U9361C/F/G/M RCal Receiver Calibrator Measurement Guide
Programming with MATLAB
fprintf(my_SA, ':FREQ:CENT %dGHz', center_freq);
fprintf(my_SA, ':FREQ:SPAN %dGHz', freq_span);
fprintf(my_SA, ':TRAC1:TYPE MAXH');
% Once the trace has stabilized, press enter to save the trace and continue
input('Press ''Enter'' when trace stabilized...','s');
fprintf(my_SA, ':TRAC1:MODE VIEW');
input('Switch cable from SG to RCal Unit, then press ''enter''...','s');
% Set desired cal group and row to use current measurement parameters
fprintf(my_SA, 'SYST:CAL:CGR %d', cal_group);
fprintf(my_SA, ':SYST:CAL:ROW%d:UCM', cal_row);
% Now Run Calibrations (the UCM command automatically selects the newly inserted
fprintf(my_SA, ':SYST:CAL:INIT:SEL');
input('Switch cable from RCal to SG after Calibration complete, apply
calibrations manually, then press ''enter''...', 's');
fprintf(my_SA, ':SYST:CAL:ROW1:STAT ON');
fprintf(my_SA, ':TRAC2:TYPE MAXH');
input('Press ''Enter'' when trace 2 stabilized...','s');
fprintf(my_SA, ':TRAC2:MODE VIEW');
disp("Magnitude Cal Demo Complete");
Calibration Table Setup for VMA
As shown in the previous demonstrations, the
Use Current Meas
feature is not available when using
the Vector Modulation Analysis (VMA) application. The following script populates the desired
Calibration Row with your selected settings in VMA.
%% Demo #2 | {Use Current Meas} for VMA
clear all;
close all;
% Define Desired Cal Group
cal_group = 1;
% Define Mechanical Attenuation Range (must be divisable by 2)
mech_atten_range = 6;
elec_atten_raange = 6;
% Input ID (VISA, IP, etc.)
SA_address = 'USB0::0x2A8D::0x0D0B::MY49431812::0::INSTR'
SG_address = 'USB0::0x0957::0x1F01::MY53050777::0::INSTR'
% Create VISA objects for your X-Series Signal Analyzer and Power Source
my_SA = visa('keysight', SA_address);
my_SG = visa('keysight', SG_address);