Keysight M9391A PXIe Signal Analyzer & M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator 1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
M9391A and M9381A Specifications
Some specifications for component modules were adjusted following a
manufacturing serial number break. Data sheets contain specifications for current
production modules. Specification Guides contains serial number breaks where
specifications were adjusted.
The Data Sheet and Specifications Guide for both the M9391A and the M9381A are
included on the Keysight PXIe VSA & VSG M9391A VSA, M9381A VSG and M9380A
CW Source Software and Product Information CD that came with your multi-
module instruments (MMI). Please check the Keysight website at
for the latest updates to the M9391A information. The Data Sheet for
the M9391A can also be found at
. The Specifications Guide for the M9391A
can also be found at
The Data Sheet and Specifications Guide for the M9381A are also available at
. The Data Sheet for the M9381A can also be found at
. The Specifications Guide for the M9381A can also be found at