. Using an
Keysight E4416A/17A or E4418B/19B power meter (controlled by the signal
generator through GPIB) to calibrate the measurement system, a table of
power level corrections is created for frequencies where power level variations
or losses occur. These frequencies may be defined in sequential linear steps or
arbitrarily spaced.
To allow different correction arrays for different test setups or different
frequency ranges, you may save individual user flatness correction tables to
the signal generator’s memory catalog and recall them on demand.
Use the steps in the next sections to create and apply user flatness correction
to the signal generator’s RF output.
Afterward, use the steps in Recalling and Applying a User Flatness Correction
Array to recall a user flatness file from the memory catalog and apply it to the
signal generator’s RF output.