Kenwood KFC-1682ie Installation Instructions Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for KFC-1682ie

Page 1: ...HAUT PARlEUR ENCASTRABlE I AlTAVDZ DE MDNTAJE A NIVEl AlTIFALANTE DE MDNTAGEM NIVELADA KFC 1682ie Sound Image Enhancer 160 mm 6 1 2 in l3 Way 3 Speaker Accentuateur de l image sonore 160 mm 3 voies 3 haut parleurs 000 KEN ...

Page 2: ... talM como 101 de un cable de alirrn nlilclOn 51 no podrlan produclrse a llas 0 peligros de lncendlo Njo utilize os fiDS fomecidos pa ltlf I ntes Pil a OUI OS p 0p6sltos p e como colbo de Iimentol aol Caso contra lo pode a esultol em mau funcionamentoou isoo de inctndio 4 04 5 I I I o Kenwood Corporation Designed ilnd Engineered in Japiln I OMign et Conception au Japen Tokyo 192 8525 Japan Made in...

Page 3: ...PARlEUR ENCASTRABLE I ALTAVtlZ DE MONT t JE ANIVEL AlTIFAL l NTE DE MONTAGEM NIVELADA KFC 1682ie Sound Image Enhancer 160 mm 6 1 2 in l3 Way 3 Speaker Rated Power Frequency Response Sensitivity _Impedance Net Weight With Grille 1 pair ...

Page 4: ...uipped speakers to DC 12 V negative ground 2 Tension d allmentatlon Raccorder les haut parleurs munis d in eclairage sur 12 VCC mise ala terre negative 3 Water and moisture Do not install the speakers in locations which may be subject to water or moisture 3 Esu et humldlt Ne pas installer les haut parieurs dans des endroits ou ils peuvent etre exposes ade I eau ou a I humidite 4 Dust and unstable ...

Page 5: ...esse du client K0bers navn og adresse Nombre y direccion del cliente Asiakkaan nimi osoite Ovo a KaL bLEveuva ayopaO tl Nome e indirizzo del cliente Kundens navn og adresse Nome e morada do comprador Kundens namn adress Naam adres van de klant Nafn og heimilisfang kaupanda L isem u I indirizz tax xerrej Name address of customer See back cover for table of contents 846 0682 00 01 06 02 Warranty Car...

Page 6: ...ted before it was shipped to you If properly installed and operated in accordance with instructions furnished it should give optimum reliable performance SCOPE OF EXPRESS WARRANTY Each of the KENWOOD brand products is expressly warranted under normal installation and use against defects in material and workmanship During the express warranty period KENWOOD ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD will provid...

Page 7: ...orm to KENWOOD specifications h Damage or deterioration occurring to any exterior finishes cosmetic parts tape heads adaptors antennas cables tapes discs or faults or damage caused by defective or leaking batteries i Defects or damage occurring during shipping claims should be presented to the shipping company j Product voltage and lor line frequency conversions k Product installation or removal c...

Page 8: ...EUTSCHLAND GMBH Geachtegebruikervan Kenwood produkten WijdankenUvoorhetkiezenvanditKenwoodprodukt het Produkt IndienhetProdukt bijnormaalgebruik gebrekenzouvertonen zalhet gratiswordenhersleldofvervangenovereenkomstigdebepalingenvan dezeGarantiekaart lndienhetproduktaangekachtwerdineenEEG lidstaatenUbijhetgebruikervanproblemenondervindt gelievehet danaantebiedenbijeenoffici le Kenwood importeur Er...

Page 9: ... nlo interferem nem de modo algum afectam os outros dlreltos de utlllza lo do Produto que sao regldos pelas determlna iies legals aplicaveis UK Ireland Dear User of Kenwood Products Thank you for having chosen lhis Kenwood product the ProdUct If it becomes defective under normal operating conditions il will be repaired or replaced free of charge in conformity with lhe terms of this Warranty Card I...

Page 10: ...inaux g LeProduitdontlenumerodeserieaetepartiellementou integralementretire modifieouefface LapresenteGarantieestconstitueeenfaveurdetoutepersonneayant acquisleProduitdemanierelegale Le Produit sera remplace ou repare gratuitement aux conditions exposeesci dessus Si I utilisateurestun non professionnel ou un consommateur il beneficieraen toutetatdecause delagarantielegale encasdedefautsoudevicesca...

Page 11: ...eri notandi Kenwood trekja Til hamingju me6 n yja Kenwood treki6 pitt Ef einhverjir framlei6slugallar koma f Ij6s vi6 venjulega notkun vinsamlegast haf6u samband vi6 umb06smann Kenwood a islandi TAKTUR O HARALDSSON H F Armuli 17 P O Box 8915 128 Reykjavik Tel 91 5688840 Abyrg6artimi er eitt ar fra kaupdegi a6 telja Kaupandi skal flytja treki6 til og fra verkstre6i a eigin kostna6 A6 Mru leiti skal...
