Controlling the System with the PNA-X
2. Continue following the Cal Wizard prompts. In the Select Calibration Ports and ECal
Module dialog box click the Select All, check box, or select the ports you are calibrating and
click Next. If an ECal characterization has been done, select View/Select ECal Module and
select the previously saved user file from
Figure 45
14-Port Calibration
3. Connect the ECal or the mechanical cal kit to the ports you are calibrating following the Cal
Wizard prompts and click Measure after each connection. The electrical delay value may be
shown in the dialog box after the last measurement, click OK.
4. At the Calibration Completed prompt, select Save As User Calset, type the name and Save.
5. After calibrating Test Set ports, use a quality load and short to verify the calibration on each
port or end of the test cable. Measure reflection and confirm the return loss is as expected. If
the result is not as expected, repeat the calibration without the Test Set and ensure that the
PNA-X is in standard (non-multiport) mode.
If measurement errors occur, ensure the newest version of firmware is
installed on the PNA. Measurement errors can be a result of firmware
algorithms. Consult with Keysight Service or firmware web page for the
latest PNA Option 551 firmware revisions and history:
U3022BH10 User's and Service Guide