Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:DISPlay Commands
Command Syntax
:DISPlay:GRATicule:TYPE <type>
<type> ::= {FULL | MVOLt | IRE}
The :DISPlay:GRATicule:TYPE command sets the graticule (grid) type.
When the TV trigger type is selected (see
the vertical scaling of at least one displayed channel is 140 mV/div, the
:DISPlay:GRATicule:TYPE command lets you select from these grid types:
• FULL — the normal oscilloscope grid.
• MVOLt — shows vertical grids, labeled on the left, from -0.3 V to 0.8 V.
• IRE — (Institute of Radio Engineers) shows vertical grids in IRE units, labeled on
the left, from -40 to 100 IRE. The 0.35 V and 0.7 V levels from the MVOLt grid
are also shown and labeled at the right. When the IRE grid is selected, cursor
values on the display are also shown in IRE units. However, cursor values via
the remote interface are not in IRE units.
The MVOLt and IRE grid values are accurate when the vertical scaling is
140 mV/division and the vertical offset is 245 mV.
Query Syntax
The :DISPlay:GRATicule:TYPE? query returns the graticule (grid) type setting.
Return Format
<type> ::= {FULL | MVOL | IRE}
See Also