Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:MEASure Commands
Command Syntax
:MEASure:DELay:DEFine <source1_edge_slope>, <source1_edge_number>,
<source1_edge_threshold>, <source2_edge_slope>,
<source2_edge_number>, <source2_edge_threshold>
<source2_edge_slope> ::= {RISing | FALLing}
<source2_edge_number> ::= 0 to 1000 in NR1 format
<source2_edge_threshold> ::= MIDDle
The :MEASure:DELay:DEFine command defines slope directions and edge
numbers for the delay measurement started or returned by the :MEASure:DELay
command. The :MEASure:DELay:DEFine command also defines edge position
parameters, but currently, MIDDle is the only valid selection.
A <source1_edge_number> setting of zero (0) specifies that the edge closest to the
timebase reference point automatically be selected. In this case, the
<source2_edge_number> setting must also be zero (0), and the source2 edge
closest to the selected source1 edge is used.
When edge numbers greater than zero (0) are specified, edges are counted from
the left side of the display for both sources.
The selection of the source1 and source2 waveforms is made in the
:MEASure:DELay or :MEASure:SOURce commands.
Query Syntax
The :MEASure:DELay:DEFine? query returns the specified delay measurement
parameter definitions.
Return Format
<source1_edge_slope>, <source1_edge_number>,
<source1_edge_threshold>, <source2_edge_slope>,
<source2_edge_slope> ::= {RIS | FALL}
<source2_edge_number> ::= 0 to 1000 in NR1 format
<source2_edge_threshold> ::= MIDD
See Also