Kenmore 251.907Q1 Use & Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 251.907Q1

Page 1: Cuidodo English Espofiol Model Modelo 251 907Q1 P N J8000OO44OO Seqrs Br ond s Mo nog emen t Corporotion Hoff mon Estotes IL 60 IZ9 USA www seors com i i t W 3 Mrcroban lGnmore Elite ffiwMwwWN ffiwm ffiwsNwffi N ffimmNmx ffi ...

Page 2: ... Home Forrepair of carry in itemslikevacuums lawnequipment andelectronics callanytime forthelocation of thenearest Sears Parts RepairServiceGenter 1 800488J1 l 1 iii 131 3 canada To purchase a protection agreement ona product serviced bySears 1 800 827 6655 us A 1 800 361 6665 canada Parapedirservicio dereparacion AuCanada pourservice enfranqais a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 gg LE FOYERMc l ...

Page 3: ...ailureof this productif it is not installed operatedor maintained accordingto allthe instructions suppliedwiththe product 5 Damage toor failureof this productresulting from accident abuse misuseor use for otherthan its intendedPurpose 6 Damageto or failureof ifrisproductcausedby the use of detergents cleaners chemicals or utensilsotherthanthose recommendedin all instructions suppliedwiththe produc...

Page 4: ... authorized repairservice Because thefanrotates at highspeed during operation always unplug dehumid ifierbeforeattempting anyrecommended maintenance or cleaning Donotblock theinletor outlet lt may causeunitto failor to operate inefficiently Donotremove plugfromoutletby pulling onthecord Whennotinuse turning theunitoffwill saveenergy Unplug thedehumidifier whennotusingforlongperiods oftime Whenremo...

Page 5: ...d 3 prong outlet Donotremove groundprong Do notusea two prong adapter Donotuseanextension cord Failure to followtheseinstructions canresult indeath fireor electrical shock A WARNING DONOTUSEAN EXTENSION CORD A WARNING Toreduce theriskof fire electric shockor injury to persons readthe important SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS foundon page 3 before operating thisappliance Install thedehumidifier on a levelfloor...

Page 6: ...s These limits aredesigned toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference ina residential initallation Thisequipment generates usesand canradiate radio frequency energy and ifnotinstalled andused inaccordance withtheinstructions may cause harmful interference toradio communications However there isnoguarantee thatinterference will notoccur inaparticular installation lfthisequipment d...

Page 7: ...e adjusted in t hourincrements rangirrg from1to 12hours Delay timewillbe showninwindow 7 8 andwillcountdownto starttimein t hourincrements CycleTimer 4 Inthissetting theunrt willrunforeither 3 6 or 12hours then shut offfor3 6 or12hours Cycle timecanbeadjusted bypushing thetimer arrow upordown 6 repeatedly tosetoperating time for3 6 or 12hoursThecycle timer function will continue until youchange th...

Page 8: ...ket manuallY OPTION 3 PUMPDRAIN 1 Remove thePUMPDRAIN CAPbyturn ingclockwise Reverse thread Fig 1 2 Remove thedrain hole PLUGbypulling out whilepressing inonthecoupler Fig 2 Keepthe DRAINCAPandPLUGforfutureuse 3 Feedthe 1 4 inch hoseprovided through theholeintheDRAIN CAP Fig 3 4 Insert theendof hoseintothedrainhole Fig 4 thenscrewDRAIN CAPback ontotheunit Placetheotherendofthe hoseinthelocation yo...

Page 9: ...floatswitchis required forthe dehumidifier toturnon CLEANING SIDEGRILLS ANDAIR FILTERS 1 Snapopenthebottom taboffilter located below theofsidegrill Fig 1 Grills arelocated on bothsidesof unit 2 Pullthefilterdownandawayfromunit untilitisallthewaYout Fig 2 Note Thefilterisextremely flexible This action willnotdamagethefilter 3 Washwithmilddetergent Rinsethoroughly Airdryawayfromdirectsunlight 4 Usin...

Page 10: ...l sound ofthe refrigerant flowing through thecoils Normal sound ofexPansion and contraction causedbytemperature changes Dehumidification functionis inefficient Arethefilters andgrills dirtY ls indoor temPerature under 65 F Clean theSIDEGRILL andAIR FILTER Although theunitwilldehumidify at temperatures below65degrees thereisa potential forfrosttodevelop whichmayinhibit theunit s efficiency Unit is ...

Page 11: ...ways allowan airgapbetween theendof thedrainhoseandwhere thehosewilldrain into lftheendofthehosebecomes submerged irrwater a backflow ofwatermayoccurinto themachine 17 Remove andreinstall thepumpdrainhose I tat ing carethatthepumpdrainhoseis I installed properlv lg ptuqtheilehumidlfier inandrestart Ig tftn e E3 erroris stillindicated please I contactyournearestservicecenlel Classification Spec Rem...

Page 12: ...rmost frame constructed homes however cerlain materials canreducerangeevenfurther Metal siding stucco andsometypesof glasscanreduce signal rangebyasmuch as75o o compared tothe50 reduction typical of mostobstructions lt ispossible to receive a signalthrough thesematerials however maximum range willbemuchless duetotheirtendency toabsorbor reflect a muchlarger portion ofthedehumidifier s signal NOTE ...

Page 13: ...feature hasbeenpre selected onthemain unitandthePumP isoPerating TEMPERATURE 8 disPlaY showsthe current temperature near rqrnail rlnit SETTING PREFERENCES PressSET 11 oncetoenter the Setting Mode Press SET 11 andholddownfor 3 seconds tocheck yourReceiver version SETHOUROF DAY 4 Press SET 11 a second time Hourwill begin flashing Thenpress 13 or 12 O C tosetthehour1 12 AM or 1 12PM SETMINUTES 4 Pres...
