:POWer Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
The :POWer:DESKew command launches the auto deskew process on the
Before sending this command:
Demagnetize and zero-adjust the current probe.
Refer to the current probe's documentation for instructions on how to do this.
Make connections to the U1880A deskew fixture as described in the
oscilloscope's connection dialog or in the
Power Measurement Application
User's Guide
Make sure the voltage probe and current probe channels are specified
appropriately using the :POWer:SIGNals:SOURce:VOLTage1 and
:POWer:SIGNals:SOURce:CURRent1 commands.
The deskew values are saved in the oscilloscope until a factory default or secure
erase is performed. The next time you run the Power Application, you can use the
saved deskew values or perform the deskew again.
Generally, you need to perform the deskew again when part of the test setup
changes (for example, a different probe, different oscilloscope channel, etc.) or
when the ambient temperature has changed.
See Also
Use the lowest attenuation setting on the high voltage differential probes whenever possible
because the voltage levels on the deskew fixture are very small. Using a higher attenuation
setting may yield inaccurate skew values (and affect the measurements made) because the
noise level is magnified as well.