6.8 Adjustment
As the acceleration value due to gravity is not the same at every location on earth,
each display unit with connected weighing pan must be coordinated - in compliance
with the underlying physical weighing principle - to the existing acceleration due to
gravity at its place of location (only if the weighing system has not already been
adjusted to the location in the factory). This adjustment process must be carried out
for the first commissioning, after each change of location as well as in case of
fluctuating environment temperature. To receive accurate measuring values it is also
recommended to adjust the display unit periodically in weighing operation.
Observe stable environmental conditions. Stabilisation requires a certain
warm-up time.
Ensure that there are no objects on the weighing pan.
When the
-key is pressed during the adjusting procedure, [STOP]
will be displayed and adjustment interrupted. The balance returns to
weighing mode.
At the models with internal adjustment weight (KERN PNJ) the adjustment
with external weight is not possible.
The following error messages may be displayed during adjustment.
Wrong adjustment weight (< 50% max)
Divergence last external adjustment > 1%
Weighing pan loaded
Divergence from last internal adjustment > 1%
Internal adjustment automatics defective
Err 710
Instable environmental conditions