Kenwood 08AO6-4E2-200 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 08AO6-4E2-200


Page 2: ...stailatron Thrs equrpment n aycauseharmfuliltterference to radlo communications i rtrsnot rnstalled anduseornaccordance wrth the Inslructions However there snoQuaranlee thal intederence willnotoccurina partrcular rnstallatron If thrsequrpment does causeharmful interterence to radro or televlsron reception whtch canbe deternrrned byturnrng the equipment off andon the userrs encouraged to tryto corr...

Page 3: ... C D ILLUMINATION Abouttheinslructions of operotion OperateMultimediaPlayeron the radiounit For basicoperationsreferto the Owner sManual of your radiounit MP3MMA Operating FILE SELECTION FOLDER SELECTION R A N D O M P L A Y Instruct on r 1 2 I I Explonolionof the hqnd morks h 3 sec Pressmomentarily Pressand hold for at least 3 seconds 3 ...

Page 4: on Goodarr circulatron isessentral to prevent lreatburld up rnthe unit especially rnhot weatnerl CARWASHING Do not wash the player snea kersor Cf rro rslrrre r H v e i v J i cancause electrical shorts or otherdamage OUTSIDE CLEANING Usea softclothto clean the player Do notusekerosene thinner or anyothertypeof solvent PRECAUTION FOR OPEBATIONS Pressthe buttonssoftiy whenoperating the unit Applyi...

Page 5: ... has bur s use rtafTe removtng thenr with a ballpen e1c CDcleaning Clean tronrthecenter of rheCD andmoveoutward Removing GDs Whenremoving CDsfromthisunrtpull themoul honzontallv CDstorage Q t o Don t placethem tn direct sunlight On lhe seat or dashboarrjetc anOwnere tne lemperatUrerShtgh StoreCDs rntheircases CDs thatcan tbeused CDsthalaren tround can tbe used riii ii ii gi CDswithcoloring on the ...

Page 6: ...iaved Seftings foryourMP3 WMA encoder andCDwriter Do the foiiorryrng setlrng whencompressrng auoro data MP3datawiththeMP3encoder Transferbit rate 8 320 kbos Sampling frequency B 11 025 12 16 22 05 24 32 44 1 48 k1z 6 WMAdatawiththe WMA encoder Transferbitrate 48 192kbps Sampling freguency 32 44 1 48 kHz WhenyouuseyourCDwriler10recordMP3A ryMA up to the maxrmum disccapacrtv drsable addrlronai wrrtr...

Page 7: ...edwithlile Dt beingplayed c jorle Operation of the bunon DISC Oisc Down Button OISC Dtsc Up Button 1 3 a 2 a 1 a 4 a o r t t t urrent r number About displays intheradiounit lt playing trmeismorethan100minutes onlylasttwo dtgtts are orsoraveo lf thefoldernumber rs l00 00 isdrsplayed lnformalron on filenanres Iags etc cannotbe dtsplayed Foldernumbersnraynotbe displayed depending on radro unrts Displ...

Page 8: up TheCDwrllstanplaying Do notattempr to rnsert a CD intothe slotif another onersalready there lf an MP3MMA 1rle thatcannotbe played is played theDISC Indrcator blrnks to showthe unavailabilrty A copy protected WMA frleis played DRM Digital Rights M rnagenrent A MP3A A MA rsplayedwrtha fornratthatthis unrtcant support Tostopandeject Pressthe EJECT button TheCDwrllelect 8 ...

Page 9: ...ion control the illumination color between white and amber f r l 04 3 sec Toswitch theillumination color Pressthe EJECT button for at leastthree seconds Each press ofa button alternates therllun rnatron colorasshowbelow White Amber lllunrinatron colors cannotbeswitched during ACC beingOFF 9 ...

Page 10: ...button on the radio unit Eachtrnrethe buttonis pressed a frleswitches thenextfrlernthefolder to Track Down Backward fileskip Pressthe TrackDown button on the radio unit lf the buttonis pressed once the beginning of the current fileisfound Then eachtimethe buttonrs pressed a fileswitches to theprevious filernthe fo der 1 0 ...

Page 11: ...e unitplaysthe medrum starts at the beginnrng of the selected iolder lf the selectedfoldercontains no MP3A MAfile the unitautomatically plays the rlenearest to thatfolder rnthe MP3MMA fileplaying order DiscDown Backward folder skip Pressthe DiscDown button on the radio unit Pressing the buttonmovesbackto the previous folder Theunitolavs the mediumstartsat the beginning oi the selected folder 1 1 ...

Page 12: ...e nextfolder willstart playing using thesamefunction TrackUp Toselect another file Pressthe Track Up button on the radio unit Theplayer willrandomly choose another fileinthe folder or DiscUp DiscDown Tochange folder Pressthe DiscUp or Disc Down button on the radio unit Eachtinrethe buttonis pressedfoldersswrtchin seqUence to continue Random Play I RandomOfl Tocancel random play Disablingthe Random...

Page 13: listen to SCANPLAY ScanOn Tostartscanplay Enablingthe Scanfunction on the radiounit Thefirstl0 seconds of eachfileisplaved in sequence ScanOff Tocancel scan play Disablingthe Scanfunction on the radiounit Scanolavwillbecanceled andnormal olavwill resume Whenallfilesrnthefolderyouarelrstening to are scanned thescanplavrscanceled 13 ...

Page 14: ...m i Disc cenler hole detective preventlngtable of contents tTOCtto be read trrggenng the erectmechanrsm TheCDwon ttnsert TheCD s r lurte burrs d Removeburrsof CD referrrng to thesectron on When usinqa new disc refer to paqe5 Thesoundskrps ona CD The CD SScratcned 2 or drrtyi Ctean the CD referring to thesectron on Disccleanino ireferto page5 P nhores rn orsccauseddunng stanrDrng p ocesson e lectrv...

Page 15: ...starts playrng MP3 A r MA Farls to playMP3A VMA Inthe rntended oroer TheMP3 A IMA trackswere notwrittenby tneCDlvrrter rnihe orderin whicnvou lvanteo themto be plaved Depending on theCDwriter younraybeableto setthe orderinwhichMP3MMA tracks arelo be piayed by writingthemontoa rredrurn withtheirlracknarnes begrnning withplaysequence numbers suchas 0 l to 99 Thesoundskrps whenanMP3 WM A rs Derng pra...

Page 16: ...Samplrn g 1 brl 1000 400rpm CLV 2trmes BelowMeasurable Limrt 2 0Hz 20 kHz 0 01 7j 9 0 d B 9 0d B co piiu i i n tvtpic t oilz otlzu o o t i Comp1ranl wrth Wrndows MedrarM Audro General SuPPlv vortage Maxrnumcurrent Drmensrons wrdth x tength x depth Weight 13 2 V DC negatrve earth 1 5 A o pe ra tr ng 1 5 mA standby 180x 50x 155mnr 1 1 1 1 6 x 2 x 6 1 1 8 i n c h 2 31 lbs 1 05kg Specificationssublect...
