:SEARch Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:SEARch:SERial:CAN:SYMBolic:VALue <data>
<data> ::= value in NR3 format
The :SEARch:SERial:CAN:SYMBolic:VALue command specifies the signal value to
search for when CAN symbolic data has been loaded (recalled) into the
oscilloscope and the CAN serial search mode is set to MSIGnal.
Query Syntax
The :SEARch:SERial:CAN:SYMBolic:VALue? query returns the specified signal
Return Format
<data> ::= value in NR3 format
See Also
Encoded signal values are not supported in the remote interface (even though they can be
used in the front panel graphical interface).