Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:ACQuire Commands
Command Syntax
:ACQuire:RSIGnal <ref_signal_mode>
<ref_signal_mode> ::= {OFF | OUT | IN | PXIE}
The :ACQuire:RSIGnal command selects the reference signal mode. A common
reference signal can be used by multiple instruments to synchronize their
• The OFF mode disables the oscilloscope's REF I/O MMCX connector. The
oscilloscope's internal 10 MHz reference signal is used, and there is no
timebase synchronization.
• The OUT mode outputs the oscilloscope's internal 10 MHz reference signal to
the REF I/O MMCX connector.
• The IN mode synchronizes the oscilloscope's timebase to an external 10 MHz
square or sine wave signal that is input to the MMCX connector labeled REF
I/O. The amplitude must be from - 5 dBm to 17 dBm (356 mVpp to 4.48 Vpp).
• The PXIE mode synchronizes the oscilloscope's timebase to the PXIe chassis'
100 MHz reference signal. In this mode, the oscilloscope's timebase is
synchronized with other instruments in the PXIe chassis that are also using the
chassis' 100 MHz reference signal, and the oscilloscope's REF I/O MMCX
connector is disabled.
Query Syntax
The :ACQuire:RSIGnal? query returns the current reference signal mode.
Return Format
<ref_signal_mode> ::= {OFF | OUT | IN | PXIE}
See Also
Do not apply more than 20 dBm Max (6.32 Vpp Max) at the REF I/O MMCX connector
on the front panel or damage to the instrument may occur.