Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Obsolete and Discontinued Commands
Command Syntax
:MEASure:UPPer <value>
The :MEASure:UPPer command sets the upper measurement threshold value. This
value and the LOWer value represent absolute values when the thresholds are
ABSolute and percentage when the thresholds are PERCent as defined by the
:MEASure:DEFine THResholds command.
Query Syntax
The :MEASure:UPPer? query returns the current upper threshold level.
Return Format
<value> ::= the user-defined upper threshold in NR3 format
See Also
"Introduction to :MEASure Commands"
The :MEASure:UPPer command is obsolete and is provided for backward compatibility to
previous oscilloscopes. Use the :MEASure:DEFine THResholds command (see