6.1 Lubricants
For engine and gearbox, use the specified lubricants (see under "Technical data").
For "open" lubrication points or nipple points we recommend to use biolubricant oil or biolubricant
grease. With the use of biolubricants you act ecologically correct, protect the environment and
promote the health of people, animals and plants.
6.2 Fuels
The built-up B & S or Honda engine can be easily operated with commercial unleaded normal and
premium gasoline and leaded premium gasoline.
Do not add oil to the gasoline.
If unleaded petrol is used for the environment, engines that are to be decommissioned for more
than 30 days should have their fuel drained completely to avoid resinous residues in the
carburetor, fuel filter and tank, or to add fuel stabilizer to the fuel.
6.3 Maintenance and repair
Your dealer has trained mechanics who perform proper maintenance and repair.
You should only carry out major maintenance work and repairs yourself if you have the appropriate
tools and knowledge of machines and internal combustion engines.