Current Voltage
1.0 Introduction / Product Package
2.0 Safety Measures
3.0 Danger of electric shock and other dangers
4.0 Intended Use
5.0 Testers Information
6.0 Preparation for tests
6.1 Auto-power on/ switching on
6.2 Auto-power off
7.0 Conducting Tests
7.1 Voltage test
7.1.1 Low Voltage mode
7.2 Current Test
7.3 Single-pole phase test
7.4 Phase rotation test
7.5 Continuity test
7.6 Diode test
7.7 Resistance test
7.8 Frequency test
7.9 NCV Test
7.10 Torch light
7.11 Self test
7.12 HOLD Function
7.13 Backlight
8.0 Battery Replacement
9.0 Technical Data
10.0 Cleaning and storage