:FUNCtion<m> Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:FUNCtion<m>[:FFT]:FREQuency:STOP <frequency>
<m> ::= 1 to (# math functions) in NR1 format
<frequency> ::= the stop frequency in NR3 format.
The :FUNCtion<m>[:FFT]:FREQuency:STOP command sets the stop frequency in
the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) math function's displayed range.
The FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) math function's displayed range can also be set
with the :FUNCtion<m>[:FFT]:CENTer and :FUNCtion<m>[:FFT]:SPAN commands.
Query Syntax
The :FUNCtion<m>[:FFT]:FREQuency:STOP? query returns returns the current stop
frequency in Hertz.
Return Format
<frequency> ::= the stop frequency in NR3 format.
See Also