Keysight N778xB Getting Started Guide
Getting Started
Refer to User's Guide (Part No. N7781-90001), “Application: Polarimeter”,
for a detailed description of the polarimeter functions.
Refer to User's Guide (Part No. N7781-90001) “Application: PMD/PDL
(PMD/PDL/Loss)”, for a detailed description of the component test
functions, i.e. Loss, PMD, PDL measurement.
Refer to User's Guide (Part No. N7781-90001), “Application: PER/PMF
Crosstalk”, for a detailed description of the functions for measuring the
polarization extinction ratio in a polarization maintaining fiber and for
measuring the splicing angle between two polarization maintaining fibers.
Operating N778xBD instruments
Use the supplied power cable to connect the instrument to a power
socket. Depending upon the previous state of the instrument it may power
up immediately. Otherwise push the button at the left of the instruments
front plate. The computer will boot Windows and will auto-login with
administrative privileges. In case you need to login manually, use:
The polarizationNAVIGATOR™ software will start up automatically after
login. Once closed, it can be started manually using the icon on the
desktop or the entry in the start menu.
You can add applications by right-clicking the root of the
application-node and selecting “add”. To reset the linkage of an
application to certain instruments, you can delete the application using
the “delete” key and re-adding it. On next activation, the application will
try to find the necessary instruments again
A proper light source has to be connected to the instrument for
performing measurements. N7782B with certain options already
includes such a laser source.