Kendrion Kuhnke Automation GmbH
Construction and Functionality
Kuhnke Vico
8 Web Terminal Functions
8.1 Chromium
Chromium is an HTML5-based web browser. It is an open source project originally launched by Google. It is
already installed on Kuhnke Vico 04 Web units. Enable the "full screen standalone" option to use the browser
for displaying web-based visualisations of systems and machines.
8.1.1 Settings
The "Settings page" will welcome you when you start chromium browser for the first time. Please note that
you have to log in to be able to display the "Setting page". Use the Username and Password of your Vico
Web unit.
If the unit is set to running the brower at start-up, you can display the "Settings page" by keeping the top left
corner of the touch screen pressed for several seconds.
The "Setting page" provides access to all the relevant Chromium browser settings.
The [Back] button exits the configuration interface.
Activating the settings after a restart