U9361C/F/G/M RCal Receiver Calibrator Measurement Guide
Overview of RCal
Overview of RCal
The U9361x RCal Receiver Calibrator provides accurate signal analysis at a remote measurement
plane when using an X-Series Signal Analyzer. This integrated solution allows you to correct for
signal path and analyzer magnitude and phase errors to provide a more accurate measurement of
your transmitter under test. This measurement guide provides the following resources for best
success when using RCal:
— Initial RCal setup, including connector care and an overview of RCal’s I/O.
— Overview of the RCal Calibration graphical user interface (GUI).
— Demonstrations of both magnitude and complex corrections that highlight the most important
RCal measurement practices.
— MATLAB scripts for RCal configuration and application.
— X-Series Signal Analyzer Software Rev A.27.05 or higher (A.29.01 or higher recommended)
— U9361Y_RCL license installed on X-Series Signal Analyzer (two licenses come with each RCal
unit, and additional upgrade options are available as U9361YU_RCL)
— X-Series Signal Analyzer (N9020B, N9021B, N9030B, N9032B, N9040B, N9041B, N9042B) To
use the N9020B with RCal, you will need option DP2, MPB, or B40.
— Various signal generators. You can perform all demonstrations using either an N5173B, N5183B,
or any model of the N519xA UXG. Additional models can be used for demos 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Refer to each Demo for specific requirements.
— Option CPX adds magnitude/phase for IF flatness calibration.
Available RCal Models and Options
Frequency Range
Connector Type
10 MHz – 26.5 GHz
3.5 mm male (option MMM) or
3.5 mm female (option MMF)
10 MHz – 50 GHz
2.4 mm male (option MMM) or
2.4 mm female (option MMF)
10 MHz - 67 GHz
1.85 mm male (option MMM) or
1.85 mm female (option MMF)
10 MHz – 110 GHz
1.0 mm male (option MMM)