Registration[12/05/2020 19:48:13]
The term Registration means saving the configuration of many different parameters of the instrument. Substantially,
all the main settings of the instruments, including the settings of the Styles, sounds, 2 effects microphone inputs and
Midi may all be saved in a Registration. In this way you may prepare and save the configurations you need for your
The instruments provides 4 banks each of which may be used to save up to 1024 Registrations. To load the banks,
simply press the
on the front panel of the instrument. Select one of the 4 banks and the
Registration of your choice with the Touch Screen on the following window that is displayed, or select the Numeric
Pad and enter the location number of the Registration you wish to load.
To save your Registration simply press the Save key on the panel and then select
the dialogue window displayed.