Page 1: ... result in property damage personal injury or death Grill InformationCenter Missing Parts Assembly Questions Operation Problems Before returning grill to store call 1 800 241 7548 Tools needed for assembly Adjustable wrench not provided Screwdriver not provided 7 16 Combination wrench not provided SAVETHESEiNSTRUCTiONS See our extensiveassortment of outdoorliving products on lineat www sears coman...
Page 2: ...installation must conform with local codes or in the absence of local codes with either the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223 1 NFPA 54 Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code CSA B149 1 or Propane Storage and Handling Code B149 2 or the Standard for Recreational Vehicles ANSI A 119 2 NFPA1192 and CSAZ240 RV Series Recreational Vehicle Code as applicable All electrical accessories such as rotisse...
Page 3: ... a prorated refund anytime after the product warranty period expires Purchase your Repair Protection Agreement today Some limitations and exclusions apply For prices and additional information in the U S A call 1 800 827 6655 Coverage in Canada varies on some items For full details call Sears Canada at 1 800 361 6665 Sears installation Service For Sears professional installation of home appliances...
Page 4: ...required measurements 12 30 5cm diameter x 18 45 7 cm tall with 20 lb 9 kg capacity maximum LP Tanks must be constructed and marked in accordance with specifications for LP Tanks of the U S Department of Transportation DOT or for Canada CAN CSA B339 tanks spheres and tubes for transportation of dangerous goods Transport Canada TC See LP Tank collar for marking LP Tankvalve must have Type 1 outlet ...
Page 5: appliances During leak test keep grill away from open flames or sparks Use a clean paintbrush and a 50 50 mild soap and water solution Brush soapy solution onto areas indicated by arrows in figure below Leaks are indicated by growing bubbles If growing bubbles appear do not use or move the LP tank Contact an LP gas supplier or your fire department Do not use household cleaning agents Damage to...
Page 6: ...ction disconnect regulator and repeat steps 5 and 6 If you are still unable to complete the connection do not use this regulator Call 1 800 4 MY HOME for identical replacement part L L Do not insert any tool or foreign objects into the valve outlet or safety relief valve You may damage the valve and cause a leak Leaking propane may result in explosion fire severe personal injury or death If a leak...
Page 7: prior to grilling It is not recommended to clean cooking surfaces while grill is hot A If you notice grease or other hot material dripping from grill onto valve hose or regulator turn off gas supply at once Determine the cause correct it then clean and inspect valve hose and regulator before continuing Perform a leak test A Keep ventilation openings in cylinder enclosure grill cart free and cle...
Page 8: ...ollector box or burner and electrode See Troubleshooting if no click or spark Valve Check important Make sure gas is off at LP cylinder before checking valves Knobs lock in OFF position To check valves first push in knobs and release knobs should spring back If knobs do not spring back replace valve assembly before using grill Turn knobs to LOW position then turn back to OFF position Valves should...
Page 9: ...assembly or if you have trouble igniting grill 1 Turn gas OFF at control knobs and LP cylinder 2 Remove cooking grates and flame tamers 3 Remove carryover tubes and burners 4 Detach electrode from burner NOTE Removal Detachment method will depend on the burner configuration See different configurations in illustrations below Carefully lift each burner up and away from valve openings We suggest thr...
Page 10: cooked foods Cook Cook meat and poultry thoroughly to kill bacteria Use a thermometer to ensure proper internal food temperatures Chill Refrigerate prepared foods and leftovers promptly For more information call USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1 800 535 4555 in Washington DC 202 720 3333 10 00 am 4 00 pm EST How To Tell If Meat Is Grilled Thoroughly Meat and poultry cooked on a grill often br...
Page 11: ...OL KNOB G430 0027 W1 26 5 CONTROLKNOB G432 0010 W1 27 1 RIGHTSIDESHELF G550 0400 W1 28 1 iFASClA F RIGHT SHELF G550 5301 W1 29 1 StDEBURNER SHELF G550 0500 W1 30 1 iDRIPPAN F StDEBURNER G430 0034 W2 31 1 StDEBURNER LID G430 0018 W1 32 1 iFASClA F StDEBURNER SHELF G550 5401 W1 33 1 StDEBURNER G550 5600 W1 34 1 ELECTRODE F StDEBURNER G430 0042 W1 35 1 IGNITORWIRE F StDEBURNER G430 5303 W1 36 1 CLIPF...
Page 12: ... _2 464220_0 ...
Page 13: ...egs Placebottomshelfendwithcutout holefor LPcylinderbetweenlegassemblywithaxle holes Attachto rightandleft leg assemblies with 4 1 4 20x1 1 2 screws and 4 1 4 20flange nuts Tightensecurely MatchHolder 1 4 20Flangenuts Qty 4 LeftLegAssembly Axlehole BottomShelf 1 4 20x1 1 2 Screws Qty 4 RightLegAssembly 464220110 13 ...
Page 14: ...heet metal screws Makesure metaltabsaretowardbottom 8 32x3 8 sheetmetalscrews Qty 6 D Tank Exclusion Wire Hangtankexclusionwire ontofrontpanelbrackets attachotherendsto bottomshelfwith 2 8 32x3 8 sheet metalscrews 8 32x3 8 sheetmetalscrews Qty 2 14 464220110 ...
