:DISPlay Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:DISPlay:ANNotation<n>:TEXT <string>
<string> ::= quoted ASCII string (up to 254 characters)
<n> ::= an integer from 1 to 10 in NR1 format.
The :DISPlay:ANNotation<n>:TEXT command specifies the annotation string. The
annotation string can contain as many characters as will fit in the Edit Annotation
box on the oscilloscope's screen, up to 254 characters.
You can include a carriage return in the annotation string using the characters "\
n". Note that this is not a new line character but the actual "\" (backslash) and "n"
characters in the string. Carriage returns lessen the number of characters
available for the annotation string.
Use :DISPlay:ANNotation<n>:TEXT "" to remotely clear the annotation text. (Two
sets of quote marks without a space between them creates a NULL string.)
Query Syntax
The :DISPlay:ANNotation<n>:TEXT? query returns the specified annotation text.
When carriage returns are present in the annotation text, they are returned as the
actual carriage return character (ASCII 0x0D).
Return Format
<string> ::= quoted ASCII string
See Also