Microprojector 2
Microprojector 2
Instruction Manual
7. Note also that as the magnification increases, the diameter of the
field will decrease, requiring you to use either the floating stage,
mechanical stage or both to keep the exact portion of the specimen
you are interested in observing, in focus.
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Follow normal practice for any high quality optical instrument:
1. Unplug Power to unit
2. Immediately clean up any spills you might have on the X2000.
Particularly any corrosive agents should be wiped off, and/or
neutralized as necessary.
3. Store the X2000 with the cover provided.
4. Clean the Zoom Objective Lens only with standard lens paper to
preventing scratching.
5. Do not use any liquids to clean the lens, except water. (dampen
a piece of lens paper if oils or fingerprints are on the lens)
6. Store in a clean, dry location away from corrosive agents and dust.
100 Lauman Lane, Suite A, Hicksville, NY 11801
Tel: (877) 877-7274 | Fax: (516) 801-2046
Email: [email protected]