Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:RECall Commands
Command Syntax
:RECall:WMEMory<r>[:STARt] [<file_name> | <data>]
<r> ::= 1 to (# ref waveforms) in NR1 format
<file_name> ::= quoted ASCII string
<data> ::= binary block data in IEEE 488.2 # format
The :RECall:WMEMory<r>[:STARt] command recalls a reference waveform.
The <data> option lets you recall a reference waveform from a local file on the
controller PC (instead of from a USB storage device connected to the
oscilloscope). In this case, your remote program reads data from the local ".h5"
format reference waveform file in the same way that setup files are restored to the
oscilloscope (see
See Also
"Introduction to :RECall Commands"
If a file extension is provided as part of a specified <file_name>, it must be ".h5".