:SEARch Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:SEARch:SERial:LIN:MODE <value>
<value> ::= {ID | DATA | ERRor | FRAMe | FSIGnal}
The :SEARch:SERial:LIN:MODE command selects the type of LIN information to
find in the Lister display:
• ID — searches for a frame ID.
• DATA — searches for a frame ID and data.
• ERRor — searches for errors.
• FRAMe — searches for symbolic frames.
• FSIGnal — searched for symbolic frames and a signal values.
Frame IDs are specified using the :SEARch:SERial:LIN:ID command.
Data values are specified using the :SEARch:SERial:LIN:PATTern:DATA command.
Frames, signals, and signal values are specified using the
:SEARch:SERial:LIN:SYMBolic:FRAMe, :SEARch:SERial:LIN:SYMBolic:SIGNal, and
:SEARch:SERial:LIN:SYMBolic:VALue commands. LIN symbolic data files are
loaded (recalled) using the :RECall:LDF[:STARt] command.
Query Syntax
The :SEARch:SERial:LIN:MODE? query returns the currently selected mode.
Return Format
<value> ::= {ID | DATA | ERR | FRAM | FSIG}
See Also
, “:SEARch Commands,” starting on page 945