Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:SBUS<n> Commands
Command Syntax
:SBUS<n>:NRZ:LOGic <logic>
<logic> ::= {HIGH | LOW}
The :SBUS<n>:NRZ:LOGic command specifies the polarity of the NRZ signal:
• HIGH — specifies that a positive voltage is used to encode a bit value of logic 1
(and a negative voltage encodes a bit value of logic 0).
• LOW — specifies that a negative voltage is used to encode a bit value of logic 1.
Query Syntax
The :SBUS<n>:NRZ:LOGic? query returns the polarity setting.
Return Format
<logic> ::= {HIGH | LOW}
See Also