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Page 2: vent cover over the vents in the hood front 3 instant the damperlduct connector INSTALLING A VENTLESS HOOD 1 Purchase a 50183 Ventless Kit which con tains one Clean Cooking System I fllter Filter Replacement Filters on the 5t0 series hood are removed by turning the filter retaining clip to the side and lifting the filter out In the vented version turn the filter retaining clip to one side an...
Page 3: ...eet Metal Screw 8 18 x 3t8 Phil Truss Bulb Holder with Wires Light Lens Fan Blade Machine Screw 10 24 x 318 Slotted Motor Motor Mounting Bracket Locking Nut 6 32 Wire Lead Ctip KEY 233 51089 0 N O PART NO 1 4 97006931 t 5 97007996 1 6 99420472 17 99420O4O 1 8 97005544 19 98005221 20 99100379 21 99030172 22 99030171 23 99O90620 24 99150471 2 5 99090516 97008257 99041318 99041320 233 5168910 PART NO...
Page 4: ...y transmitted to a Sears Repair Parts Dis tribution Center for expedited handling LBMmTED WARRANTY It within one yea_ hem the date of installation any part el this range hood lafls lo Iunclion properly due to a defect in material or workmanship Sears will repair Ihe par ot lurnlsh and inslafl a new pad lree of charge tl w thm 30 days Irom Ihe dale el nstallation lhe finish on any paroled o_ brigt_...