KharkovEnergoPribor Ltd. | KEP Ltd.
+380 57 393 1069
www.kep.ua | [email protected]
1.1 Application
The Tracer paired with the GT-75 and GT-15 Transmitters is
designed to locate and trace cable and pipe lines (hereinafter
referred to as Utilities).
1.2 Description
The Tracer:
locates the planimetric position, orientation and misalignment of
utilities with simultaneous indication of a target line depth and
intensity of current through the line in the TRACE mode;
finds and traces the areas of faulty insulation of the utility line and
locates the position and depth of the line in the «TRACE/ SONDE»
picks the cable conductors and detects the short-circuited areas or
wire break (using the MD-01 mini-sensor);
logs readings with positional data received from external GPS
module; transmits these data to a PC.
Without the aid of the Transmitter the Tracer:
on the «50Hz» and «550Hz» frequencies locates cables by
detection Power signals naturally occurred on the utilities;
on the «100Hz» and «300Hz» frequencies locates utilities and
finds areas of damaged insulation of pipes by detecting
Electrochemical protection signals;
on the «55Hz» and «1450Hz» frequencies locates the areas of
ground fault of overhead lines by detection Power current
in the «AIR» mode locates utilities by re-radiated broadcasting and
telephone signals within the frequency band from 48Hz to 14kHz;
in the «RADIO» modes locates utilities by re-radiated broadcasting
signals within the frequency band from 10kHz to 36kHz.