The subsidiary machine assignment key, is used to initiate subsidiary machine calling for
(thinking that the number already imports or may be used to receive can of incoming telegrams
under telephone directory circumstances) . Display screen meeting display allocates dozen of
animated cartoon time dialing, if being lead plane dialing , is able to demonstrate "SIM card
before the number 1 ", if being "2 be able to demonstrate SIM card" before subsidiary machine
dialing, is in a number. State the other party's upper on queen display screen meeting is
demonstrated communicating by phone information.
Answer / reject a call
Need to receive can of incoming telegrams , ask according to communicating by phone key. Be
going to communicate by phone in conclusion , to ask according to the key being over.
Be going to refuse to receive can of incoming telegrams , to ask according to the key being over. Be
going to use incoming telegram tinkle of bells silence , to invite the silence choosing.
Loudspeaker turn on or canceled. During a call, press the right soft key <hands-free> you can turn
on / off speakerphone
Warning: Because of the loudspeaker sound volume possibility is very big
therefore mobile telephone not being put in when using a loudspeaker please Keep away from ears.
Call mute function
Call interface, press the right soft key for mute, un-mute function.
6. Function of main menu
Standby screen, press the Applications or click the touch screen to enter the main menu.
7. Phone
By pressing a button or stylus input numbers, press the arrow keys to select the search to the
contacts, the practical effect of the operation according to the icon.
8. Messaging
Enter the information menu, press the left soft key to enter the options menu to enter the
template, voice mail, settings menu. Into any mailbox in the message list interface, press the left
and right arrow keys to switch between the mail room.
Write SMS