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Rev 1.0
– Sep, 2021
TCP/IP and RS-232 Commands
KD-PS42 allows control over serial interface for bi-directional
Use Unit Control pins 4, 5, and 6 for RS-232 communication
Serial interface may also be accessed using a TCP/IP connection or using
the USB Service port
Default IP address is, with default port 23
Connection Protocol
Baud Rate = 57,600 bits per second as default
Note: Activating KD-CamUSB or KD-Amp220 control mode will automatically adjust the baud-
rate to 9,600. It must be 9,600 to support KD-CamUSB and KD-Amp220 Integrated Systems
Data Bits = 8
Stop Bits = 1
Parity = None
Flow Control = None
Carriage Return = Required at end of each string
Commands are not case-sensitive
Spaces are shown for clarity; commands should NOT have any spaces
After a new command is received, a prompt should be sent back