Page 15: ...heelspacer legsandotherwheel Besureto face cone sideof wheelagainstleg Attachwith 1 axlewasherandhitchpin Hammerlegextendersinto rightlegs WheelSpacer HitchPin Qty 1 AxleWasher Qty 1 LegExtenders Qty 1 Rod Wheel WheelSpacer Axle Washer HitchPin Cone side of wheelagainst leg 464220110 15 ...
Page 16: ...ssteprequirestwopeopleto liftand positiongrillheadontocart Carefullylowerthe grillheadontothe cart Makesurethe regulatorhoseis hangingoutsidethecart Attach headto cartwith 4 1 4 20 1 2 screws 1 4 20xlt2 screws Qty 4 Grill Head 16 464220110 ...
Page 17: ...fireboxas shown B Attachshelfwith 4 1 4 20flange nuts C SupportBracket RightSideShelf 1 4 20xl 2 7mm 1 4 20 screws FiberWasher FlangeNut Qty 4 Qty 4 Qty 4 D Fascia RightSide Shelf Attachfasciaandside shelfto fireboxwith 3 8 32x3 8 sheet metalscrews CAUTION Fasciamustbesecurelytightenedto fireboxto safelymovegrill 8 32x3 8 sheetmetalscrews Qty 3 Fascia RightSideShelf 464220110 17 ...
Page 18: shown B Attachshelfusing 4 1 4 20flange nuts C Lid removed for clarity SideBurnerShelf 1 4 20xlt2 screws Qty 4 7mmFiberWashers Qty 4 1 4 20 FlangeNuts Qty 4 Left Fascia 1_ Attachfasciato fireboxwith 3 8 32x3 8 sheetmetal screws CAUTION Fasciamustbesecurelytightenedto fireboxto safelymovegrill 8 32x3 8 sheetmetalscrews Qty 3 Fascia 18 464220110 ...
Page 19: ...helf B Makesureto insertvalveintosideburnertube Attachsideburnerwith 1 wing nut C Under sideburnershelf installsideburnerclip to sidebumertube andvalve Attachsideburnerignitorwire to electrodeasshown D Placegrateontosideburnershelf E Presscontrolknobontosideburnervalvestem F Bezel _ Sideburner Valve j Sideburner _r Valve El El Sideburner Grid Correctly assembled burner to valveengagement BurnerCli...
Page 20: ...Heat Shield Attach heat shield over burners inside front of grill with 2 8 32 3 8 sheet metal screws HeatShield 8 32x3 8 sheetmetalscrews Qty 2 Lid removed for clarity GrillFront 20 464220110 ...
Page 21: ...ndsof SwingAwaypivotwireinto holesinsidesof grilllid Insertendsof SwingAwaylegwire intoholesin sidesof firebox NOTE Pivotandlegwires runningside to side shouldbeunderwiresrunningfront to back If pivotand legwiresareon top SwingAwayis installedupside down Unscrew ignitorcapand placeAA batteryinto ignitorslotwithpositiveend facingoutward Screwignitorcaponto ignitor Away PivotWire _ LegWire Grate AAB...
Page 22: ...Cup LP Tank LPtankis soldseparately Useonlywithan OPD over fillprotectiondevice equippedLPtank Fillandleakcheckbeforeattaching to grillandregulator PlaceLPtankinto holeinbottomshelfwithtankcollaropeningfacingto side as shown Fingertightentankthumbscrewto holdLP tanksecurelyin place SeeUseand Caresection to correctly LeakTest and performthe Burner FlameCheck cAu rlo Failure to installtank correctly...
Page 23: ...dopento allowflamesto diedown Aftercooling cleanfood particlesand excessgreasefrominsidefireboxarea greasetray andother surfaces Troubleshooting Burner s will not light usingignitor SeeElectronicIgnition Troubleshooting also Continuedonnext page GASISSUES Tryingto lightwrongburner Burnernot engagedwithcontrolvalve Obstruction inburner Nogas flow Vaporlockat couplingnutto LPcylinder Couplingnut and...
Page 24: ...ait30secondsandlightgrill Ifflamesarestilllow turnoff knobsandLPcylindervalve Disconnectregulator Reconnect regulatorandleak test Turnon LPcylindervalve wait 30secondsandthenlightgrill Turnoff knobsandLPcylindervalve Disconnectcouplingnutfrom cylinder Reconnect andretry Turnfrontof grillto facewindor increaseflameheight RefillLPcylinder Referto Suddendropin gasflow above Cleanburnersand insideof g...
Page 25: ...arksaregenerated withnew batteryandgood wire connections moduleis faulty Are outputconnections on andtight Unscrewbuttoncap assemblyandreinstall making sure threadsarealignedandengagedfully Replacesparkmoduleassembly Removeandreconnectall outputconnections at moduleandelectrodes Outputlead connectionsnot connected Arcingto grillaway fromburner s Weakbattery Electrodesarewet Electrodescrackedor bro...
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Page 28: ...8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i i8i8i8i8i8i_i 1 800 4 MY HOME 1 8oo 46e 466s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ Call anytime day or night U S A and Canada Our Home For repair of carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for th...