Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
Programming Examples
This chapter provides programming examples for setting up some of the
most common functions including:
• Initialization
• SJ
• PJ
• Sampling point alignment
If you have programmed the N4903B, examples are provided for
comparison to the M8020A. This will facilitate code conversion from the
N4903B to the M8020A.
Initializing the Connection
N4903B Initialization
The ResourceName ("TCPIP1::") must be replaced
by the instrument's address string from the VISA Assistant.
' First our declarations...
Private myN490X As AgilentN490x
Private myBERT As AgilentBert
Private myPG As AgilentBertLib.IAgilentBertPG
Private myPGClock As AgilentBertLib.IAgilentBertPGClock
Private myPGOut As AgilentBertLib.IAgilentBertPGOutput
Private myEDDataIn As AgilentBertLib.IAgilentBertEDDataIn
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set myN490X = New AgilentN490x
Set myBERT = myN490x.IAgilentBert
myBERT.Initialize ("TCPIP1::",
True, True,"QueryInstrStatus=true")
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub