Keysight DFB Laser Source Module User’s Guide
Definition of Terms
This section defines terms that are used both in this chapter and
Generally, all specifications apply for the given environmental conditions
and after warm-up time.
Measurement principles are indicated. Alternative, measurement
principles of equal value are also acceptable.
Wavelength tuning range
The range of wavelengths for which the specifications apply, where the
relevant center wavelength is defined as the center of the tuning range.
At specified conditions and coherence control off.
With wavelength meter.
Wavelength display resolution
The smallest possible displayed wavelength increment or decrement.
Wavelength repeatability
The random uncertainty in reproducing the wavelength after detuning and
re- setting the wavelength. The wavelength repeatability is ± half the span
between the maximum and the minimum value of all measured
Uninterrupted DFB laser source module output power, constant power
level, coherence control off, controlled environment as specified.