Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:MEASure Power Commands
Command Syntax
The :MEASure:EFFiciency command installs an efficiency (output power / input
power) measurement on screen.
Before sending this command or query, you must specify the channels probing the
input voltage, input current, output voltage, and output current (using the
:POWer:SIGNals:SOURce:VOLTage<i> and :POWer:SIGNals:SOURce:CURRent<i>
commands) and you must perform the automated signals setup (using the
:POWer:SIGNals:AUTosetup EFFiciency command).
Query Syntax
The :MEASure:EFFiciency query returns the measured efficiency as a percent
Return Format
<return_value> ::= percent value in NR3 format
See Also